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Grade 2 Homework (Week 10):

Distributed: Thursday, November 8th Due: Friday, November 15th 1. Literacy: Read your leveled reading book aloud to your parents for 15-20 minutes per night. Remember to fill out your reading log. Turn in your Reading Log on Friday. 2. Spelling: Go to the Spelling City Website at: Then click on your Spelling List. Try one activity per night. There will be a spelling quiz on Friday. 3. Literacy: After each time you read this week, practice retelling the main events of your nightly reading to your parents. Here are good retelling Retelling Learning Targets for Grade 2 students to aim for: 1. 2. 3. 4. I can determine what is important to tell when retelling a story. I can retell the events of a story in sequence. I can tell a story expressively, not using the words from the book exactly, but in my own words and voice. I can retell a story with correct information. 4. Mad Minutes Ask your mom or dad to copy the addition worksheets which your teacher gave you recently. Practice a different Mad Minute sheet about 3-4 nights per week depending on how much or how little practice you need. Be prepared for a 1 minute quiz on Thursday or Friday of every week. 5. PYP: Attached to your homework is your Materials List for your Houses and Homes final project. We would like you to bring in all of your materials by Friday, November 15th. We will be making your final model home project in class starting on Monday, November 18th. 6. Mathletics: Complete the entire Geometry section. This section includes a combination of patterns and geometry.

Optional Bonus Homework: PYP: Create a Power Point or Keynote slideshow about a certain type of house that you are interested in. Include an introduction page, a climate page, a materials page, a cultural page, fun facts page and a free choice page. The Power Point or Keynote should have photos, captions, information and titles. Math: Do you remember the difference between value and place value? Create a poster with definitions, examples, questions, and answers teaching Grade 1 students the difference between these two. Then, be prepared to share your poster with Grade 1 students. Remember, the value of the 8 is 897 is 800 and the place value of the 8 is the hundreds place. Literacy: In class you have been doing activities adding post-its into books that you have read in class. On the post-its you have written one of the following symbols = !, ?, V, x, /, or T-S, T-T or T-W. Then, on the post-it you wrote a question, exclamation, visualization, disagreement, agreement, text to self connection, text to text connection or text to world connection that you thought of while reading the book. Read a book from the library, your home, class, etc. and add in 10 or more post-its with the symbols and sentences that we have been learning in class.

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