Teacher's Copy Learning Outcome Band Performances Standard Descriptors Evidence

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the exhaust fumes polluted the air. B6

Appreciate literary works and present ideas critically in an exemplary manner

B6 DL1 B6 DL1 E3 Able to explain the message theme !alues the "riter is trying to con!ey using correct grammar and !ocabulary.

#as$% &ead the Dee'ay Lily(s statement. List out the problems might happen if the pollution "orse. Dra" your conclusion "ithin )* "ords. #here are too many cars on the road today. #he exhaust fumes ha!e made pollution a problem in Malaysia. #he problem is "orse in the cities. 7hat "ill happen to the citi-ens if the pollution becomes "orst8 ,all in and tell us about it. 9elp sa!e our en!ironment.

Ans"er% +roblem occurred% 1. ,iti-ens may "ear mas$ e!ery time outside their house. ). ,iti-ens may "ear oxygen mas$ and bring oxygen tan$ on their bac$ any"here. 3. ,linic becomes cro"ded "ith people because of asthma. .. Birds and other animal "ill die. ,onclusion% /f the air pollution becomes "orse and "orse0 it affects all creatures. /t affect human0 plant and animal. 1ur atmosphere "ill full "ith carbon dioxide instead of oxygen. 2o0 to reduce exhaust fumes "e can car pool. #here "ill be fe"er cars on the road and less car fumes. 3urthermore0 if "e use public transport0 "e can help reduce pollution in cities. 4Adapted from English 1 #ext Boo$ page 1356

Stu e!ts Copy LEARNING OUTCOME BAND PERFORMANCES STANDARD DESCRIPTORS EVIDENCE List out the outcomes if Malaysian ignoring the exhaust fumes polluted the air. B6
Appreciate literary works and present ideas critically in an exemplary manner

B6 DL1 B6 DL1 E3 Able to explain the message theme !alues the "riter is trying to con!ey using correct grammar and !ocabulary.

#as$% &ead the Dee'ay Lily(s statement. List out the problems might happen if the pollution "orse. Dra" your conclusion "ithin )* "ords. #here are too many cars on the road today. #he exhaust fumes ha!e made pollution a problem in Malaysia. #he problem is "orse in the cities. 7hat "ill happen to the citi-ens if the pollution becomes "orst8 ,all in and tell us about it. 9elp sa!e our en!ironment.

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