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the Name of the Most IIolg and Utudioidcd Trinity. Hrs Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and lreland, and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, desiring to place upon I footing, mutually beneficid Their respective Possessions and the Commerce of Their Subjects in the East fndies, so that the welfare and prosperity of both Nations may be promoted, in all time to come, ruithout those diferences and jealousies which have, in former times, interrupted the harmony which o.ught always to subsist between Them; anil being anxious that all occasions of misunderstanding between Their respective Agents may be, as much as possible, prevented; and in order to determine certain questions which have occurred in the execution of the Convention made at London {n. fn d,an Naam dr AUsheiIigste etu Onurdeelbare Driemighein, Zyne Majesteit de Koning van het Vereenigde Koningrik van Groot Britanje en Ierland, en Zine Majesteit de Koning der Nederlanden, verlangende hunne respectieve bezit tingen en den handel Hunner onderdanen in Oost Indid op eenen wederkeerig voordeeligen voet te brengen, zoo dat de welvaart en 1'oorspoed der beide Natien voortaan ten allen tyde bevorderd kunnen worden zondor die oneenighedenen nayver welke, in woeger dagen, de goede verstandhouding gestoord hebben fie steeds tusschen dezelze behoort te bestaan, en willende, zoo veel mogelik, alle aanleiding tot misverstand tusschen Hunne respectieve Agenten v66rkornen, als mede, ten einde zekere punten van yerschil te regelen welke zich hebben opgedaan b5i het ter,

on the l3th of August l8l4' in so far as it respects the Possessions of His Netherlands Majesty in the East, have nominated Their Plenipotentiaries,that is to say:uiwoer leggen van de Conventie den f3 Augustus, 1814, te London gesloten, voor zoo ver dezelve betrekLing heeft tot de bezittingen v an Zine Maj esteit den Koning der Nederlanderi in Oost Indi6, hebben tot Gevolmagtigden benoemd, te weten:Zyne Majesteit de Koning His Majesty the King of the Unitecl Kindgom of Great van Groot Britanje, den lleer van the George Canning, Lid and Ireland, Britain Geheimen George Zyner Majesteits Honorable Right Raad, en van het Parlement Canning, a Member of His Hoogstdeszelfs mitsgaders said Majes{t's Most Honoraeersten Secretaris van Staat ble kivy Council, a Member of Parliament, and His said voor de Buitenlandsch e Zaken i Majes!t's Principal SecretarY en den Heer Charles Watkin Lid Yan Wynt, Williams of State for Foreign Afairs; Geheimen Zyner Majesteits and the Right Honorable Raad, en van het Parlement, Williams Charles Watkin KomWynn, a Mcmber of His said Lieutenaut-Kolonel Regiment manderend.e het Most Honorable Majestt's Privy Council, a Member of Vrywilligers te Paard van het Graafschap MontgomerY, mitsParliament, Lieutenant-ColoYan het the gaders President nel Commandant of Regiment koilegie van Komnrissarissen Montgomeryshire and voor de Indische Zaken;of Yeomanry Cavalrl, President of His said Majest5/s Board of Commissioners for the A-ffairs of India: En Zlne Majesteit de KoMajesby the His And den King of the Netherlands, Ba- ning der Nederlanden, der Lid ron Henry F.g"l, Member of Baron Hendrik F"g"l, Provincie the Equestrian CorPs of the RidderschaP van de GrootProvince of Holland, Coun- Holland, Staatsraad, Kruis der KodinglYke Orden sellor of State, Knight Granil Nederlandschon den van of Order Royal Cross of the Guelfen, mitsder en Leeuw, the of the Belgic Lion, and ErtraHoogstdeszelfs gaders and Royal Guelphic Order, . etl Ambassadeur ordina.ris and Ambassador Extraordinary



Plenipotentiary of His said Majesty to I{is MajestY the King of Great Britain; and Anton Reinhard Falck, Commander of the Royal Order of the Belgic Lion, and His said Majesfs Minister of the Department of Public Instruction, National Industry, and Colonies;Who, after having mutually communicated their Full Powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following Articles:



Plenipotentiaris aan het Hof van London; en den Heer Anton Reinha.rd Falcl Kommandeur der Koningl.Vke Orden van den Nederlandschen Leeuw, en Minister voor het Publicke onderwis, de Nationale Nyverheid, en de Kolonien;-

De welke, na wederzydsche mededeeling van hunne volmagten, die in goeden en behoorljken vorm bevonden z!n, de volgende Artikelen hebben vastgesteld: l. De Hooge Contractel. The High Contracting Partyen verbinden zich the rende admit to Parties engage hunne respectieve beto in om other Subjects of each in den Oosterschen resPective zittingen trade with Thcir en op het vaste land Archipel, liastern the Possessions in en op Ceylon, elkvan Indi6, Contithe Archipelago, and on ten handel onderda^nen a^nders CeYlon, in nent of India, and den voet der op toetelaten most of the upon the footiirg wel Natie; begunstigde meest resTheir favoured Nation; de wederdat verstaande conforming pective Subject's themselves to the local Regu- zydsche onderdanen zich zulIen gedragen overeenkomstig lations of each Settlement. de plaatzelyke verordeningen van ellie bezitting. 2. De onderdanen en sche2. The Subjects and VesYan de eene Natie zullent pen sels of one Nation shall not in-en uitvoer in en Yan by den or exPaYr uPon imPortation der andere in de de havens portation, at the Ports of the Other in the Eastern Seas, Oostersche Zeden, geene regany duty at a rate beYond the ten betalen hooger dan ten bedouble of that at which the dragevan het dubbelde van die, Subjecgs and Vessels of the waarmede de onderdanen en schepen der Natie aan welke de Nation to which the Port haven toebehoort, belast zin. belongs, are charged. De regten voor den in -of The duties paid on exPorts

