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Miranda Barbee

School Address 2013 Apt. 201 Copper Beech Way $reen%&lle, 'C 2()") *+1+, 2(3 "+3Bar.eem10/

Resume, Page 1 of 2 Permanent Address P Bo! "2# Selma, 'C 2("#)

B01C2341 2o o.ta&n a teach&ng pos&t&on &n a pu.l&c elementary school ut&l&5&ng my s6&lls &n classroom management, teach&ng strateg&es, plann&ng, and technology to help students .ecome the .est they can .e &n today7s soc&ety. CAPAB383231S PR 9381 Classroom :anagement :od&fy&ng 3nstruct&on ;e%elop&ng 8esson Plans 2each&ng Assess&ng Pro.lem=Sol%&ng Beha%&or :anagement Read&ng Comprehens&on Bu&ld&ng relat&onsh&ps 1%aluat&ng Spea6&ng Clearly Commun&cat&on Wr&tten Commun&cat&on rgan&5at&on Wor6&ng <&th a 2eam Wor6&ng 3ndependently 3ncorporat&ng ;&%erse Bac6grounds Smart.oard and :&m&o Connect ; 2013

1;>CA23 ' Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, 1ast Carol&na >n&%ers&ty, $reen%&lle, 'C %erall $PA? 3.+#2 Concentrat&on? Ch&ld Stud&es Cert&f&cat&ons? Pra!&s 3, Pra!&s 33,

21AC@3'$ 1AP1R31'C1 Teacher Intern, B&ndergarten, Ch&cod 1lementary School, $reen%&lle, 'C 2013=present - Create and teach three s&!=step lesson plans &n all content areas us&ng smart .oard act&%&t&es, l&terature, hands on act&%&t&es, and phys&cal mo%ement to g&%e students a %ar&ety of <ays to learn. - 3nstruct&onal mod&f&cat&ons for h&gh and lo< learn&ng le%els are &ncorporated &n each lesson to ensure all students are learn&ng at an &nstruct&onal le%el. - Construct classroom %&suals to enhance students understand&ng of content. *P&ctures and Po<erPo&nt7s, - Ass&st the classroom teacher dur&ng lessons to ensure that mater&als are a%a&la.le and ready, papers are graded, and students rece&%e &nd&%&dual help. - Adm&n&ster spell&ng tests to students &n groups and &nd&%&dually to learn &f students are ma6&ng progress. - Perform read=alouds to help students <&th the&r read&ng comprehens&on and s6&lls needed to decode <ords. - 3mplement classroom teacher7s management plan cons&st&ng of re<ards, conseCuences, procedures, and students Do.s to ma6e the classroom a pos&t&%e learn&ng en%&ronment. Practicum teacher, 2h&rd $rade, W&ntergreen Pr&mary School, $reen%&lle, 'C August 2012=; 2012 - Created and taught t<o s&!=step lesson plans &n soc&al stud&es and 1ngl&sh language arts us&ng smart .oard act&%&t&es, hands on act&%&t&es, and non=f&ct&on te!ts. - Wor6ed <&th another pract&cum teacher to create four lessons to ensure that they <ent smoothly together and to g&%e cr&t&cal feed.ac6 to one another. - Ass&sted other pract&cum teacher dur&ng t<o lessons to pro%&de ass&stance to students <ho needed &nd&%&dual help. Practicum teacher, 2h&rd $rade, Sto6es 1lementary School, Sto6es, 'C August 2012= ; 2012 - Created and adm&n&stered t<o "=1 lesson plans *1ngage, 1!pla&n, 1la.orate, and 1%aluate, &n Sc&ence and 1ngl&sh 8anguage Arts us&ng smart .oard act&%&t&es, man&pulat&%es, la. stat&ons, and groups to g&%e students an opportun&ty to learn &n a %ar&ety of <ays. - Wor6ed &n colleg&al groups to create and adm&n&ster one "=1 lesson plan &n order to set up three la.s <here students trans&t&oned from one to the ne!t so they could e!per&ence many hands on act&%&t&es. - 3mplemented the teacher7s classroom management plan to allo< students to cont&nue <&th the&r normal d&sc&pl&ne and re<ard systems. Practicum Teacher, 9&fth $rade, $reene County 3ntermed&ate School, Sno< @&ll, 'C August 2012=; 2012 - 9am&l&ar <&th the adm&n&strat&on, &nterpretat&on, and appl&cat&on of read&ng assessment tools such as l&terature &nterest &n%entor&es and the ER3=" *Eual&tat&%e Read&ng 3n%entory,. - Created and presented an &nteract&%e read aloud and gu&ded read&ng lesson to chec6 for students comprehens&on of te!ts and to determ&ne <hat read&ng s6&lls they needed &n order to ma6e &mpro%ements. Practicum Teacher, B&ndergarten, W&ntergreen Pr&mary School, $reen%&lle, 'C 0anuary 2012=:ay 2012 - Created math lesson plans that &ncluded .efore, dur&ng, and after lesson sect&ons to ensure that all mater&al <ould get co%ered dur&ng the lesson.


Resume, Page 2 of 2

- All act&%&t&es used man&pulat&%es so students could ha%e th&ngs to touch and mo%e &n order to ma6e learn&ng eas&er. - 8essons <ere taught &n small group sett&ngs conf&gured .y students learn&ng le%els Practicum Teacher, Second $rade, Wahl=Coats 1lementary, $reen%&lle, 'C 0anuary 2012=:ay 2012 - Created three s&!=step lesson plans &n Soc&al Stud&es and 1ngl&sh 8anguage Arts us&ng many soc&al stud&es te!ts to allo< students to see real <orld e!amples of grammar &n te!ts. - 3nstruct&onal mod&f&cat&ons for h&gh and lo< learn&ng le%els <ere &ncorporated &n each lesson to ensure that each student could learn on the&r o<n &nstruct&onal le%el. - Ass&sted other pract&cum teachers <&th lessons to ensure all students <ere gett&ng the help they needed. .ser%ed other pract&cum teachers to pro%&de de%elopmental feed.ac6 used for lesson &mpro%ement. Practicum Teacher, Second $rade, W@ Ro.&nson 1lementary, W&nter%&lle, 'C August 2011=; 2011 - Adm&n&stered gu&ded read&ng and &nteract&%e read alouds to &mpro%e students read&ng comprehens&on - 9am&l&ar <&th the adm&n&strat&on, &nterpretat&on, and appl&cat&on of read&ng assessments &nclud&ng pr&nt a<areness and phonem&c a<areness to &mpro%e students understand&ng of te!t. - Adm&n&stered a runn&ng record to learn <hat read&ng le%el students <ere on &n order to .etter students read&ng a.&l&t&es. SP1C3A83F1; 2RA3'3'$ = :odels Address&ng Spec&al 1ducat&on and 2eacher 1ducat&on *:AS2,? 3ntroduct&on to >n&%ersal des&gn for learn&ng. = 2he ;a&ly "? a structure that helps students de%elop the da&ly ha.&ts of read&ng, <r&t&ng, and <or6&ng <&th peers. = Read 3;? .ser%at&onal Read&ng assessment soft<are. = Adm&n&ster&ng med&c&ne. @ ' R S C31231S = $olden Bey 3nternat&onal @onor Soc&ety = 2he @onor Soc&ety of Ph& Bappa Ph&

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