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OCOP Lesson Plan CEP416 by Rachel Harper Objective of Lesson: Students will be able to insert correct punctuation where

required and also identify and remove any unneeded punctuation. Grade: 3rd NETS-T Standards: 1a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness. 2a. Design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

Teaching Materials: Computer with Microsoft Word, Projector, Microsoft Word document with example sentences Warm Up: Have students write down 5 sentences using punctuation marks. They should use each of the following punctuation marks in at least one of their sentences: period, exclamation point, question mark, comma, and apostrophe.

Main Content: Part One Go Over Punctuation Marks Go over each of the five punctuation marks listed above, explaining what they mean, why, and how to use them. Talk students through how they could easily read a sentence and pick out where a punctuation mark is needed or not. Show students correct examples of punctuation marks used in sentences on the projector.

Part Two Show Students Next Example Page On Microsoft Word, create a page (before class) with examples of sentences with either missing punctuation marks or misused punctuation marks. Pull up this page on the projector for the whole class to see. Print a copy of this page for each student so they can write on it themselves. Give students time to correct the sentences on their own.

Part Three Correct Example Sentences With the class as a whole, have students either volunteer or be called on to describe what is wrong with the sentence. Make corrections on computer that is connected to the projector in order for all students to be able to see what is being changed. Go over with the whole class why the punctuation is either not needed or needed. Have students correct their own sheet if wrong.

Part Four Repeat The Meaning Of Punctuation Marks Quickly go over the five punctuation marks, what they do for the sentence, how to use them, and how to easily identify if they are needed. Doing this will ensure that the students really understand the concept.


Give students a worksheet to do for homework involving punctuation.

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