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THE PORTUGUESE CONQUEST OF MALACCA The first attack Ruy D'Arau ! ha" i#f!r$e" "'A%&u'uer'ue that (the !ccu)ati!

# !f the &ri"*e( $i*ht "eci"e +ict!ry !r at %east "ea% a hea+y &%!, at the e#e$y - The &ri"*e ,as !&+i!us%y the key t! the situati!#. f!r its ca)ture ,!u%" cut the Su%ta#'s ar$y i# t,!. a#" s! $ake its fi#a% "efeat easier- D'A%&u'uer'ue "eci"e". theref!re. t! ca)ture it &y a )i#cer $!+e$e#t. a#" "i+i"e" his $ea*re f!rces i#t! ha%+esThe first. %e" &y hi$/se%f. ,as t! $ake a %a#"i#* i# U)eh a#" ca)ture the #!rther# e#" !f the &ri"*e0 the sec!#" ,as t! %a#" #ear the r!ya% )a%ace a#" the $!s'ue. a#" ca)ture its s!uther# e#"- He ch!se 12 3u%y f!r the attack as that ,as the feast !f St- 3a$es. t! ,h!$ he ha" a s)ecia% "e+!ti!#Acc!r"i#*%y. t,! h!urs &ef!re "a,# !# that "ay. ca)tai#s a#" $e# asse$&%e" !# &!ar" the %ar*e a#" r!!$y f%a*shi). F%!r "e %a Mar. a#" as "a,# ,as &reaki#*. their %itt%e &!ats fu%% !f tr!!)s cre)t t!,ar"s the &eaches- Their a))r!ach ,as s!!# !&ser+e". a#" a furi!us arti%%ery fire *reete" the$- 4he# this ,as fi#ishe" the &!ats "re, #earer i#sh!re. $a"e a %a#"i#*. a#" s!!# e#*a*e" i# a fierce &att%e ,ith the "efe#"ers- The Ma%ays )ut u) a &ra+e resista#ce. &ut after s!$e h!urs !f c!#ti#u!us fi*hti#* the P!rtu*uese succee"i#* i# ca)turi#* &!th e#"s !f the &ri"*e- As the ,i#" freshe#e" fr!$ the sea. they set fire t! h!uses !# &!th &a#ks !f the ri+er. s! that i# a sh!rt ,hi%e a *reat )art !f the city itse%f ,as i# f%a$es a#" the r!ya% )a%ace a#" $a#y !f the r!ya% h!uses ha" &ee# *utte"- Duri#* the fire a chari!t %i#e" ,ith si%k a#" i#%ai" ,ith *!%". !# thirty ,hee%s each as hi*h as a r!!$. ,as &ur#t- 5t ha" &ee# i#te#"e" f!r the ,e""i#* !f Su%ta# Mah$u"'s "au*hter ,ith the Su%ta# !f Paha#*-

5t ,as #!, 1 !'c%!ck i# the after#!!#- The P!rtu*uese ha" &ee# fi*hti#* c!#ti#u!us%y si#ce "a,#They ha" #! f!!". a#" #! $e# c!u%" &e s)are" t! *! &ack t! the shi)s t! &ri#* su))%ies- 5t ,as a*!#isi#* t! h!%" the &ri"*e i# the &ur#i#* heat !f the "ay. u#"er c!#ti#u!us fire fr!$ the e#e$y. ,ith se+e#ty $e# ,!u#"e". s!$e &y )!is!#e" arr!,s 6fr!$ ,hich a%% sa+e !#e "ie"7- T!,ar"s #i*htfa%%. fi#"i#* it i$)!ssi&%e t! c!$)%ete the st!cka"e !# the &ri"*e. "'A%&u'uer'ue *a+e the !r"er t! ,ith"ra,- As the tr!!)s retur#e" i# re%ays t! the shi)s they ,ere su& ecte" t! a harassi#* fire !f &u%%ets a#" )!is!#e" "arts a#" arr!,s &y the "efe#"ers0 &ut they #e+erthe%ess t!!k ,ith the$ a *reat "ea% !f ca)ture" $ateria%. i#c%u"i#* fifty &!$&ar"s fr!$ the &ri"*eA &reathi#* s)ace This first attack ha" !#%y a %i$ite" success f!r the P!rtu*uese. si#ce a%th!u*h they ha" ca)ture" the &ri"*e they ha" #!t &ee# str!#* e#!u*h t! h!%" it- 5t ,as. h!,e+er. a +ict!ry. a#" "'A%&u'uer'ue &e%ie+e" that the city. ha+i#* suffere" hea+y %!sses i# tr!!)s a#" &y fire. ,!u%" haste# t! surre#"er- The Su%ta#. h!,e+er. sh!,e" a# u#e8)ecte" !&sti#acy a#" ,hi%st c!#ti#ui#* t! $ake +a*ue )r!$ises !f frie#"shi) utter%y refuse" t! &ec!$e a +assa% !f the 9i#* !f P!rtu*a%Ma#y !f the $ercha#ts. h!,e+er. ,h! care" $!re f!r their *!!"s tha# f!r Ma%acca. #!, &e*a# t! )ress f!r )eace ,ith the P!rtu*uese- They ,ere afrai" the P!rtu*uese ,!u%" ,i# a#" ,!u%" sack the city- Uti$utira a. f!r i#sta#ce. se#t a )rese#t !f sa#"a%,!!" t! "'A%&u'uer'ue. th!u*h. at the sa$e ti$e. he se#t his )e!)%e t! he%) the "efe#"ers t! &ui%" #e, )a%isa"es a#" &arrica"es- 5t ,as c!#si"ere" a ,ise )recauti!# t! kee) frie#"%y ,ith &!th si"es-

