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IT 801 Algori !" A#$l%&i& ' ()&ig#

Subject Elective Code Teaching Examination Scheme Scheme Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract IT Pract Pa er !ar"# 801 0% 0& 'niver#ity ( )r 100 &*

T$ Total &* 1*0

B$&i*& o+ Algori !"& $#, M$ !)"$ i*& $hat i# an algorithm+ !athematic# ,or -lgorithmic. Set# . /unction# and 0elation#. 1ector# and !atrice# . Linear Ine2ualitie# and Linear E2uation# A#$l%&i& o+ Algori !" The e,,icient o, algorithm. average and 3or#t ca#e analy#i#. elementary o eration. -#ym totic 4otation. -naly5ing control #tatement. -naly5ing -lgorithm u#ing 6arometer. -morti5ed analy#i#. #olving recurrence E2uation. Sorting -lgorithm. 6inary Tree Search Gr)),% Algori !" 7eneral Characteri#tic# o, greedy algorithm#. Problem #olving u#ing 7reedy -lgorithm 8 !a"ing change roblem9 7ra h#: !inimum S anning tree# ;<ru#"al=# algorithm. Prim=# algorithm>9 7ra h#: Shorte#t ath#9 The <na #ac" Problem9 ?ob Scheduling Problem (i-i,) $#, Co#./)r Algori !" The general Tem late derive# u#ing multi lying large Integer# Problem. Problem Solving u#ing divide and con2uer algorithm 8 6inary Search9 Sorting ;!erge Sort. @uic" Sort>9 !atrix !ulti lication9 Ex onential (%#$"i* 0rogr$""i#g Introduction. The Princi le o, A timality. Problem Solving u#ing Bynamic Programming C Calculating the 6inomial Coe,,icient9 !a"ing Change Problem9 -##embly Line8Scheduling9 <na #ac" Problem9 Shorte#t Path9 !atrix Chain !ulti lication9 Longe#t Common Sub#e2uence. memory ,unction# E12lori#g Gr$2!& -n introduction u#ing gra h# and game#. Traver#ing Tree# C Preconditioning9 Be th /ir#t Search 8 'ndirected 7ra h9 Birected 7ra h. 6reath /ir#t Search. 6ac"trac"ing C The <na #ac" Problem9 The Eight 2ueen# roblem9 7eneral Tem late. 6rach and 6ound C The -##ignment Problem9 The <na #ac" Problem. The minmax rinci le S ri#g M$ *!i#g Introduction. The naDve #tring matching algorithm. The 0abin8<ar algorithm. String !atching 3ith ,inite automata I# ro,/* io# o N03Co"2l) )#)&& 1

The cla## P and 4P. Polynomial reduction. 4P8 Com letene## Problem. 4P8)ard Problem# 0r$* i*$l $#, T)r" 4or56 Practical and Term 3or" #hould be carried out a# er the above #yllabu#E !inimum 10 exerci#e# #hould be carried outE T)1 Boo5&6 1 Introduction to -lgorithm# by Thoma# )E Cormen. Charle# EE Lei#er#on. 0onald LE 0ive#t and Cli,,ord Stein R)+)r)#*) 7oo56 1E /undamental o, -lgorithm# by 7ill# 6ra##ard. Paul 6ratley. Publication : Pentice )all o, India &E /undamental o, Com uter -lgorithm# by Elli# )oro3it5. Sarta5 #ahni and #anguthevar 0aja#e"arm


IT 808 So+ Co"2/ i#g $#, N)/r$l N) 4or5 Subject Elective Code Teaching Examination Scheme Scheme Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract IT Pract Pa er !ar"# 80& 0% 0& 'niver#ity ( )r 100 &*

