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Assessment level

Criteria A Use of Knowledge

7 -- 8

Use of Knowledge descriptor (maximum 8) You use batting specific related terms and vocabulary in a wide range and in most situations accurately and appropriately and wisely (and achieve high results on written tests). You consistently demonstrate excellent knowledge in the laws, rules, and you investigate strategies and tactics to adjust your batting performance during isolated skill development, mini game and full game scenarios. You use your investigate knowledge appropriately to react to different game scenarios and taking risks to clearly benefit most from your decision-making; due to your ability to refine your batting performance through your use of knowledge. You demonstrate and use many batting specific related terms and vocabulary in some situations (satisfactory achieve on written test) You demonstrate good knowledge in laws, rules, and you investigate strategies and tactics to adjust your batting performance during isolated skill development and in mini game and full game scenarios. You use your knowledge in game scenarios to create some opportunities in familiar and some unfamiliar situations and you are taking risks to sometimes benefit from your knowledge. You sometimes use batting specific related terms and vocabulary incorrectly and inaccurate (below satisfactory grade on written test). You demonstrate basic knowledge in laws, rules, strategies and tactics You use your knowledge to play, but often repeat the same batting technique as a safe option You use batting specific related terms and vocabulary seldom or incorrectly (failing grade on written test) You demonstrate little knowledge in your batting technique, the laws, rules, strategies and tactics during isolated skill development, mini game and full game scenarios. You use your knowledge to play, but often repeat the same error with your batting technique and benefit rarely. You do not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed throughout You have difficulty playing the game because you lack information of what to do when criteria A use of knowledge.

5 -- 6

3 -- 4

1 -- 2

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