The Ma%ays. theref!re. c!#ti#ue" t! )ush !# ,ith the f!rtificati!#s i# e8)ectati!# !f a #e, attackAt %east !#e hu#"re" &!$&ar"s ,ere #!, $!u#te" !# the &ri"*e. ,hich ,as #!, e+e# $!re hea+i%y "efe#"e" &y )a%isa"es- O# the #!rth a#" s!uth si"es !f the &ri"*e *u#s ,ere !#ce $!re $!u#te" t! c!$$a#" the a))r!aches fr!$ U)eh a#" the $!s'ue res)ecti+e%y- D'A%&u'uer'ue theref!re rea%ise" that #!thi#* %ess tha# a# !+er,he%$i#* +ict!ry ,!u%" *i+e hi$ the c!#tr!% !f the

city- He "eci"e" theref!re !# a# a%%/!ut attack: &ut here he ha" t! face a #e, "ifficu%ty- His ca)tai#s. tire" !f the e#"%ess "e%ays. &e*a# t! a"+!cate a retur# t! 5#"ia- They ha" %!st $uch !f their e#thusias$ f!r the fi#a% attack. &ecause "'A%&u'uer'ue i#siste" that they ,!u%" ha+e t! &ui%" a f!rt ,he# the t!,# ,as ca)ture". a#" the )r!s)ect "i" #!t a))ea% t! the$- D'A%&u'uer'ue. h!,e+er. ca%%e" the$ a%% t! a c!u#ci% !# his f%a*shi)- He sh!,e" the$ that the c!#'uest !f Ma%acca ,as a&s!%ute%y #ecessary. si#ce this a%!#e ,!u%" *i+e the$ a c!$)%ete $!#!)!%y !f the )e))er tra"e- As thi#*s ,ere. Ara& tra"ers ,ere a&%e t! take +ast 'ua#tities !f )e))er a#" s)ices t! Cair!. A%e8a#"ria a#" ;e#ice. fr!$ Ma%acca +ia <a&/e%/Ma#"e&. "!"*i#* the P!rtu*uese 5#"ia# f%eet !# the ,ay- He )!i#te" !ut that the ca)ture !f Ma%acca ,!u%" &e a *reat &%!, t! their e#e$ies the M!!rs. a#" that it ,as a )ri=e !f *reat ,!rth- As a resu%t/( Cair! a#" Mecca ,!u%" &e e#tire%y rui#e" a#" t! ;e#ice #! s)iceries ,i%% &e c!#+eye" e8ce)t that ,hich her $ercha#ts *! a#" &uy i# P!rtu*a%-( (5 a$ certai#(. he a""e". (,he# they &e*i# t! %ike !ur ustice a#" strai*ht "ea%i#*. a%% $ercha#ts ,i%% *! a#" resi"e there a#" $ake ,a%%s !f *!%"-( These ar*u$e#ts fi#a%%y "eci"e" the ca)tai#s t! $ake a sec!#" a#" $uch $!re f!r$i"a&%e attack- This ti$e they ,ere "eter$i#e" t! achie+e successThe sec!#" attack. >? Au*ust >2>> As i# the first attack. the $ai# !& ect !f the P!rtu*uese ,as t! ca)ture the &ri"*e0 &ut this ti$e "'A%&u'uer'ue $ea#t t! h!%" it- S!$e "ays &ef!re his c!#fere#ce ,ith the !fficers he ha" th!u*ht !ut a #e, i"ea- This ,as t! use a# e8ce)ti!#a%%y ta%% u#k as a ki#" !f f!rtifie" sie*e %a""er. ,hich c!u%" &e f%!ate" t!,ar"s the &ri"*e. a#" *ra))%e" t! it- 5t ,!u%" !+er/t!,er the &ri"*e. a#" fr!$ its c!$$a#"i#* )!siti!# the attackers c!u%" rake the &ri"*e fr!$ e#" t! e#" ,ith their *u#fire a#" st!#es. a#" $ake it c!$)%ete%y u#te#a&%e- U#f!rtu#ate%y at first f!r his )%a#. the u#k ,as f!u#" t! ha+e t!! *reat a "rau*ht f!r the sha%%!, ,aters !f the ri+er- The attack ha" t! &e )!st)!