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ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

Unit Title Unit Question Grade

Significant Concept Batting investigation

Criteria Assessed A B C D
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Have you read the unit/criteria ru ric Yes or NO

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Unit o !ective What prior knowledge do you have? Example Where do you need to develop your knowledge and understanding? What action will you take to develop your knowledge $ understanding? Unit o !ective What prior knowledge do you have? Example

Working on batting practice and what effect they have on the ball through stance and handgrip Working on the batting techniques and how they affect your stroke and hit !lso" the footing that is really important #he rules of the game" also the hand grip

% will make sure that % have all of the important rules an d

&evelop sports leadership certificate What is very important as a leader' for example" a person who can' (deal with and solve problems in the groups (is well organi)ed and knows what is going on (someone who is fair" and can consider and include every group members ideas and thoughts

Where do you need to develop your knowledge and understanding?

*ow to apply those skills to tough situations" and how to stay in control when there are difficult situations

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

What action will you take to develop your knowledge $ understanding? % will develop skills as a leader" by looking closely at what a good leader needs" and how good sports leaders in our class handle their group

Unit o !ective What prior knowledge do you have? Example Where do you need to develop your knowledge and understanding? What action will you take to develop your knowledge $ understanding? Unit o !ective What prior knowledge do you have? Example Where do you need to develop your knowledge and understanding?

+omplete !ction ,lan What % have written down already -ore detail of batting investigations" such as better stance" hand grip etc ,ay a lot of attention to this unit" and do extra research or ask my teacher if % have questions about the .nit

+omplete Edmodo qui) on batting investigation *ow to use and meet deadlines for the Edmodo ,E qui))es" how to apply the things % have learned in the .nit *ow to prepare better for these qui))es/ % need to know what exactly to learn or study for

What action will you take to develop your knowledge $ understanding?

0earn ahead of time what % need to know to get a high score on the qui)

"hat in this unit do you find challenging and ho# #ill you tac$le this challenge% % think that leadership is a very tricky thing to be good at a lot of times" because

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

when things don1t always go the way they were planes" it might be ahead situation to deal with !lso" it is hard taking responsibility of a lot of people % will tackle this goal by looking at other good leaders in my class" and seeing what they do to make themselves a good leader

*ow will you prepare for this assessment?

#hen Co)pletion DAT& Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time" which can affect pro3ect performance

&vidence ' (easura le


2now when it has been achieved

,lease list below

-y reward for completing this step will be?

Ti)e'Bound By

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

E g &inner with my parents or my favorite meal" soda or gaming" chocolate 4 Work on batting techniques

5tep 6' 7esearch batting techniques that % do not understand or know yet 5tep 8' 9et to know them" and apply my knowledge in class 5tep :' 7eflect and see what % can improve in my batting skills 5tep ;' !pply my knowledge to other sports situations

*+ ,ov

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0. ,ov

+omplete action plan

5tep 6' .nderstand the main ideas of the .nit and the ob3ective

+ ,ov

5tep 8 ' 5tart working on the packet *. ,ov 5tep :' <inish packet" make sure %

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

understood everything 5tep ;' *and in packet
*- ,ov *- ,ov

*ow will you prepare for this assessment? !ssessments

y #hen co)pletion date% Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time" which can affect pro3ect performance

&vidence ' (easura le 2now when it has been achieved

,lease list below

-y reward for completing this step will be?


ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan E g &inner with my parents or my favorite meal" soda or gaming" chocolate4
&evelop leadership skills

5tep 6' 0ooking at the leadership skills % need to know better 5tep 8' 5tart research or observation of leadership skills to improve 5tep :' !pply those skills in class and life 5tep ;' Extend my knowledge on leadership skills

*+ ,ov

-. ,ov

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+omplete edmodo 5tep 6' 2now what to study or know qui) for the qui)

*/ ,ov

5tep 8' 5ee when the deadline is"

*/ ,ov

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

and see what % still do not know that % need to learn for the qui) 5tep :' 5tudy at least = days before the qui) 5tep ;' &o the qui)

Unit reflection
What went well?

What did not go so well?

*ow can % correct the >area1 that did not go so well for next time?

Student suggestion for >next time1 we have this unit?

ISD Physical Education Department Student Unit Action Plan

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