T$ Total &* 1*0

NEURAL NET9OR:S Su ervi#ed Learning 4eural 4et3or"# C Perce tron# 8 -daline C 6ac" ro agation !utilayer Perce tron# C 0adial 6a#i# /unction 4et3or"# C 'n#u ervi#ed Learning 4eural 4et3or"# C Com etitive Learning 4et3or"# C <ohonen Sel,8Argani5ing 4et3or"# C Learning 1ector @uanti5ation C )ebbian LearningE FU;;Y SET THEORY Introduction to 4euro C /u55y and So,t Com uting C /u55y Set# C 6a#ic Be,inition and Terminology C Set8theoretic A eration# C !ember /unction /ormulation and Parameteri5ation C /u55y 0ule# and /u55y 0ea#oning C Exten#ion Princi le and /u55y 0elation# C /u55y I,8Then 0ule# C /u55y 0ea#oning C /u55y In,erence Sy#tem# C !amdani /u55y !odel# C Sugeno /u55y !odel# C T#u"amoto /u55y !odel# C In ut S ace Partitioning and /u55y !odelingE GENETIC ALGORITHM6 Bi,,erence bet3een Traditional -lgorithm# and 7-. The ba#ic o erator#. Schema theorem. convergence analy#i#. #tocha#tic model#. a lication# in #earch and o timi5ationE Encoding. /itne## /unction. 0e roduction. Cro## Aver. !utation. Convergence Theory9 - lication#E ROUGH SET6 Indi#cernibility 0elation#. 0educt#. 0ough - roximationE - lication#E)ybrid Sy#tem#: 4euro /u55y Sy#tem#. /u55y Logic Controlled 7-. /u55y !ember#hi Inter retation u#ing 0ough Set theory etcE NEURO FU;;Y MO(ELING -da tive 4euro8/u55y In,erence Sy#tem# C -rchitecture C )ybrid Learning -lgorithm C Learning !ethod# that Cro##8,ertili5e -4/IS and 06/4 C Coactive 4euro /u55y !odeling C /rame3or" 4euron /unction# ,or -da tive 4et3or"# C 4euro /u55y S ectrumE 4euro8/u55y Sy#tem# ,or Pattern 0ecognition: Image8. S eech8 and Language Proce##ing NEURO3GENETIC INFORMATION 0ROCESSING FOR O0TIMI;ATION: -da tation in Intelligent Sy#tem# . Evolving Connectioni#t and /u55y Connectioni#t Sy#tem#. - lication# ,or -da tive Sy#tem#. An8line Intelligent Sy#tem# MACHINE LEARNING Learning ,orm Exam le# 8 Inductive Conce t Learning 8 Se2uence Prediction 8 E,,ect o, 4oi#e in In utE Learning by -nalogy8 Conce t ,ormation 8 Berivational -nalogyE Learning by Ab#ervation and Bi#covery 8 Search ,or 0egularity8Conce tual Clu#tering. Com utational Learning Theory (

A00LICATIONS OF COM0UTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Printed Character 0ecognition C Inver#e <inematic# Problem# C -utomobile /uel E,,iciency Prediction C So,t Com uting ,or Color 0eci e PredictionE 0r$* i*$l6 !inimum 10 ex eriment# #hould be carried out according to to ic covered in #ubjectE TE<T BOO: ?ESE0E?ang. CETESun and EE!i5utani. F4euro8/u55y and So,t Com utingG. P)I. &00%. Pear#on Education &00%E !ichal#"i. Carbonnel H !ichel ;Ed#E>: !achine Learning 8 -n -E IE - roach. 1ol8IE

REFERENCES Timothy ?E0o##. F/u55y Logic 3ith Engineering - lication#G. !c7ra38)ill. 1IIJE Bavi# EE7oldberg. F7enetic -lgorithm#: Search. A timi5ation and !achine LearningG. -ddi#on $e#ley. 4EKE. 1I8IE SE 0aja#e"aran and 7E-E1EPai. F4eural 4et3or"#. /u55y Logic and 7enetic -lgorithm#G. P)I. &00(E 4euro8/u55y Techni2ue# ,or Intelligent In,ormation Sy#tem# by 4i"ola <a#abov and 0obert <o5ma ;ed#>. IS64 (8JI088118J8%E 4eural net3or" ,u55y logic genetic algorithm #ynthe#i# and a lication8 SE 0jae#h <aranE