#e" u#ti% the s)ri#* ti"e. ,hich ,!u%" ref%!at the u#k a#" carry it "!,# t!,ar"s the &ri"*e- Mea#,hi%e the Ma%ays. *uessi#* his i#te#ti!#. "i" their &est t! set fire t! the craft &y se#"i#* t!,ar"s it !# the fa%%i#* ti"e &%a=i#* &!ats a#" &ar*es: &ut a%% their eff!rts ,ere f!i%e" &y the P!rtu*ueseSu%ta# Ah$a" "efe#"i#* Ma%acca fr!$ the P!rtu*uese !# his e%e)ha#t At %ast the u#k ,as ref%!ate"- The P!rtu*uese &!$&ar"e" the city "uri#* the #i*ht !f @ Au*ust. a#" !# the #e8t "ay the attack &e*a#- D'A%&u'uer'ue. ha+i#* )!ste" *u#/&!ats !# either f%a#k !f the attacki#* &!ats. $a"e his ,ay t! the #!rth )art !f the city ,here. after a &rief &ut fierce stru**%e he succee"e" i# effecti#* a %a#"i#*- Mea#,hi%e A#t!#i! "'A&reu. i# face !f furi!us fire fr!$ the &ri"*e. ,hich he re%e#t%ess%y retur#e". ha" succee"e" i# *ra))%i#* the u#k t! the &ri"*e. a#" &y a hea+y fire. s,e)t the "efe#"ers fr!$ it- These t!!k u) a )!siti!# &ehi#" )a%isa"es %yi#* &et,ee# the &ri"*e a#" the $!s'ue0 &ut fire fr!$ the *u#&!ats i# the har&!ur c!$)e%%e" the$ t! retire t! the $!s'ue- D'A%&u'uer'ue #!, *a+e !r"ers f!r the $!s'ue t! &e ca)ture"- The Ma%ays thereu)!# e+acuate" it. a#" ,ere f!%%!,e" i# s,ift )ursuit &y a "etach$e#t u#"er "e Li$aSu""e#%y the %atter's tr!!)s f!u#" the$se%+es face t! face ,ith fresh rei#f!rce$e#ts u#"er the c!$$a#" !f the Su%ta# a#" his s!# Ah$a"- 5# the &a#" ,ere t,e#ty fi*hti#* e%e)ha#ts ,hich #!, char*e" the P!rtu*uese- U#"is$aye" "e Li$a )ierce" the %ea"i#* e%e)ha#t i# the eye ,ith his s)ear a#" the $a""e#e" &rute tur#e" i# the #arr!, r!a" a#" f%e". scatteri#* the Ma%ays. a#" i#fecti#* the !ther a#i$a%s ,ith its ra*e a#" terr!r4he# "ark#ess fe%%. the P!rtu*uese t!!k u) their )!siti!# !# the &ri"*e. ,hich they #!, hea+i%y "efe#"e" ,ith str!#* &arrica"es at &!th e#"s. &ui%t u) ,ith &arre%s !f sa#" a#" ,!!" fr!$ t,! !f their shi)s ,hich they ha" &r!ke# u) f!r this )ur)!se- A&!+e their hea"s they )%ace" a *reat sai%. fir$%y tie" "!,# at each e#" t! ,ar" !ff the heat !f the su# "uri#* the "ay- A%% #i*ht %!#* their *u#s &!$&ar"e" the city. kee)i#* the r!a"s c%ear fr!$ c!#ce#trati!#s !f e#e$y tr!!)sD'A%&u'uer'ue s)e#t the #i*ht +isiti#* a#" e#c!ura*i#* the ,!u#"e". !f ,h!$ there ,ere $a#yDuri#* the &att%e t,e#ty/ei*ht !f his $e# ha" &ee# ki%%e"F!r s!$e "ays "'A%&u'uer'ue ,aite" &ef!re *i+i#* !r"ers f!r the fi#a% attack- He ,as c!#cer#e" a&!ut the ,!u#"e". &ut ,as a%s! rea"y e+e# at this sta*e t! #e*!tiate ,ith Mah$u"- He si$)%y

