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Medicine Wheel Assignment

I can recognize that all aboriginal groups are unique. I can describe the role and status of men and women in each Aboriginal group that we study. I can think creatively and critically. (think outside the box)

You have been asked to create a medicine wheel. We have gone through what a medicine wheel is in class and our Elder has also talked about it. Using the information from both the class and the presentation please answer the following question and paste it to the middle of your Medicine Wheel:

What do you think is the importance of a medicine wheel to Aboriginal ways of life?
**Some important things to remember when answering this question: the role of the Medicine Wheel, the role of men and women in relation to the medicine wheel (the Elder talked about this). * **This is a picture of the notes that Francis made during the presentation- use it to jog your memory.**

Assignment Checklist
There are some specific things that I will be looking for when this medicine wheel is complete (everything must be checked off before you and it into me or I will hand it back to you!): Colored (neatly, and fully)

The question is answered completely and fully with specific examples from both our class and the Elder presentation.

You have proof read, and had someone else proofread your paragraph BEFORE pasting it on your Medicine Wheel. There should be no spelling, punctuation, capitalization or grammatical errors.

Your name on the back of the medicine wheel.

Each quadrant is labelled with: a) Spirit (East), Mind (North), Emotion(South), Body (West) OR b) Air(North), Fire (East), Water(South), Earth(West)

Student Name _________________________________ Date ___________________ Task: Medicine Wheel





Not Yet Meeting

Insufficient / Blank *

No score is awarded because there is insufficient evidence of student performance based on the requirements of the assessment task.


There are 4 quadrants that are labeled correctly and neatly colored.

There are 4 quadrants that are labeled and colored.

There are 4 quadrants that are somewhat labeled and colored.

There are 4 quadrants that arent developed.

Support/ Evidence

The response paragraph is insightful and provides correct information and examples about the importance of a medicine wheel. The work is error free (spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar).

Conventions (Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation, Grammar)

The response paragraph is thoughtful and provides the correct information and examples about the importance of a medicine wheel. The work has 1-3 conventional errors.

The response paragraph is predictable and provides somewhat correct information and examples about the importance of a medicine wheel. The work has 3-5 conventional errors.

The response paragraph is trivial and the information is incorrect/lacking evidence.

No score is awarded because there is insufficient evidence of student performance based on the requirements of the assessment task.

The work has more than 5 conventional errors.

No score is awarded because there is insufficient evidence of student performance based on the requirements of the assessment task.

Final Grade______________________________________ Comments:

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