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MEDIA ADVISORY FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Melissa Weinberger UMass Donahue Institute ( !

"# $ $%" &' ()einberger*+onahue,u(ass-,e+u Governor Patrick, UMass President Caret, Congressman Kenned and !,"## ed$cators and %$siness &eaders to strategi'e (or contin$ed s$ccess at !# t) Massac)$setts S*EM S$mmit +,A* !/'00 e+u1ators/ business lea+ers an+ go.ern(ent o22i1ials )ill be atten+ing the !0 th Annual Massa1husetts STEM Su((it/ a +a3long e.ent +e.ote+ to -ro(oting S1ien1e/ Te1hnolog3/ Engineering an+ Math (STEM# e+u1ation an+ )or42or1e +e.elo-(ent 2ro( earl3 1hil+hoo+ through a+ulthoo+, Massa1husetts is re1ogni5e+ as a national lea+er in STEM e+u1ation/ an+ the state has in.este+ hea.il3 in -rogra(s an+ to +e.elo- a highl3 s4ille+ )or42or1e/ 2oster e1ono(i1 +e.elo-(ent/ an+ ulti(atel3 -osition the Co((on)ealth as a lea+er in the '! st 1entur3 inno.ation%base+ global e1ono(3, The +a3 )ill in1lu+e " brea4%out sessions )ith -anels/ )or4sho-s/ se(inars an+ +is1ussions that a++ress issues su1h as 1urri1ulu( -lanning/ 6ob training/ -artnershi-s bet)een e+u1ation an+ in+ustr3/ 2ostering STEM 1ulture be3on+ the 1lassroo(/ tea1hing a+.an1e+ 1on1e-ts in (ath an+ 1o(-uter s1ien1e/ an+ +e2ining 1areer -ath)a3s/ )ith three uni7ue sessions +e.ote+ to intro+u1ing an+ +is1ussing STEM 8lan ',0/ a re.ise+ .ersion o2 the '0!0 -lan that la3s out the .ision/ goals/ an+ out1o(es o2 the state9s ongoing STEM initiati.e, For the 2irst ti(e this 3ear/ the Su((it )ill also 2eature a Resour1e Roo(/ )here e+u1ators an+ inno.ators )ill sho)1ase )a3s the39re in1or-orating a+.an1e+ STEM 1on1e-ts into a1ti.ities an+ lessons 2or -re%: through 1ollege stu+ents/ as )ell as 2ostering entre-reneurialis( an+ -ro.i+ing s4ills training to the state9s )or42or1e, A 2ull s1he+ule o2 the +a39s e.ents is a.ailable on the Massa1husetts STEM Su((it )ebsite an+ atten+ees are en1ourage+ to use the t)itter hashtag ;MASTEMSUMMIT to intera1t +uring an+ a2ter the e.ent, +,O S-ea4ers in1lu+e: Dr, Robert Caret/ 8resi+ent/ Uni.ersit3 o2 Massa1husetts <o.ernor 8atri14 / <o.ernor/ Co((on)ealth o2 Massa1husetts Congress(an =ose-h :enne+3/ >onorar3 Chair/ <o.ernor?s STEM A+.isor3 Coun1il @r3an Morr3/ EAe1uti.e Dire1tor/ The >all at 8atriot 8la1e -resente+ b3 Ra3theon

:ell3 8o)ers/ Massa1husetts STEM Tea1her o2 the Bear/ The >all at 8atriot 8la1e -resente+ b3 Ra3theon Donna Cu-elo/ Region 8resi+ent/ Ceri5on Ne) Englan+ an+ Chair/ Mass @usiness Roun+table :ara Di<ia1o(o/ EAe1uti.e Dire1tor/ @iogen I+e1 Foun+ation announ1ing Ignite the 8o)er o2 STEM <rants 8rogra( Carl an+ Anna Mra1e4 Dietri1h/ Co%2oun+ers/ Terra2ugia


We+nes+a3/ No.e(ber !"/ '0!"/ D:00% :00 <illette Sta+iu( ! 8atriot 8la1e FoAborough/ MA 8ress -asses )ill be -ro.i+e+ at the (ain registration area/ E',

/ACKGROU.D- The longest running STEM Su((it in the 1ountr3/ the Massa1husetts STEM Su((it has gro)n 2ro( a gathering o2 '$0 in '00 to !/000 atten+ees to+a3, >oste+ b3 the Massa1husetts @usiness Roun+table/ the <o.ernor?s STEM A+.isor3 Coun1il an+ the UMass Donahue Institute an+ s-onsore+ b3 the state9s lea+ing e+u1ation/ resear1h an+ te1hnolog3 organi5ations/ the STEM Su((it brings together e+u1ators/ inno.ators an+ a+.o1ates 2ro( throughout Massa1husetts to a++ress the 1hallenges an+ a1hie.e(ents o2 the state9s STEM -lan,

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