IT 803 Service Oriented Computing

Subject Elective Code Teaching Examination Scheme Scheme Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract IT Pract Pa er !ar"# 80( 0% 0& 'niver#ity ( )r 100 &*

T$ Total &* 1*0

I# ro,/* io# Introduction, Brief history of information technology, Distributed computing in the large, Motivations for composition, Challenges for composition, Web Services Architectures and Standards. Basic concepts Directory services, S A!, WSD", #DDI Enterprise architectures Integration versus interoperation, $%&&, .'&(, Model Driven Architecture, "egacy systems. Principles of Service-Oriented Computing #se cases) Intra*enterprise and Inter*enterprise Interoperation, Application,Configuration, Dynamic Selection, Soft+are ,ault (olerance, -rid, and,#tility Computing,&lements of Service* riented Architectures, .!C versus Document, rientation, Composing Services Description: Modeling and representation /M" primer, Conceptual modeling, ntologies and 0no+ledge sharing, .elevant standards) .D,, .D,S, and W", Inferencing and tools, Matchma0ing Engagement &1ecution Models) Messaging, C .BA, !eer to peer computing, $ini, -rid Computing, (ransactions) ACID !roperties, Schedules, "oc0ing, Distributed (ransactions,(ransactions over Composed Services) Architecture, !roperties,Compositional Seriali2ability,!rocess specification) !rocesses, Wor0flo+s, Business !rocess Management,!rocess Specification "anguage,.elevant standards) B!&"3WS, WSCI, WS*C, eb/M",.ela1ed transactions,&1ception handling Collaboration Describing collaborations, Agents, Multiagent systems, Agent communication, languages, !rotocols, Commitments and contracts, !lanning,Consistency maintenance, .elevant standards) ,I!A, W"*S, &conomic models, rgani2ational models *

Selection 4uality of service, Application*level trust, .eputation mechanisms, .eferral systems Engineering &ngineering composed services, Compliance, (rust, !rivacy. S nthesis Common threads, pen problems Status and trends

T)1 Boo56 Service8Ariented Com uting: Semantic#. Proce##e#. -gent# by !unindar PE Singh and !ichael 4E )uhn# ?ohn $iley H Son#. LtdE. &00* R)+)r)#*) Boo56 Service8Ariented -rchitecture: Conce t#. Technology. and Be#ign 6y Thoma# Erl Publi#her: Prentice )all PT0 . &00*

IT 804 So+ 4$r) Ar*!i )* /r) $#, 0ro=)* M$#$g)")#

Subject Elective Code Teaching Examination Scheme Scheme Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract IT Pract Pa er !ar"# 80% 0% 0& 'niver#ity ( )r 100 &*

