Perturabo Daemon Primarch of The Iron Warriors PDF

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After fleeing Terra following Horus death, Perturabo took the opportunity to take vengeance on the Imperial Fists

with a trap on Sebastus IV. The trap was known as the Eternal Fortress, a keep centred within twenty square miles of bunkers, towers, minefields, trenches, tank traps and redoubts. Upon hearing of this, Rogal Dorn publicly declared that he would dig Perturabo out of his hole and bring him back to Terra in an iron cage.

PERTURABO, DAEMON PRIMARCH OF THE IRON WARRIORS Points: 450 + Points for Obliterator Models

WS 9

The siege of the Eternal Fortress (later referred to as the Iron Cage Incident) lasted for a further three weeks. Relief came in the form of Roboute Guilliman and the Ultramarines, who drove off the Iron Warriors, but the siege left Rogal Dorn a broken man and rendered the Imperial Fists Chapter unable to fight for nineteen years. The gene-seed of over 400 Imperial Fists was sacrificed to the Dark Gods, and Perturabo was elevated to the rank of Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided.

Iron Within, Iron Without.

FORMATION: Perturabo and a retinue of between 2-12 Obliterators chosen from Codex: Chaos Space Marines. PERTURABO: Perturabo is treated as a Daemon Prince with the following profile and special rules. BS 6 S 6 T 6 W 5 I 6 A 5 LD 10 SV 2+

UNIT TYPE: Monstrous Creature SPECIAL RULES Fearless, Eternal Warrior, 5+ Invulnerable Save, Deep Strike, Slow and Purposeful, Bolster Defences (See Codex: Space Marines) Forgebreaker: Perturabo is armed with Forgebreaker. It counts as a master-crafted Thunder Hammer that strikes at normal initiative. Ultimate Obliterator: Perturabo may fire two weapons from those available in each shooting phase, these may be different weapons than those of his Obliterator retinue. Perturabo doesnt have to fire at the same target of his retinue, he may fire at two different targets. The weapons available are: Lascannon, multi-melta, plasma cannon, twin-linked plasma gun, twin-linked meltagun, twin-linked flamer. As well as these (See Codex: Imperial Guard): Battle Cannon, Exterminator Autocannon, Vanquisher Battle Cannon, Eradicator Nova Cannon, Demolisher Siege Cannon, Punisher Gatling Cannon, Executioner Plasma Cannon.

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