or imports at a British Port, on the Continent of Indiar or in Ceylon, on Dutch bottoms, shall be arranged so as, in no case, to be charged at more than double the amount of the duties paid by British Subj6ct$, and on British bottoms. uitvoer, met Nederlandsche bodems, in eene Britsche baven, op het vastp land van Indi6, of op Ceylon, betaald ' dezer zullen i. wordende voege worden gewyzigd, dat deswege, in geen geval, meer berekend worde dan het dubbelde der regten door Britsche onderdanen, en Yoor Britsche bodems, te betalen. die tot Met betrekking artikelen op welke geen regt gesteld is, wanneer zy worden in-of uitgevoerd door de onderdanen of in de schepen der Natie aan velke de haven toebehoort zullen de regten aan de onderdanen der andcre optcleggerr, in geen geval, meer bedragcn dan zes tcn honderd. 3. Dc Hooge Contracterende Partyen beloven dat geen tfractaat, voortaan, door en derzelve met eenigen Staat in de Oostersche Zeden te maken, eenig Artikel behelsen zal, shellkende, het' zi' regstreeks, het zy door oplegging, van ongellke regten, om den koophandel der andere Party van de havens Yan zoodanigen inlandschen Staat.uittesluiten, en dat, by aldien in eene der tharrs aan w&rskanten oYereenkomsten, bestaande eenig Artikel met die bedoeling is opgenomengeworden zoodanig Artikel, by het sluiten des tegenwoordigen tractaats, buiten effect gesteld worden zal.


In regard to any article upon which no duty is imposed, when imported or exported by the Subjects, or on the Vessels, of the Nation to which the Port belongs, the duty charged upon the Subjects or Vessels of the Other, sholl, in no cnse, erceed six per cent. 3. The High Contracting Parties enge, that no TreutY hereafter made by Either, with any Native Power in the Eastern Seas, shall contain any Article tending, either expressly, or by the imposition of unequal duties, to exclude the Tbade of the other Party from the Ports of such Native Power: and that if, itt *Y Trerty now existing on either Part, any Article to that efect has been admitted, such Artic-le shall be abrogated uPon the conclusion of the Present Treaty.


It is understood that before the conclusionof the present Tleaty, communication has been made by each of the Conbacting Parties to the Other, of all Treaties or Engagements subsisting between Each of Them, respectiveln and any Native Power in the Eastern Seas; anil that the like communication shall be -bade of all such Tleaties condlu{ed by Them, respectivelS herea,fter. 4. Their Britannick and Netherlands Majesties engage to grve strict Orders, as well to Their Civil and MilitarY Authorities, as to Their Ships of Wa,r, to respect the freedom of Trade, establishedby Artides l, 2, ancl 31 and, in no case,to impede a free communication of the Nativos in the Eastern Archipelago, with tho Ports of the Two Governments, respectively, or of the Subjects of the Two Governmentswith the Ports belonging to Native Powers.



5. Their Britannick and NetherlandsMajesties, in like mannerr engage to concur effectually in repressing Piracy in those Seas: They will not grant either asylum or protection to Vessels engaged in 'Ihey will in no Piracy, and casepermit the Ships or Mer-

Over en freder in verstaan da! v66r het sluiten van dit Tbactaat, door elke der Contracterende Partyen aan de andere mededeeling is gedaan van alle tractaten of verbindtenissen tusschen dezelve respectievelyk en eenige Inlandsche Regering in de Oostersche Zeden bestaande, en dat Selyke mededeeling geschieden zal v an al zooda.nige verbindtenissen, in het vervolg, door dezelve respectievelyk antegaan. 4. Hunne Groot Britannische en Nederlandsche Majesteiten beloven stellige bevelen te geYen, zoo wel aan hunne bwgerljke en militaire bdambten, als aan hunne oorlogschepen, om de vriheid van handel, by Art lr 2ren 3, vastgesteld, te eerbiedigen en, in geen geval hinder toetebrengen aan de gemeenschap der inbooriingen van den Oostersche Archipel met de havens der twee Gouvernementen respectievely\ noch aan die der wederzidsche ond.erdanen met de havens toebehorende aan inlandsche Regeringen. 5. Hunne Groot Britannische en Nederlandsche Ma' jesteiten verbinden zich, in gelyker Yoege, om krachtdadig bytedragen tot het beteugelen der zeerovery in die Zeilen. Zj ztilen geene schuilplaats of bescherming verleenen aan vaatuigen met welken Tnercnf



chandize captured by such Vessels to be introduced, deposited, or sold, in any of Their Possessions.