T$ Total &* 1*0

SOFT9ARE ARCHITECTURE I# ro,/* io# o So+ 4$r) Ar*!i )* /r) So,t3are -rchitecture .0elation#hi # to Ather Bi#ci line# .!ulti8Bi#ci linary Avervie3 . /oundation# o, So,t3are -rchitecture . So,t3are architecture in the context o, the overall #o,t3are li,e cycle. -rchitectural Style#. C-SE #tudy o, -rchitecture# So+ 4$r) Ar*!i )* /r) ()&ig# Be#igning. Be#cribing. and '#ing So,t3are -rchitecture. IS&000: The -dvanced Imaging Solution. 7lobal -naly#i#. Conce tual -rchitecture 1ie3. !odule -rchitecture 1ie3. Style# o, the !odule 1ie3ty e. Execution -rchitecture 1ie3. Code -rchitecture 1ie3E Com onent8and8 Connector 1ie3ty e. Style# o, Com onent8and8Connector 1ie3ty e. -llocation 1ie3ty e and Style#. Bocumenting So,t3are Inter,ace#. Bocumenting 6ehavior. Choo#ing the 1ie3#. 6uilding the Bocumentation Pac"ageE Ar*!) %2) 0$ )r#& -rchety e# and -rchety e Pattern#. !odel Briven -rchitecture 3ith -rchety e Pattern#E Literate !odeling. -rchety e PatternE . Cu#tomer 0elation#hi !anagement ;C0!> -rchety e Pattern. Product -rchety e Pattern. @uantity -rchety e Pattern. 0ule -rchety e PatternE I# ro,/* io# o ()&ig# 0$ )r#&. Be#ign Pattern#. Creational Pattern#. Pattern# ,or Argani5ation o, $or". -cce## Control Pattern#. Service 1ariation Pattern#. Service Exten#ion Pattern# 0$ )r# T%2)& Abject !anagement Pattern# -da tation Pattern#. Communication Pattern#. -rchitectural Pattern#. Structural Pattern#. Pattern# ,or Bi#tribution. Pattern# ,or Interactive Sy#tem# -da table Sy#tem#. /rame3or"# and Pattern#. -naly#i# Pattern# 0ROJECT MANAGEMENT I# ro,/* io# o So+ 4$r) 0ro=)* M$#$g)")# S%& )" So,t3are Bevelo ment a# a roject. #ta"eholder# in #o,t3are roject. #o,t3are roduct. roce##e#. 2uality and co#t. objective#. i##ue# and roblem# relating to #o,t3are roject#E O-)r-i)4 o+ 0ro=)* 0l$##i#g J

Ste # in roject lanning. de,ining #co e and objective#. deliverable# and other alternative# in lanningE 0ro=)* E& i"$ io#


Project Si5e E#timation !etric: LAC. /P. /eature PointE E#timation Techni2ue: Em irical. )euri#tic# and analyticalE CACA!A !odel. )al#tead. Putnam and SLI! model# ,or Time and E,,ort E#timationE Sta,,ing Level E#timation: E,,ect on #chedule change on co#t and ?en#en model. 0ro=)* S*!),/li#g $or" 6rea"do3n #tructure. -ctivity 4et3or": 4et3or" lanning model. -ctivity Con8arro3 net3or". recedence net3or". /or3ard and 6ac"3ard a##. Critical Path. Stac" and ,loat. 7antt Chart. PE0T Chart#E Org$#i>$ io# $#, T)$" S r/* /r) Avervie3 o, Argani5ation #tructure and Team Structure. Argani5ational 6ehavior. 0ecruitment and Placement. Sta,,ing. !otivation and 7rou 6ehaviorE Individual and 7rou Beci#ion ma"ing. Leader#hi and Leader #tyle. /orm# o, Argani5ational StructureE Ri&5 A#$l%&i& $#, M$#$g)")# 0i#" Identi,ication. 4ature and Categorie# o, 0i#" in #o,t3are Bevelo ment. 0i#" -##e##ment9 0i#" !itigation. !onitoring and !anagement;0!!>. 0!! Plan. 0i#" Containment. Evaluating Scheduling 0i#" u#ing PE0TE R)&o/r*) Allo*$ io# 4ature o, Project 0e#ource#. Identi,ying re#ource re2uirement ,or -ctivitie#. -llocating and Scheduling 0e#ource#. Co#t o, 0e#ource#. Standard. Plan and -ctual Co#t. Co#t variance. Time co#t trade o,,E 0ro=)* Tr$*5i#g $#, Co#+ig/r$ io# M$#$g)")# !ea#urement o, Phy#ical and /inancial rogre##. Earned value analy#i#. Statu# re ort# and !ile#tone re ort#E 4ece##ity o, con,iguration management. Con,iguration !anagement -ctivity. Change control. Source code Control Sy#tem ;SCCS>E 0ro=)* Co# r$* M$#$g)")# Aut#ourcing o, roduct# and #ervice#. Ty e# o, contract. Stage# in contract lacement. Term# and Condition o, contract. Contract monitoring and -cce tance Te#tingE 0r$* i*$l6 !inimum 10 ex eriment# #hould be carried out according to to ic covered in #ubjectE T)1 6 1. 6ob )ughe# and !i"e Cotterell. FSo,t3are Project !anagementG. Third Edition &00&. !c 7ra38)illE 8

