Eastwoods International Institute of Science and Technology

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2 & 3 floor AFFTIC Bldg. Pla a B!rgo"# G!ag!a Pa$%a&ga T'l. No.( )**+,-)./)*0+20*) E$a1l addr'""( 'a"23ood"4g!ag!a56a7oo.8o$.%7

September 24, 2013

Hon. Francis Tolentino MMDA Chairman

Dear Sir: reetin!s o" #eace$$$ %ast&oo's (nternational (nstit)te o" Science an' Technolo!* is one o" the lea'in! technical school here in )a!)a #ampan!a. +e,-e been in operation since 200. an' &e are o""erin! co)rses s)ch as (n"ormation an' Comm)nication Technolo!*, Comp)ter Har'&are Ser-icin!, Hotel an' /esta)rant Ser-ices, To)rism an' #ractical 0)rsin!. (n line &ith this, the (T Department o" %ast&oo's &o)l' li1e to re2)est *o)r !oo' o""ice i" *o) co)l' !i-e o)r (T St)'ents "acilit* to)r at *o)r (T Department partic)larl* the Comm)nication an' CCT3 operations o" MMDA. Than1 *o) an' &e loo1 "or&ar' "or *o)r positi-e response re!ar'in! this matter. This &ill be a !reat help "or o)r st)'ents.

/espect")ll* *o)rs, Mr. 3ictor Fernan'o (T Department Hea' Mobile 0o.: 043256744786

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