. 6. It is agreeil that Orders s[al.l be given by the two Gov'eniments to Their Officers and Agents in the Easf not to form any new Settlement on any of the Islands in the Eastern Seas,without previous authority from their respective Governments in Europe. 7. The Molucca Islan&, and especially Amboyna, Bandq Ternate, and their immediate Dcpendencies,are excepted, from the op:ration of tlrclr21 3, nnd 4 Articles until the Netherlands Government shall thinlc fit to abandon the Monopoly of Spices; but if the said Government shall, at any time previous to such abandonmentof the monopoly, allow the Subjects of a^uyPower,other than a Native Asiatic Power, to carry on any Commercial Intercourse with the said Islands, the Subjects of His Britannick Majesty shatl be admitted to such Intercourse, upon a footing preciselysimilar.

8. His Netherlands Majesty

bedreven wordt, en znllen in geen geval, veroorloven dat schepen of goerderen, door gezullre vaartuigen buit maakt, in eenige van hunne bebezittingen ingevoerd, ward, of verkocht worden. 6. Er is overeengekomen dat door beide Gouvernmenten aan Hunne Ofrcieren en Agenten in Oost-Indid bevel zal worden gEleven om geen nieuw kantoor op een der Oostersche Eilanden optengten, zonder voorafgaanile magtiging van hunne respectieve Gouvernementen in Europa. 7. Yan de toepassing der Artikelen l,21 3, en 4, worden de Moluksche Eilanden, en speciaal Ambon, Banda, en Ternate, met derzelver onmiddelyke onderhoorigheden, uitgezonderd, tot tyd en wjle het Nederlandsch Gouvernement raadzaam oordeelen zal van den alleenhandel i^ Sp"cerien aftezien; maar zoo dit Gouvernement immer, v66r zooda,nige afschafing van den alleenhandel, aan de onderdanen van eenige Mogendheid, anders dan een inlandschen Aziatischen Staa! veroorlooven mogt eenig handelsverkeer met Eilanden te onderhouden, zullen de onderdanen van Zyne tsritsche Majesteit op een volstrelsgelyken voet tot zoodanig verkeer worden toegelaten. s. Zyne Majesteit de Koning


cedes to His Britanniclc Majesty all His Establishments on the Contirrent of India; and renounces all privileges and exemptions er{oyed or claimed in virtue of those Establishments.



der Nederlanden staataan Zyne Groot Britannische Majesteit afr rlle Zyne Establissementen op het vaste land van Indi, en ziet van allevoorregten envrYstellingen afrwelke, ter zake van deze etablissementen, genoten, of gereclameerdgeworden zyn. 9. De Factory Yan Fort Fort of 9. The Factory en al de bezitMarlboroug\ EngMarlborough, and all the van Groot Britanje op tingen Island lrph Possessions on the worden het Eiland S'matrar ceded of Sumatra" are hereby Z1ine aan by dezen afgestaan MajestY: to His Netherlands Neder Koning Majesteit den Majesty and His Britannick Groot Zjne en derlanden, British further engages that no Settlement shall be fornred on Britannische Majesteit beloofd, dat op dat Eiland geen Britsch thet Island, nor any Treaty zal worclen opgerigt, kantoor concluded by British Authority, Trataat onder Brinoch eenig Chief, with any Native Prince, gesloten met eenigen tsch gezag or State therein. der inlandsche vorsten, opperhoofden, of staten op hetzelve gevestigd. lO. De stad err vestirrg van lO. The Town and Fort of Malacca, and its DependenMalakka met derzelver ondercies, are hereby ceded to His hoorigheden worden by dezen Groot Britannick Majesty; and His afgestaan aan Zyne en Netherlands Maje,sty engages, Britannische Majesteit, for HimseU and His Subjects, Zyne Majesteit de Koning der Nederlanden belooft, voorzich never to form any Establishany part of the en voor Zlne onderdanen, ment on Peninsula of Malacca, or to conclude nimmer op eenig gedeelte van het Schiereiland van Malakka any Tleaty with any Native Prince, Chief, or State therein. een kantoor te zullen oprigten, of Tractaten te zullen sluiten met eenigen der inlandsche vorsten of staten, op dat Schiereiland gevestigd. f f . His Britannick Majesty ll, Zyne Groot Britanwithdraws the objectionswhich nische Majesteit ziet af van havs been madeto the occupa- alle vertoogen tegen het be-