8. Pan"aj ?alote. FSo,t3are Project !anagement in PracticeG. &00&. Pear#on. Education -#iaE R)+)r)#*)Boo5&6 1E - lied So,t3are -rchitecture .Chri#tine )o,mei#ter. -ddi#on8$e#ley Pro,e##ional9 1#t edition ;4ovember %. 1III>E

0obert 4ord. Beli Soni.

&E E##ential So,t3are -rchitecture. Ian 7orton S ringer9 1 edition ;&00L>E (E Pattern8Ariented So,t3are -rchitecture 1olume 1. &. (. %. * by /ran" 6u#chmann. )an# 0ohnert. <evin )enney. Bougla# CE Schmidt. Publi#her: $iley9 1 edition ;-ugu#t 8. 1IIL8 &00%>E %E Be#ign Pattern#: Element# o, 0eu#able Abject8Ariented So,t3are ;-ddi#on8 $e#ley Pro,e##ional Com uting Serie#> by Erich 7amma. 0ichard )elm. 0al h ?ohn#on. ?ohn 1li##ide# Publi#her: -ddi#on8$e#ley Pro,e##ional9 1#t editionE *E 0oger SE Pre##man. FSo,t3are Engineering: !c7ra38)illE ractical roachG. /i,th Editoin &001.

LE So,t3are Engineering 6y Ian Sommerville -ddi#on $e#leyE JE/undamental# o, So,t3are Engineering 6y 0ajib !all. Prentice )all o, IndiaE

IT 80? L$#g/$g) 0ro*)&&or

Subject Elective Code Teaching Examination Scheme Scheme Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract IT Pract Pa er !ar"# 80* 0% 0& 'niver#ity ( )r 100 &*

T$ Total &* 1*0

L$#g/$g) r$#&l$ io# o-)r-i)4 Pha#e# in language tran#lation. overvie3 o, #y#tem #o,t3are u#ed during tran#lation Clanguage roce##or#. lin"er . loaderE Ty e# o, language roce##or#C a##embler. inter reter. com iler etcE Co"2il)r & r/* /r) -naly#i#8#ynthe#i# model o, com ilation. variou# ha#e# o, a com ilerE L)1i*$l $#$l%&i& Inter,ace 3ith in ut. ar#er and #ymbol table. to"en. lexeme and attern#E Bi,,icultie# in lexical analy#i#E Error re ortingE Im lementationE 0egular de,inition. Tran#ition diagram# S%# $1 $#$l%&i& C/7#. ambiguity. a##ociativity. recedence.To do3n ar#ing8recur#ive de#cent ar#ing. tran#,ormation on the grammar#. redictive ar#ing.6ottom u ar#ing. o erator recedence grammar#. L0 ar#er#. ;SL0. L0>E S%# $1 ,ir)* ), r$#&l$ io#6 Inherited and #ynthe#i5ed attribute#. L8 and S8attributed de,inition#. #emantic #tac"# in bottom8 u com ilation. action #ymbol# in to 8do3n I# )r"),i$ ) Co,) g)#)r$ io#6 Poli#h 4otation.48tu le. -b#tract #yntax tree#.Threaded code;P8code ab#tract machine ,or Pa#cal> .Intermediate languages, Issues in implementation. R/# i") &%& )"6 #torage organi5ation. activation tree. activation record. arameter a##ing. #ymbol table. #tatic. dynamic and hea #torage allocation. garbage collectionE S%"7ol $7l) "$#$g)")# Symbol table organi5ation# ,or bloc"ed and non8bloc"ed language#E Co,) o2 i"i>$ io#&6 !achine de endent. machine inde endent o timi5ation#


