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N0vember 22, 2011 UHS Essential Health Philippines, Inc. 24th Floor, To er 1, The Enterprise !

enter, "#"" $%ala $ven&e corner Paseo 'e (o)as, *a+ati !it%, Philippines 1200

To US$N$ ,istrib&tor Services-

I, .E/N$(,/ 0/N,E 1/N2$.ES,

o&l' li+e to a&thori3e UHS Essentials Health ith 700 points amo&ntin4 to P

Philippines to char4e US$N$5s Pro6essional Pac+, 87, 890.00 to m% cre'it car' as 'etaile' belo . *% !re'it !ar' In6ormation:isa !ar' N&mber- 418;<7900<0;#1<9117 !ar' E)piration ,ate- 11=12

Hopin4 6or %o&r imme'iate action re4ar'in4 this matter. Than+ %o& ver% m&ch.

Sincerel%, .E/N$(,/ 0. 1/N2$.ES

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