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17th Nirma International Conference on Management (NICOM-2014) New Perspectives of Finance and Changing Economic Scenario January 9-11,

2014 Guidelines for Full Paper Submission

1. The paper should be on A4 paper format (8 " by 11") and should have 1.00 margin on all sides, and 1.5 line spacing. 2. Paper title: Font size: 16, Font Type: Times New Roman, Bold and centre aligned. 3. Followed by the author details: Author listing, Font Size: 12 pt, Times New Roman, Bold and Centre Aligned: (Author names; Department or College; University or Company; City of one author in one line). 4. The abstract should be titled Abstract in Bold, Left aligned. And the body of the abstract must be in Italics and should summarize the research in not more than 250 words. 5. The Abstract should be followed by 3-5 Keywords (Left aligned, Normal font). 6. Content of paper should be: Full text justified; pages numbered as 1, 2, and so on; no indentation use a single blank line to separate paragraphs. 7. All Headings of Sections of the paper- Font Size: 14 pt, Font Type: Times New Roman, Bold, Left aligned and all headings should be numbered. 8. All subheadings Font Size: 12 pt, Font Type: Times New Roman, Bold, Underlined Left aligned. 9. All Tables/Figures should be numbered and have a title. Title should be in Font Size: 12 pt, Font Type: Times New Roman, Bold and centre aligned. Source should be mentioned at the bottom of the table. 10. All citations in text should be referenced in the end of the paper in the APA style.

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