zehterl.van het Eiland Billiton en deszelfs onderhoorigheden door de Agenten van het Nederlandsch Gouvernement. 12. Zine Mdjesteit de Koning der Nederlanden ziet a! van alle vertoogen tcgen het bezetten van het Eiland Sinkapoor door de onderdanln van Zlne Groot Britannische Majesteit. Daarentegen belooft Zine His Britannick Majesty, Groot Britannische Majesteit however, engages, that no British Establisbment shall be dat geen Britschkantoor zal made on the Carimon Isles, or worden opgerigt op de Carion the Islands of Battam, Bin- mons Eilanden, of op de Eitang Lingin, or on any of the landen Battam, Bintang Lingother Islands south of the in, of op eenig der anderen Shaights of Singapore, nor Eilanden liggende ten zuiden van Straat Sinkapoer, en dat any Tleaty conclude by British Authority with the Chiefs met detzelver opporhoofden geene Thactaten onder Britsch of those Islands. gezag gesloten zullen worden. 13. Al de Kolonien, be13. All the Colonies, Possessions, and EstablishmenLi zittingen, en etablissementen, which are ceded by the prece- die, bi de vorenstaade Artiding Articles, shall be deliver- kelqn worden destaan, zuled up to the Officrcrs of the re- len aan de Ofrcieren der respective Soverefuns on the lst spectieve Souvereinen overgegeven worden op den I of March, 1825. The fortifications shall remain in the Maart, 1825. De Vestingen state in which they shall be at zullen bliven in den toestand the period of the notification in welke zj zich zullen bevinof this Tleaf in India; but den ten tide van het bekend no claim shall be made, on worden des tegenwoordigen either side, for ordnance, or Tlactaats in Indi6, doch geene stores of any description, either vordering zal, noch aan de een left or removed by the ceding noch aa,n de andere zjde, gesPower, nor.for anyarrears of chieden, ter zake, het zy van geschut ofbehoeften vau eenirevenue, or any charge ofadmi gen aard, door de afstaande nistration whatever. tion of the Islanil of Billiton and ib Dependencies, by the Agents of the Netherlands GovernmenL f 2. His Netherlands Majesty withdraws the objections which have been made to the occupatiop 9f the Island of Singaporr.,by the Subjects of His Britarinick Majesty.






Mogendheid of achteryelaten of medegomen, het zi varr achterstallige inkomsten, of van lasten van het bestuur, hire ook genaa,md. 14. All the inhabitants of 14. Al de ingezetenen vart hereby ceiled, de hnden by dezen afgestaan, the Teritories shall enjon for a period of zullen, gedurende den tyd van Six Years froT the date of zes jaren, te rekenen van de the Raffication of the present Ratificatie van het tegenwoorTtgrty, the liberty of dispo- dig Tractaat, de vryheid hebsln$, as they please, of their ben om, naar welgevallen, over proirerty, end of transporting hun eigendom te beschikken, themselves, without let or hinden zich, zonder hinder of berance, to any Couatry to which l"t, te begeven werwaarts zi zullen goedvinden. they may wish to remove. 15. De Hooge Conhacte15. The High Contracting Parties agree that none of the rende Partjen komen overeent dat geen der landen of etaTerritories or Establishments by Artikelen 8, blissementen mentioned in Articles 8, 9, 10, ll, and 12, shall be, at any 9, lO, ll, en 12, verrreld,, transferred to any other mer aan eenige andere MoPower. In case of any of the gendheid zal mogen overgesaid Possessions being aban- dragen worden. In gpval dat doned by one of the present eenige dier bezettingeu door eene del thans Contracterende Contracting Parties, the right of occupation .thereof shall Partien verlaten wordt, zullen i-mediately pass to the Other. hare regten tot dezelve onmidd.lyk op de andere Pafty overgaaD. f6. It is agreed that all ac16. Er is overeengekomen counts and reclamations, ari- dat alle rekeningen of vordersing out of the restoration of ingen voortgesproten uit de Java, and other Possessions, tenrggave van Java en andere to the Officers of His Nether. etablissementen aan de Offilands Majesty in the East Incieren van Zine Majesteit den diesr-as Koning der Nederlanden in well those which were the sibject of a Conven- Oost-Indi6, zoo wel die rrelke tion made at Java on the 24th het onilerwerp hebben uitgeof June, l8l/, between the maakt eener Conventie op JaCommissieaglr of the T\vo va, den 24 Jwi l8lf, tuss-

Natioris, as all others, shall be finally and completely closed a,nd satisfieil, on the payrment of the zum of fI(DrOOO, sterling money, to be made in London on the part of the Netherlands, before the expira. tion of the Year 1825. chen de Kommissarissen beide Nstien gesloten, als alle andere hoe ook genaamd, finaal, en ten volle afgedaan zullen zya, behoudens de betaling eener som van tlOorO0o sterling, van den kant der Nederlanden, te bewerkstelligen in London v6dr het einda van het Jaar 1825, lf . Het tegenwoordige Tlactazt zal worden geratificeerd, en de Ratfficatien zullenworden uitgewisseld te London binnen drie maanden na dato dezes, of eerder indien mogelyk. Ten oorkonden dezes hebben de respectieve Plenipotentiarissen deze getekend en met het zegel hunner wapeneu bekrachtigd. Aldus gedaan te London den 17 MaBrb in het Jaar onzes Heeren 1824.


1 f. Ttre present Treaty shall be ratffied, and the Ratifications exchanged at London, within Three Months from the date hereof, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and afrxed thereunto the Seals of their Arrns. Dono at London, the lfth day of March, in the Year of our Lord 1824. (L.S.)GEORGE CANNTNG. ,- ..CHARLES WATKIN


(L.s.) H. FAGEL. (L.S.) A. R. FALCK.