R)$l i") )#-iro#")# Error ,) )* io# o+ r)*o-)r% 0r$* i*$l $#, T)r" 4or56 Practical and Term 3or" #hould be carried out a# er the above #yllabu#E !inimum 10 exerci#e# #hould be carried outE Text 6oo"#: ;1> The theory and ractice o, Com iler $riting by ?ean Paul Tremblay and Paul 7E Soren#on ;&> Com iler#: Princi le#. Techni2ue# and Tool#. 6y -E 1E -ho. 0E Sethi. and ?E BE 'llmanE Publi#her -ddi#on8$e#leyE 0e,E 6oo": ;1> Com iler de#ign in C by -llen )olu . Publi#her8P)I ;&> Com iler Con#truction by Bhamdhere. Publi#her8 !c!illan India


IT 80@ (i& ri7/ ), ' 0$r$ll)l Co"2/ i#g

Subject Elective Code Teaching Examination Scheme Scheme Theory Lab/ Exam Theory Theory Pract IT Pract Pa er !ar"# 80L 0% 0& 'niver#ity ( )r 100 &*

T$ Total &* 1*0

0$r$ll)l Co"2/ i#g Ar*!i )* /r)& S eedu ,actor and e,,iciency. Shared memory multi roce##or#.MInterconnection 4et3or"#./lynn=# cla##i,ication#.Parallel com uting architecture# memory model.MSolving roblem# in arallel M)"or% Hi)r$r*!% !emory hierarchie#.Cache ba#ic#.!atrix multi lication.Latency.Im act o, memory band3idth.!ultilevel cache#.Introduction to cache coherence Vir /$l M)"or% $#, 0rogr$""i#g 0)r+or"$#*) !otivation# ,or 1!.M-ddre## tran#lation.-ccelerating 3ith TL6=#.)o3 architecture im act# your rogram#.M)o3 ;and ho3 not> to tune your code M)&&$g) 0$&&i#g Co"2/ i#g I SP!B and !P!B model.Point8to8 oint #end and receive communication#.MSynchronou# and a#ynchronou# me##age a##ing.Sim le !PI exam le#.6a#ic# o, collective communication#.MEvaluating arallel rogram# M)&&$g) 0$&&i#g Co"2/ i#g II 6u,,ered and nonbu,,ered communication#.MPer,ormance i##ue# 0$r$ll)l T)*!#i./)& I Embarra##ingly Parallel Parallel Exam le# oint8to8 oint communication.Collective

Com utation#.Ideal


Com utation.Embarra##ingly

0$r$ll)l T)*!#i./)& II Partitioning and Bivide8and8Con2uer Strategie#.MPi elined Com utation# 0$r$ll)l T)*!#i./)& III Synchronou# Com utation#.Synchroni5ation.MBata Parallel Com utation#.MSynchronou# Iteration Program Exam le#.Solving a Sy#tem o, Linear E2uation# by Iteration.M)eat Bi#tribution Problem 0$r$ll)l T)*!#i./)& IV Load 6alancing and Termination Betection.Bynamic Load 6alancing ;BL6>.Centrali5ed BL6.Becentrali5ed BL6.Load 6alancing '#ing a Line Structure.Bi#tributed Termination Betection -lgorithm# 1&

