Vocabulary Terms: Matching

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Vocabulary Terms: Matching

Use the following words: _____excavating 1) A contest of ability or skill. _____consolation _____aspire _____expedition _____competition _____disposed _____organization _____definition _____perspiration _____console _____exclamation _____invite _____civilization _____invitation _____aspiration _____exclaim _____disposition _____compete _____proclamation _____proclaim 2) The actual thing cried out suddenly. 3) The written or verbal request. 4) The act of comforting in time of grief or defeat or trouble. 5) (1)to arrange in a particular order (2) to make someone willing to settle a matter. 6) Putting limits and meaning to something. 7) A person's tempermanet or a habit that reoccurs. 8) Publicly & officially announcing. 9) The group of people or things put together for a reason. 10)A trip made by an organized group of people with a definite purpose. 11) High level of cultural & technological advancement. 12) The act of crying out or speaking in strong & sudden emotion. 13) The ambitious goal. 14) The something that is done to comfort others because of grief or defeat or trouble. 15) The official & public announcement. 16) Requests the presence or participation. 17) sweat (ec. for the technical definition) 18) To strongly desire; a great ambition. 19) To uncover by digging or scooping out. 20) To strive or struggle with others for profit or prize. Name: _______________________

Answer Key: 19 - excavating 14 - consolation 18 - aspire 10 - expedition 1 - competition 5 - disposed 9 - organization 6 - definition 17 - perspiration 4 - console 2 - exclamation 16 - invite 11 - civilization 3 - invitation 13 - aspiration 12 - exclaim 7 - disposition 20 - compete 15 - proclamation 8 - proclaim

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