Note addressedbg tln British Plmipotmti.aries to the PIEnipotenti*ri.esof The Nethslnnds. IN proceedingto the signatureof the Treatywhich has been agreedupon, the Plenipotentia.ries of His Bdtannick Majesty have great satisfaction in recording their senseof the friendly and liberal spirit which has been evinced by Their Excellencies the Plenipotentiariesof His Netherlands Majesty; and theirconviction that there is, on both sides,an equal disposition to carr5; into effect, with sincerity *d gooil faith, the Stipulations of the Treoty, in the sonsein which they have beennegotiated





The differences which gave rise to the Present discussion are such as it is difficult to adjust by formal Stipulation: consisting' in gteat par! ofjealousies anil suspicions, ancl arising out of the acts of zubordinate Ag"ttt", they am only be removed by a frank declaration of intention, anil a mutual understand'ing as to principles between the Governments themselvesThe disavowal of the proceedings whereby the execution of the Convention, of August 1814, was retarded, must have satisfied their Excellencies the Netherlands Plenipotentiaries, of the scrupulous regard with which Englarrd always fulfils IIer engagements. s. Se Bdtish Plenipotentiaries record, with sincere pleasure, tlie qolemn disavowal, on the part of the Netherlands Governmen! of any design to aimr either at politicaf supremacy, or Th"J at commercial monopoly in the Eastern Archipelago. Netherlands which the willingly acknowledge the readiness with Plenipotentiaries have entered into Stipulations, calculabed to pto-ot" the most perfect freedom of Trade betwecn the Sulrjects of th" T*o Crowns, and their respectivc Dependencies, in that part of the World. The Undersigned are authorized to express the full concurrence of His Britannick Majesty, in the enlightened views of His Majesfy the King of The Netherlands. Aware 6f tn" difficulty of adapting, at once, to a long established system of monopoln the principles of commercial plicy which are now laid down, the Undersigned hav,e,been authorized to consent to the exception of the Molucca Islands from the general Stipulation for Freedom of Trade, contailed in the Treaty. They irust, however, that as the necessity for this exception is occasioned solely by the difficulty of abrogatingt at the present moment' the Monopoly of Spices, its operation will be strictly Iimited by that necessity. rr,e gritish Plenipotentiaries rinderstancl the term Moluccas, as applicable to that cluster of Islands which has Celebes to New Cuin? to the Eastward, and Timor to th9 the'*eshard, Southward; but that these three Islands are not comprehended in the exception: nor would it have includecl Ceram, if the situation of ihat Island, in reference to the two principal Spice Isles, Amboyna and Banda, had not required a prohibition of intercourse with it, so long as the Monopoly of Spices shall be maintained.

The'Ierritorial exchanges which have been thought expedient for avoiding a collision of interests, render it incumbent upon the Plenipotentiaries of His Britannick Majesty to make, and to require, some explanations with re1qct to the P:ptldents and Allies of England, in the Islar-rd from which She is about to withdraw. by British-Agents, .A Treaty concluded in the Year I8l9 the 3rd Article with is incompatible of Acheen, .itit th" King therefore, Plenipotentiaries British Treaty. The of dre,present asi possible soon as shall, Acheen that tle Treaty with undertrke be modified into a simple arrangement for the hospitable recePtion of British Vessels and Subjects in the Port of Acheen' But as some of the Provisions of that Treaty (which has been communicated to the Netherlands Plenipotentiaries) will be conducive to the general interests of Europeans established in the Eastern Seas,they trust that the Netherlands Government will take measuresfor securing the benefit of those Provisions. And they express their confidence, that no measures,hostile to the King of Acheen, will be adoptcd by the new Possessor of Fort Marlborough. It is no lcss the duty of the British Plenipotentiaries to recommend to tho friendly and paternal protection of the Netherlands Governmenf the interests of the Natives and Settlers, subject to the ancient Factory of England at Berrcoolen. This appeal is the more necessar5r,because, so lately as the Year 1818, Treaties were made with the Native Chiefs, by The system of which their situation was much improved. abolished; enof Pepper wa-s forced cultivation and delivery couragement was given to the cultivation of Bice; the relations between the cultivating Classes and the Chiefs of the Districts were adjusted; the ProPerty in the soil was recognized in those Chiefs; and all interference in the detailed management of the Interior was withdrawn, by removing the European Residents from the Out-Stations, and substituting in their room Native Officers. Afl these measures were calculated greatly to promote the interests of the Native Inhabitantsthese interests to the care of the NetherIn reco--ending lands Government, the Undersigned request the Plenipoten' tiaries of His Netherlands Majesty to aszure their Goverrlment that a corresponding attention will be paid, on the pa'rt of the Bittish Authorities, to the Inhabitants of Malacca, and the





other Netherlands Settlements which are tmnsferred to Great Britain. In conclusion, the Plenipotentiaries of His Britannick Maj.esty congratulate Their Excellencies the Netherlands Plenipotentiaries, upon the huppy termination of their Conferences. They feel aszured, that under the Arrangement which is now concluded, the commerce of both Nations will flourish, and that the two Allies will preseree inviolate, in Asia, no less than in Europe, the fiendship which has, from old times, zubsisted The disputes being now ended, which, during between them. two Centuries, have oceasiona\ produced irritation, there will tenceforward be no rivalry between the English and the Dutch Nations in the East, except for the more efiectual establishment of those principles of liberel policy which both have this day asserted in the face of the \{orld. The Undersigned request Their Excellencies the Plenipotentiaries of His Netherlands Majesty will accept tho assurances of their distinguished consideration. GEORGE CANNING. IVYNN. WILLIAMS CHARLES WATKIN I'ondon, March 17, 1824. Rqly of the Nethdands Plmi.potuttinri'es to the Note of the P I mipotentiaries of Great Brit ain. (TnaNsr.etroN.) Trrp Undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of His MajestY the King of The Netherlands, have found in the Note which is just delivered to them by Their Excellencies the British Plenipotentiaries, a faithful recapihrlation of the communications which had taken place at the time when circumstances, independent of the will of the Negotiators, caused a suspension of their Conferences.

