Biology Essential Communities

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Biology Essentials- Communities Guided Viewing Worksheet Name: ___________________________________________ 1: What is ecology?

The study of our life and planet. 2: What is BBECPO? (Define each) B-ioshpere: wherever life is on the planet B-biome: areas that have similar climate E- cosystem: abiotoc and biotic C- ommunity: populations interacting P-opulation: a group of individuals of a species O-Organisms: one individual in a species 3: What is a community? A community is how populations interact and change over time. 4: What is species composition? It is the different types of species that is found in a community. 5: What is species diversity (biodiversity)? Where is the greatest species diversity? Species diversity is the total amount of diversity of species. The greatest species diversity is between the equator and polar regions. 6: Explain the example of symbiosis with Leaf Cutter Ants and the fungus and bacteria on the ant. The Leaf Cutter Ants feed the leaves they have to the fungus. The fungus provides the sugar for the ants. The bacteria on the ants help protect the ants and fungus. 7: What is an exponential growth pattern? Explain. It is the population that increases. 8: What are the limiting factors to growth. Explain both density dependent and density independent factors. The factors are food, space, shelter, and water. Density dependent are the factors based on the population. Density independent are the factors that are not related to population. 9: What is a logistic growth pattern? Explain. It is the when the exponential growth stops and reaches the carrying capacity. 10: What is the carrying capacity? Define. The maximum number of individuals that an area can support. 11: What is an age-structure diagram (population pyramid)? How it is set-up? What does it tell you? An age-structure diagram is diagram that is separated by genders. It has a range of ages. It tells us what population and age will have an exponential growth. 12: What is the shape of a population pyramid of a young population (exponential growth)? What is the shape of a population of a stable population (logistic growth)? The shape will be a triangle for a young population. The shape will be a triangle top with a bottom of two different sized rectangles for a stable population.

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