November - Filipino Values Month/ Early Christmas Activity

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Date: 22 October 2013 To: Ms. Maan DC. Hipol- Marketing Manager From: Si !"a" ng #ntipolo #rts $!

il" %nc. &S%'#$( S!b)ect: #rtip!lo Festi*al 2013- +*ent ,or t-e mont- o, 'o*ember


Antipolo City Young Arti t On!t"#!Spot C"ri t$% L%nt#rn Co$p#tition & E'"i(it &,or #ntipolo Cit .ri*ate an" .!blic +lementar an" Secon"ar Sc-ools( T-eme: /Maaga ang .asko sa #ntipolo0 Date an" Time: 'o*ember 112 2012 10:00#M -1:00.M P%rt I 3egistration2 Contest .roper an" 4!"ging &10am-5pm( Venue: Event Center .lease pro*i"e t-e ,ollo6ing: -Tables an" c-airs -Microp-one7 .o"i!m -Foo" 8 "rinks ,or ,acilitators &ma9im!m o, : persons( P%rt II #6ar"ing an" Opening o, +9-ibit &5pm-1pm( Venue: Artists Corner .lease pro*i"e t-e ,ollo6ing: -C-airs -So!n" S stem2 Microp-one -3ibbon ,or ribbon c!tting -Foo"7Cocktails &,or st!"ents( .ri;es ,or 6inners &1st2 2n"2 8 3r"( 'ote: T-ere 6ill be onl one set o, 6inners Honorari!m ,or -Facilitators &ma9im!m o, : persons( -T6o &2( )!"ges -+mcee &1(

-One &1( gro!p o, per,ormers&c7o Mr. 4C T!linao( Certi,icates ,or t-e 6inners2 coac-es an" participants &Certi,icate la o!t 6ill be e-maile" b Mr. <al" #rbo;o(

.repare" b : Ms. Marisa S. =a!"ine; S%'#$ %nc. 3epresentati*e

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