Lns Soussfn6s, Pl6nipotentiaires de Sa Majestd le Roi des Pays-Bas,ont trouv6, dansla Note qui vient de leur 6tre remise par Leurs Excellences Messieurs les Pl6nipotentiaires Britanniques, un rdsumdfiddle des communications qui avaient eu lieu i l'6poque of des circonstances, ind6pendantesde Ia volontd des N6gociateurs, amenirent la suspension de leurs ConfCrences.

t B z4
Appelds i reprendre un travail dont l'achDvement a toujours 6td d6sir6 de part et dtautre avec une Cgale sincrit6, les Soussigns n'ont pas trirdd i reconnaitre dans leurs Collabolzteurs, cet esprit dz6qutt et de conciliation, qui facilite l'arrangement des questions les plus compliqu6est et auquel ils nepeuvent rendre hommage dans un moment plus opporhrn que celui qui va sanctionner, parla signature d'un TYait6 formel, les dispositions adopt6es aprEs le Plus m0r examenr comme 6minemment utiles pour le maintien de la bonne intelligence, m6me entrc les Agcns inf6rieurs des Puissa,nces Contractantes. Ce but essentief cette tendance principale du Tlait6t sont palpables pour tous ceux qui en lisent avec attention Ce qui les diff6rens Articles. s'y trouve erpressment stipul6, semble devoir sufrre Pour lever, dun commun accord, toute incertitude qui pourrait se pr6senter par la zuite. Ceoornme Messieurs pendan! les Pl6nipotentiaires Britaruriques ont cru devoir entrer dans quelques d6tails ult6rieurs, les Soussignds, qui, de leur cdt6t sentent l'importance de ne rien donner au hasard, dans une matidre aussi int6ressantc, ne de les font aucune 'lificultd Summoned to resnme a wor\ the completion of which has ever been desired with equal sincerity by both Parties, the Undersigned have not failed to recognize in tbeir Co-labourers in this work, that spirit of equity and which facilitates conciliation the arrangement of the most complicated questions, a^nd to which they cannot do justice at a time more- fitting than that which is about to sanction, by the signature of a formal Treaty, the resolutions, adopted after a most strict examinetion, as eminently useful for the maintenance of a good understandingl even among the inferior Agents of the Contracting Powers. ltris essential aim and of the principal tendency is evident to all who Ttety Articles difierent read its is What with attention. therein expressly stipulated ought to sufrce for the removal, by courmon consent, of all uncertainty which might present itsef in the sequel, as the Bdtish However, Plenipotentia.ries have considered it neoessarJr to enter into some firrther details, the Undersfned, who, on their part a,re sensible of the importance of leaving nothing doubtful, in so important a nafrer, have no ,titrculty in



suiYre dans ces ddtails, et de compl6ter, par le d6veloppement succinct de leur manidre de voir, la r6ponse, due par eux i la susdite Note de Leurs Excellences. UArticle / renferme une exception au principe g6n6ral de la libert6 du commerce. La n6cessit6 de cette excelF tion, d6ji admise par l'Angleterre dans les Conf6rences de t82O, repose sur l'existeDce du systbme relatif au Commerce exclusif des EPiceries. Si les d6lib6rations du Gouvernement des PaYsBas conduisent i I'abandon de ce systEme, aussit0t Ie comrneree libre reprend ses droits, et tout cet ArchiPel, qui a 6t6 fort justement d6crit comme compris entl.e Cdl6bes, Ilmor, Quin6e, est et La Nuutelk ouvert i toutes les sPdculations l6gitimes, sur le Pied i 6tablir par les Ordonnances locales, et, pour oe qur concerne en particulier les Sujets de Sa Majestd Britannique, confor m6ment aux bases consacr6es par le frait6 Pour toutes les des Possestions Asiatiques deux Parties Oontractantes. aussi longPar contre, dont il que I'excePtion tens les vigueur, en s'agit, reste les traversent qui navires Moluques, doivent s'abstenir



following them through these details, and in supplying, by a concise display of their view of the subject, the answer to crhich is due from them to the aforesaid Note of Their Excellencies. The 7th Article contains an exception to the general principle of liberty of commerce. The necessity of that exception, already admitted by England in the Conferences of 182Q rests upon the existence of the system which respects the exclusive Trade in Spice. Should the determinations of the Government of tlre Netherlands lead to the abandonnrcnt of that systern, the rfoh* of free trade will be immediatly restored, and the whole of that Archipelago, which has been very justly described as comprised between Celzbestfrmnr, and New Gui,nea, will be open to all lawful speculations, on the footing to be establisheil by local Ordinances, and, so far a-s particularly concerns the Subjects of His Britanniek Majesty, in conformity *ith the grounds sanctioned bY the TlerW for all the Asiatic Possessions of the T\rvo Contracting Powers. On the other hand, so long as the exception in question remains in force, the Ships which tmverse the Moluccas must refrain from