aske" that )er$issi!# sh!u%" &e *i+e# f!r the &ui%"i#* !f a f!rtress a#" that his $e# sh!u%" recei+e reas!#a&%e &!!ty f!r their +ict!ry- The Ma%ay ,ar )arty h!,e+er ,as i# #! $!!" t! #e*!tiate0 th!u*h $a#y !f the tra"ers a$!#* the$ Ni#achatu ,as a$!#* these a#" ,as *i+e# f%a*s t! )ut !utsi"e his h!use t! he%) P!rtu*uese s!%"iers t! i"e#tify it.aske" f!r )r!tecti!# "uri#* the sack !f the city ,hich a%% e8)ecte" h!ur%yThe ca)ture !f the city. 1A Au*ust >2>> The fi#a% attack. h!,e+er. "i" #!t take )%ace u#ti% s!$e "ays %ater- The# !# 1A Au*ust "'A%&u'uer'ue's tr!!)s. $archi#* si8 a&reast thr!u*h the streets. s,e)t asi"e a%% resista#ce. s%ayi#* a%% ,h! trie" t! !))!se the$- The *!+er#!r the# *a+e !r"ers f!r the city t! &e sacke": &ut the !)erati!# ,as carrie" !ut ,ith a$a=i#* re*u%arity- There ,as #! ,i%" s#atchi#* f!r &!!ty- First the sai%!rs. ,h!se !& ,as s! +ita%. ,ere a%%!,e" t! *et their share0 the# !ther tr!!)s ,e#t i# successi!#. each &ri#*i#* his &!!ty &ack t! the &each #ear the s)!t ,here the C!$$a#"er st!!"- The ,h!%e !)erati!# t!!k !#e "ay- A$a=i#* treasures ,ere accu$u%ate". i#c%u"i#* (&ars !f *!%". ars !f *!%" "ust. e,e%s. )rice%ess si%ks. rare )erfu$es a#" sce#te" ,!!"s (/&ut it ,as esti$ate" that t,!/thir"s !f the *reat city's ,ea%th sti%% re$ai#e"- S!$e !f the !fficers ,ere i# fa+!ur !f "es)!i%i#* the city c!$)%ete%y a#" retur#i#* t! 5#"ia0 &ut this ,as #! )art !f "'A%&u'uer'ue's )%a#- He ,as a#8i!us f!r his tr!!)s t! rea) a fair re,ar" f!r their +a%!ur0 &ut at the sa$e ti$e he sa, the +ita% i$)!rta#ce !f Ma%acca t! P!rtu*a%'s E$)ire- He "i" #!t ,ish it t! &e rui#e"0 &ut i#stea" ,as $!st a#8i!us t! re/esta&%ish its tra"e as s!!# as )!ssi&%e- As f!r hi$se%f. the !#%y thi#*s he ac'uire" fr!$ the Ma%acca e8)e"iti!# ,ere N!a"a&e*ea's &race%et a#" si8 %ar*e &r!#=e %i!#s f!r his !,# t!$&-

N! further resista#ce t!!k )%ace i# the city- The Pe*ua#s ,ere the first t! ask f!r/a#" recei+e/ )ar"!#- They ,ere s!!# f!%%!,e" &y the 3a+a#ese a#" Hi#"us- As f!r the Su%ta#. he a#" his s!# 'A%a'u'"/"i# ,h! ha" take# a #!ta&%e )art i# the "efe#ce. f%e" i#%a#"- 'A%a'u'"/ "i# trie" t! $ake a sta#" at Pa*!h0 &ut ,as "ri+e# !ut &y the &r!thers A#"ra"e a#" s!$e 3a+a#ese. a#" f%e" ,ith his father t! Paha#*. ,hither the Su%ta# !f Paha#* ha" %!#* si#ce )rece"e" the$- O#%y a fe, Ma%ays u#"er the re"!u&ta&%e Laksa$a#a. Ha#* Tuah. ke)t u) a series !f harassi#* attacks !# the hate" e#e$y- After a ti$e. Mah$u" a#" his s!#. *atheri#* c!#fif"e#ce. $!+e" fr!$ Paha#*. first t! a sett%e$e#t far u) the 3!h!re ri+er. a#" the# t! the 5s%a#" !f <i#ta#*. the Su%ta# at Te&i#* Ti#**i a#" the Pri#ce at <atu Pe%a&!ha#-

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