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FOREWORD After almost five decades of faithful adherence to the rigid and complicated government accounting procedures designed

by foreign consultants, the Commission on Audit, based on the authority granted under Sec. 2 (2), Art. IX ! of the "#$% Constitution, made a s&eeping revamp of the e'isting government accounting system. (n (ctober )*, 2**", it issued C(A Circular +o. 2**" **, prescribing the use by national government agencies of the +e& -overnment Accounting System (+-AS) effective .anuary ", 2**2. /he ne& system &as developed in response to one of C(A0s priority reform measures &hich is the 1-overnment Accounting Simplification and Computeri2ation3. /he +-AS is a simplified set of accounting concepts, guidelines and procedures designed to ensure correct, complete and timely recording of government financial transactions, and production of accurate and relevant financial reports. /his boo4, &hile containing the manual version, envisions the eventual computeri2ation of the +-AS to provide users &ith greater ease and a more comprehensive financial management information system. /his change is considered a milestone in the history of the -overnment, particularly the C(A, as it &as formulated in a span of four months by a team of highly professional and competent C(A officials. As a guide for government finance officers, accountants, boo44eepers, budget officers and accountable officers in the actual application of the system in their respective activities, this 5anual, consisting of three volumes, is hereby issued. It is hoped that this 5anual &ill be of help to government officials and other personnel, researchers, academicians and other users of the +-AS.


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