de relAcher, dat's dautres touching at auy Ports but Ports que ceux dont la dd- those whereof the descriptiou signation a 6t6 officiellemerrt has been officially commucommuniqu6e alu( Puissances nicated tn the Maritime Maritimes il y a quelques An- Powen some Years back; n6es; sauf les cas de ddtresse except in casesof distress, i'l poul^ lesquels il est zuperflu which it is sriperfluow to add, d'pjthrtir, q.u'ils houveront, that they will find in all Places dans totrs les endroits ori flotte where the Flag of the Nethermaybe Ayr"g, thosegood le'Pavillon des Pays-Bas,les land.s serviceset les secoursdis i offices and succourswbich are due to sufiering humanity. l'humanit6 soufriante. If the Government of Great Si le Gouvernementde la Grande Bretagne pense qu'il Britain conceives it to be a real y a un avantager6el pour lui i advantage, that, by rlissngace qu'en se d6gageant daprbs gtng itself, according to the les principes consacr6spar le principles sanctionedby the Tmit6 qui va 6tre sign6, des Treaty which is about to be liaisons que ses Agens formE- slgne4 from the connections ren! il y a quatre ou cinq Ans, which were formed by its dans lo Royat'-e ilAcheen, Agents, four or five Years qo, il assure, pa.r quelque stipu- in the Kingdom of Acheen,it lation nouvelle, l'accueil hos- secures, by some new clause, pitalier des Sujets et Vsis- the hospitable reception of seaux Britanniques dans les- British Vessels and Subjects Ports de ce Royaumer-les in the Ports of that Kingdom, Soussign6s n'h&itent pas A the Undersigned hesitate not d6clarer que, de leur c6t6, fu to declare,that on their part, nty voyent aucun inconv6ni- they do not see a.ny ditrsulty ent; et ils croyent pouvoir in it and conceive that they as$uer, en m6me tems, que may assert at the same time, leur Gouvernement s'appli- that their Government will querarso.s ddlail i r6gulariser apply i*elf, without delay, to ses rapports zvec Achem, de regulat its relations with manibre que cet Eta! saas Achetn, in sucha manner, that rien perdre de son ind6pen- that State, without losing any dance, ofte au navigateur et thing of its indepenilence,may au commertant cettn con- offer both to the sailor and stante s6curit6, qui semble ne the merchantr that constant pouvoir y 6ne dtablie que security which can only be par l'exercice moddr6 d'wre established by the mode-


influence Europ6enne. A I'appui des inforrnations contenues dans la dernidre Note de Messieurs les Pl6nipotentiaireg Britanniques, au zujet de Bmroolen, Leurs Excellencesont communiqudaur Soussign6sles deux Convsutions respectivementsign6esle 23 Mai etle 4 Juillet de 1818, fun cdt6 par lc LieutenantGouverneur de cet Etablissenent et de l'autre par les Chefs de quelques Tlibus voisines. On leur a aussifait part d'une d6p6che du Gouverneur-G6n6ral en Conseil, alatde de Fort Willi'amt le 9 Mai, 1823, et daprbs laquello l'adminishation Britannique a aboli au Fort Marlborough le monopoledu Poiwe, encourag6 la sulhrre du Riz, et plac6 sur un pied stable et uniforme, les rapports des diff6rentes classes de Natifs, tant entre elles, qrt'avecleurs Chefs. Or, pour autant que les Soussign6sne se trompent point en supposan! que le but de ces arrengemens a 6t6 dtassurer la prospdritd agricole de la Colo. nie, et iPdcarter les vexations qui r6sultent souvent du contact immddiat de Ia population indigbne avec les Autorit6s subalternes dune administration 6trangEre, ils 6prouvent ule grande satisfaction i dire, que loin davoir i redouter des



fate exercise of Europeau influence. In support of the information containeilin the last Note of the British Plenipoteutiaries, on the zubject of. Batcoolm, their Excdlencies have communicated to tha Undersigned the two Conveutions respectively signed on the 23rd of Mayrand the 4th Juln 1818, by the Lieutenant-Go. yernor of that Establishment on the one side, anil by the Chiefs of some neighbouring Tribes, on the other. Th"y have likewise communicated a Despatch of the GovernorGeneral in Counc[ dated Fmt William, the 9th of May, to which 1823,and accorcling the British Governuent has abolishedat Fort Marlborough the monopoly of Pepper, encouraged.the sultivation of Rice, and plactd on a firn and uniform footing the relations of the difl'erent classes of Natives, as well arnong themselves, as lvith their as the Chiefs. But ins-"much Undersigned are not wrong in zupposing that the object of these arrangements has been the seouity of the. agricultural prosperitY of the Colony, and the removal of the vexations which often re' sult from the immediate contact of the Native PoPulation with the subordinate

