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Literacy: We will be learning the story of Romulus and Remus (a famous Roman legend) which will lead into

planning and writing our own Beat the Villain stories. We will also be writing war poems based on Boudiccas revolt. Within Literacy lessons, we will improve our use of vocabulary, connectives, sentence openers and punctuation. Our class story will be the Roman Bean Feast by Gillian Cross. Religious Education: This half term we will recap what the children remember and know about Christianity. We will focus on the Parables from the New Testament and discuss what these teach us and how these values can be reflected in everyday life for all, irrespective of religious beliefs. Music: We will be looking at ways to match sounds and music to film clips of the universe and a rocket launch. We will choose and play appropriate tuned and untuned percussion instruments and we will experiment with electronic keyboards. We will create a graphic score to record our composition and we are hoping to perform and record the final result.

PSHE: We will be reflecting upon New Beginnings. We will investigate and discuss our feelings about starting new things and how we can overcome uncomfortable feelings when starting something new.

History: We will be finding out who the Celts were and why the Romans chose to invade and settle in Britain. Also, we will be learning about what life was like in the Roman Army and why Roman soldiers were such effective fighters. Furthermore, we will discover the story behind Boudicca and her brave but tragic revolt against the Romans. Maths: We will be learning to read, write and order bigger numbers as well as improve the written methods for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division .Additionally, we will investigate fractions and decimals as well as learn more about how to collect data and record it in a variety of graphs. Throughout the term, these topics will be taught using problem solving and real life skills. Science: We will be learning more about the Earth, Sun and Moon including how we get day and night as well as the seasons. We will also investigate the phases of the moon and how shadows appear to move throughout the day.

What was it like in Roman times?

Theme: This half term we will be learning about the Romans and the Earth, Sun and Moon.

Physical Education: In outdoor games, we will be developing skills with tennis. This will involve improving hand-eye coordination and accuracy in different tennis strokes. In dance, we will be creating and performing a space dance.

Art: Linking to our Literacy topic, we will be using textiles and fabric paints to retell the story of Romulus and Remus through a series of images.

ICT: In relation to our Science topic, we will be using databases to ask questions and find out about the planets in our Solar System.

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