0rogr$""i#g 4i ! &!$r), ")"or% I 6a#ic #hared memory architecture.Bi,,erence# bet3een a roce## and thread#.-cce##ing #hared data.Shared data in #y#tem# 3ith cache#.MCache coherence roblem 0rogr$""i#g 4i ! &!$r), ")"or% II Introduction to A en!P 0rogr$""i#g 4i ! &!$r), ")"or% III Snoo y cache coherence.Birectory ba#ed cache coherence 0r$* i*$l $#, T)r" 4or56 Practical and Term 3or" #hould be carried out a# er the above #yllabu#E !inimum 10 exerci#e# #hould be carried outE TENT 6AA< : 1E !E Pa r5yc"i. 0E $aOnio3#"i. and ?E Pale3#"i. FParallel and Bi#tributed Com uting Education: - So,t3are Engineering - roach.G &E BE PE 6ert#e"a# and ?E 4E T#it#i"li#. Parallel and Distributed Compuation: Numerical Methods, BE PE 6ert#e"a# and ?E 4E T#it#i"li#. Prenctice )allE


IT 80A Mo7il) Co"2/ i#g

Subject Elective Code IT 80J Teaching Scheme Theory Lab/ Pract % & Examination Scheme Exam Theory Theory Pract Pa er !ar"# 'niver#ity ( )r# 100 &* T$ Total &* &00

Mo7il) Co"2/ i#g Ar*!i )* /r) -rchitecture ,or mobile com uting. Three tier architecture. de#ign con#ideration# ,or mobile com uting. mobile com uting through internet. ma"ing exi#ting a lication# !obile8Enabled Mo7il) Co"2/ i#g T!ro/g! T)l)2!o#% Evolution o, tele hony. multi le acce## rocedure#. mobile com uting through tele hone. Bevelo ing an I10 a lication. voice N!L. tele hony a lication rogramming inter,ace Mo7il) T)*!#ologi)&

6luetooth. 0adio ,re2uency identi,ication;0,id>.$irele## 6roadband. !obile IP.IPvL.javacard C Glo7$l S%& )" For Mo7il) Co""/#i*$ io# 7lobal #y#tem ,or mobile communication. 7S! architecture. 7S! entitie#. call routing in 7S!.PL!4 inter,ace. 7S! addre##e# and identi,ier#. net3or" a# ect# in 7S!.7S! ,re2uency allocation. authentication and #ecurity ? S!or M)&&$g) S)r-i*)& !obile com uting over S!S.S!S. value added #ervice# through S!S. acce##ing the S!S bearer @ G)#)r$l 0$*5) R$,io S)r-i*)(G0RS) 7P0S and ac"et data net3or". 7P0S net3or" architecture. 7P0S net3or" o eration. data #ervice# in 7P0S. - lication# o, 7P0S. 6illing and charging in 7P0S A 9ir)l)&& A22li*$ io# 0ro o*ol(9$2) $-P.!!S.7P0S a lication 8 C(MA A#, BG S read8# ectrum Technology. CB!- ver#u# 7S!. $irele## data. third generation net3or"#. a lication# in (7 D 9ir)l)&& LAN $irele## L-4 advantage#.IEEE80&E11 #tandard# .$irele## L-4 architecture. !obility in $irele## L-4. Be loying $irele## L-4. Be loying $irele## L-4. !obile ad hoc net3or"# and #en#or net3or"#. 3irele## L-4 #ecurity. $i/i v/# (7 10 Voi*) O-)r I# )r#) 0ro o*ol A#, Co#-)rg)#*) 1%

1oice over IP.)E(&( ,rame3or" ,or voice over IP.SIP. com ari#on bet3een )E(&( ad SIP. 0eal time rotocol#. convergence technologie#. call routing. call routing. voice over IP a lication#. I!S. !obile 1oIP 11 S)*/ri % I&&/)& I# Mo7il) In,ormation #ecurity. #ecurity techni2ue# and algorithm#. #ecurity ,rame3or" ,or mobile environment 0r$* i*$l $#, T)r" 4or56 Practical and Term 3or" #hould be carried out a# er the above #yllabu#E !inimum 10 exerci#e# #hould be carried outE T)1 Boo5&6 1 !obile Com uting -#o"e < Telu"der.0oo a 0 Kavagal by T!) & The com lete re,erence ?&!E T!) (E )andboo" o, $irele## 4et3or"# and !obile Com uting Ivan Stojmenovic . $iley


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