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mesuresr6troactives, les inclividus int6ressds i I'ordre actuel des choses peuvent, au qonbaire, nounir I'esporr, que lo nouveau Gouvernement aura 6garil i leurs droies acquis, et i leqr bien4tre; et ce que les. Sorssign& ai-ent surtout i garantirr'il fera observerles Articles des ConventionB d6ji mentionndes, sur la foi desqgels les habitans do Pqsummah, Wu Manna, et d'autres Peupledes de I'int6rieur ont reoonnu l'autorit6, ou accept6 le proteotionde la Compagnie des Indes Britanniques, sauf toutefois Ia facult6 dy substifirer, du pleiu 916 des Parties int6ress6es, dautres conditions analogues, si les circunstances venaient L rendre un changemeut ncessaire. Authorities of b Foreign Government, they experience greatsatisfation in saying that, far from having causeto dread retroactive measures,the individuals interested in the existing orderof thiogr may, onthe conhary, cherish the hopethat the new Governmeut will respect their acquired rights, and their welfare; and, what the Undersiguecl are abov.e all things desirous to guarantee, that it will causethe Articles of tho abovementioned, Conventions to be observed, on the faith of which the InWu babitants of. Pa&mtumolt', Mantu, and the other Colonists in the interior, have rccognized the authority, or accepted the protection, of the British Eest Indie Compsny; saving, however, the power of substituting' with the full consent of the Parties coninterested,otheranalogous should ditious, il cirsumstances render a change necessarJr. With respect to the equiGluant aux dispositions fquitables et bionveillantes table antl benign intentions Britannique of the British Government, du Glouvernement enversleshabitansdeffialacca,.,towards the Inhabitants of et des auhes Etablissemens Malacca, aad the other Dutch par le Trait6, Establishrnents ceded by the Holtantlois c6itrds les Pl6nipotentiaires de Sa Tleuty, the Plenipotentiaries Majest6 le Roi des Pays- of His Majesty t'he King of Bas, en accoptent l'assutance the Netherlands, accept the avec uno confiance illimite; .assnrancethereof with unliet ce mme sentimentlesporto mited confidence; and the i ne pas insister pour que same sentinent prevents them






les instructions et ordres qui from insisting, that the orders seront ailress6s aur Autorit6s and instructions which shall Anglaises dansl'Inile, relative- be addressed to the English ment iIa remise duFort Marl- Authorities in Inilia' relative boroughretde sesd6pendances, to the surender of.Fmt MarIsoyent congrrs en des temes boroughrandits DePendencies, tellement clairs, Pr6cis,et Posi- should be conc.eiveil in such tif,s, qu'on n'y puisse houver clearn precise. and positive aucun motif dincertitude, ni terms, that no causeof unceraucun pr6texte de d6lai; car t"ioty, nor any pretext for ils sont persuaddsque Mes- delay, may be discovered in sieurs les Pl6niPotentiaires then: being persuaded that Britanniques, aPrbs avoir the British Plenilntentiaries, their epport6 tant de mod6ration et after having accomplished de loyaut6 il l'accromPlisse- labours with so much mode-. ment de leur tlche, sauront ration and equity, will take veiller I ce que le r6sultat des care that the result of their travaux conununs ne soit Pas cornmon exertions be uot comregard to oornpro'''is par 6gard Pour des pro-ised by "tty intr8ts subordonn6s, et des subordinate interests, and sesecondaires. condary considerations. This consid6rations Ce rdsultat, Messieurs les result the Bdtish PleniPotenPl6nipotentiaires Britanniques tia.ries themselves have desl'ont d&rit eux-mdmes dans cribed in their last Note, and leur derniEre Note, et il ne it only remains for the reste aux Soussigndsqu'i se Untlersigned to congratulate f6liciter ilt avoir concouru,et themselves on having contriI joinclre leurs vceux I ceux buted thereto, and to unite de Leurs Excellences, Pour their wish6s with those of their que les Agens resPectifs dans Excellencies,that their respcles PossessionsAsiatiques,se tive Agents in their Asiatic montrent toujours P6n6h6s Possessions, may ever show du sentiment iles devoirs, themselves sensible of the que deur Nations, amies et duties, which two Friendly anim6es de vtes vraimeut Nations, animated with trulY lib6rales, ont il remPlir, tant liberal views, have to fulfil, l'une i l6gaill de l'auhe, que both with refetence to each yis- -Yis des indigEnes, que le other, and also towartls tbe cours des 6v6nemens ou les Natives whom the course of Traitds ont plac6s sous lbur events or Treatieshave placed under.their influence. influence.

Les Soussign6s saisisserrt cette'ocaYec empnessement casion de renouveler i Leurs Excellences Messieurs les Pldnipotentiaires Britanniques l'assuiance de leur consid6ration le plus distingude. H. FAGEL. A. R. FAICK. Lutdres, h ll Mwsr 1824, the Undersigneil avail themselves of tbis opPortunity of renewing to their Ercellencies the British Plenipotentiaries, the assnrarce of their most distinguished consideration. H. FAGEL. A. R. FALCK. L'ordnnt Mmch 17' 1824.


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