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Quick Lamb Masala

INGREDIENTS 1 Kg Baby Lamb on the bone - cut into small pieces 2 Large onions thickly sliced 4-6 lo!es o" #resh $arlic rushed 2 %nch &iece o" $inger $rated 1 tablespoon umin 'eeds 1 tablespoon oriander 'eeds rushed 1 tablespoon Mustard 'eeds 2-( pieces innamon sticks )-1* lo!es )-1* Black &eppercorns 4-6 +hole Bay Lea!es 1 up ,egetable -il 'alt to taste 1 teaspoon hilli &o+der 1-1. tablespoon oncentrated /omato &uree 6-) 0hole Large $reen hillies 1 1and"ul o" #resh oriander METHOD 2-/34 % used a pressure cooker5 i" you ha!en6t got one use a non stick pan it +ill 7ust take longer to cook 18 1eat oil in a pressure cooker 28 9dd all the ingredients e:cept the last ; items and mi: +ell (8 ook in the pressure cooker "or ;-1* minutes or till meat is tender and cooked ooking /ime +ill depend on your pressure cooker<<<< 48 =emo!e pressure cooker o"" heat and let cool completely till sa"e to open > open ;8 $i!e the "ood a good mi: 68 &lace pot back on sto!e and increase the heat to ma:imum ?8 2e:t add salt5 chilli po+der and tomato puree and mi: +ell )8 ook on high heat "or another ;-1* minutes @8 9dd green chillies and chopped coriander > mi: +ell 1*8 'er!e +ith 2aan or &uri

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