Branches of The Government

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Branches of the Government

There are 3 Branches of the Federal Government

Legislative Branch

Executive Branch
Judicial Branch

Branches of the Government

Legislative Branch
Composed of Congress

House of Representatives (435 Members total,

representatives based on each states population) Senate (100 Members, 2 per state) Makes the Laws

Executive Branch
Lead by the President of the United States

Other members of the group include the Vice

President and the Cabinet Cabinet Positions are nominated by the President and requires approval by the Senate Carries out the Laws

Judicial Branch
Made up of the Federal Courts of the Nation

Supreme Court (9 Justices nominated by the

President and confirmed by the Senate) Other Federal Courts whose Judges are also nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate Evaluates the Laws.

Checks and Balances

By the US Constitution each branch has some

modicum of control over each other Watch the videos below to understand how.

Legislative Branch
Legislative: Congress Congress can:

Hold public hearings. Write and pass laws. Override presidential vetoes. Approve amendments to the Constitution. Regulate commerce. Control federal taxation and spending. Coin money. Declare war. Oversee the executive branch. Impeach the president.

Executive Branch
Executive: President, Vice President, Subject to Congressional


Approval, the president also can:

The president can: Negotiate treaties. Meet with foreign leaders. Recommend legislation to

Sign treaties. Appoint ambassadors to

Congress. Sign into law bills passed by Congress. Veto bills passed by Congress. Grant pardons. Send troops overseas.

foreign countries. Appoint justices to the Supreme Court. Appoint cabinet heads. Declare war.

Judicial Branch
Judicial: Supreme Court The Supreme Court can: Rule on court cases that question interpretation of the

Constitution. Supervise the operations of all federal courts. Overrule all decisions made by lower federal courts. Overrule decisions about federal laws made by state courts.

Questions to Ask?
Why are the Branches of Government separated?

Why does each Branch have some power over each

other? How are these lectures and discussion we have had about the federal government relevant today? Do you think the systems the founding fathers put in place are relevant today?

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