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Alrashed 1 Rashed Alrashed. Kristine Foster. CO150.401 Oct-23-2013.

Gay Marriage An Annotated Bibliography Allowing gay marriage has been a hot and controversial problem in the United States of America for decades. The American nation has been divided for a long period of time because of this problem. Im interested in this specific problem because I want to know the different points of views on it and why to support legalizing it or oppose it. What is the right decision for the government to take? Should the government legalize gay marriage in all states because it is a civil right? Is gay marriage wrong and the decision of banging it must still be active? I started the research on Oct.3.2013 and finished it on Oct.19.2013. The first source is a scholarly article. The second one is a website article. The third and the last sources are website article and a newspaper article. "Apply 'who's hurt' test to gay marriage." USA Today n.d.: Academic Search Premier. Web. 19 Oct. 2013. This scholarly article was written for gay couples and people who are involved in any way with gay marriage issue. The purpose of this article is to show why gay marriage should be legalized in all the states of the U.S. In this article, stories and quotations was used to demonstrate why banning gay marriage should be legalized. The first point was a story from Supreme Court justice who stated that gay marriage was not legalized in the past in order to harm some politicians. Second, a statement from the same justice was used which indicates that making gay marriage illegal is offending to kids whose parents are gay couples. The third point is that justice Kennedy stated that it demeans the couple, whose moral and sexual choices the Constitution protects.

The credibility of this source is high for several reasons. Firs, this article was written by USA TODAY's Editorial Board (USA TODAY website), which means this article

Alrashed 2 has a very high credibility. Second, the place of publication is USA Today, which is a very reliable source and the article was peer reviewed before it was published. One problem with source is that it didnt use any statistics which wouldve help a lot to convince the readers with legalizing gay marriage.

This article made me understand why gay marriage should be legal by presenting several reasons that supports gay marriage. From the article, Ive known that gay couples who get married dont have the same rights that regular married people have.

Kellard, James. "Gay Marriage Should Be Legal." Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 20 Oct. 2013. This article was written for people who are oppose to gay marriage and the purpose of it is to show the weakness of the arguments which are used by people who oppose legalizing gay marriage. Several sources have been used in this article which means the author has made a research on this topic. The first supporting point is, gay marriage is not a threat to the marriage institution. Second, It will help to adopt more children. Third, there isnt any constitution amendment that specifically prohibits gay marriage.

The high credibility of this source comes from two reasons. First, the author has an impressive back ground. He is a writer of news articles and political analyses. Second, It was published on 2013 which indicate that it is a recent article. The problem with this source is not presenting any true stories about this topic.

This resource helped me to understand why gay marriage should be legal by presenting several benefits of legalizing it. I have learned that more children will be adopted by legalizing gay marriage and more families will exist.

Richard, Wolf. "Gay Marriage Debate: You Be The Judge." USA Today n.d.: Academic Search Premier. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.

Alrashed 3 This source is a peer reviewed article and the intended audience is the people who are following this case and people who are involving in it. The purpose of this article is to present what had happened in this case. A gay marriage case that happened in a supreme court, which was an attempt to legalize gay marriage. The type of evidence he used is a true case that is being held on these days in court and what arguments that is being presented by lawyers who are supporting legalizing gay marriage. One of the lawyers who were trying to defend the case stated that gay marriage should be legalized in all states because it already legal in CA and the president of the U.S. is also supporting to legalize it in 8 states.

This source is credible because it is a peer reviewed article and it was published in USA today which is a very reliable newspaper. One problem in this source is that it only presenting one side and it is the one who agrees with allowing gay marriage.

This source helps me to answer the first question because it shows why gay marriage should be legal. This article claims that gays should have the right to get married because it is one of their civil rights. Stolberg, Sheryl, Sussman, Dalia. Same-Sex Marriage Is Seen in Poll as an issue for the Stets New York Times. June 6, 2013. This newspaper article was written for any person how is interested in the case of gay marriage. The purpose of it is to show what the public opinion about gay marriage is. It uses statistics that have been concluded from a survey. This article shows that the majority of people agree that we should treat gay couples as we treat normal couples. Also, it indicates that a very high percentage of people are expecting gay marriage to be legal in the future.

This source has a strong credibility because it was published in NEW YORK TIMES. The year of publication is 2013 , which means it is very recent. This source has one problem which is not explaining who the survey has been made.

Alrashed 4 After reading this article, I have a larger picture now about what does the public opinion in the United States think about gay marriage issue. This article shows that most people around the States agrees with gay marriage and giving them the same rights.

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