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KAIROS #57 - Testimonies

Okeechobee Correctional Institution

All glory to God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit!
On November 7-10, 2013, a group of Kairos Volunteers entered the Okeechobee Correctional Institution (a Maximum Security State Prison), to conduct a Kairos Weekend for 42 candidates. On Sunday, to cap the event, the Kairos Women of Closing (from many different congregations) came inside to sing to the inmate residents in a glorious display of praise. We were also assisted by a team of inmates made up of past Kairos graduates. The Holy Spirit was evident right from the very beginning and continued with a strong presence during the entire weekend.

Here are just a few testimonies that I was able to write as the participating Inmate Residents shared at the Tables and during the different Open Mic times on the Weekend:
I came bound, broken, felt thrown away, and didnt know what to do. I was placed in a position, whereby I didnt think I would make it. In here (KAIROS) I found a different world. Im taking Gods Forgiveness with me. This experience has been a blessing in hearing the testimonies of others. Through the hurt, pain, and downfalls, I opened up and listen to men (KAIROS team members) express Gods love. Ive seen God move so many at my table. I know God has work for me. This is no coincidence. God has a plan and purpose for everyone here. All of us are here for a reason. We may have come following the smell of the food, but God is trying to reach us all. Here is a chance to be made real and also help make a change in others. We serve a Life-changing God. Keep seeking. Everything be cool. When I left yesterday, I received some Bad News. My 13 year old daughter tried to Commit Suicide because of bullying. Because of the situation with my daughter, if it wasnt for KAIROS, I would be a mess right now. God brought me here this Weekend to show me something. I was shown what real love is. I am encouraged to know that the devil wont take my daughter. Christ lives and the Lord is changing me. I get out in 10 months. I am going to be a real father, a better man, and a man of God. Now its about reaching out to others. Thanks for showing me how to be a Christian. I rejoiced to hear that my daughter wants to see me and I really want to see her. But I told her, dont come next Saturday, but next Sunday, because I dont want to miss next Saturdays follow up meeting with all of my (KAIROS) brothers. Thank you!

When I came to this KAIROS, I found love, humility, fellowship, brotherly love, and knowledge. I am taking with me a loving spirit back out on the compound. Buddhist (priest) spoke I cant believe Im about to do this (testify). This is an amazing opportunity. You all are not egotist people. Its not about people, but about a Person. This Weekend is about the body of Jesus and God. This is phenomenal. I didnt know what it (this KAIROS) would mean for me. I hope to continue to feel this profondable of peace with people. Another Buddhist from our table spoke during table discussion time: I was fearful in coming here around you all. I had walls up with chained fences and guard dogs, but now the walls have come down and I have invited you all in. My priest and I had a discussion after the second KAIROS evening, and we both agreed, we both now have a different perspective about Christianity. At the end of the meeting he later told me, Pastor Freeman, I am so sorry my priest did not accept the Cross, but I felt I needed to and I did. Thank you all. I came already feeling good, but the love that was poured out was awesome. In here I found unconditional love and seeing strangers coming together. I dont know your background and you dont know my background, and yet we are able to open our hearts to one another. I learned a lot. I know We Are Not Alone. Im taking everything Ive learned back to the compound. I will tell others, You need to go up and experience this (KAIROS).

We all came on different levels spiritually. I came expecting a lot. I found a lot of brothers showing real love. I have read about this in the Bible, but to see it on display is overwhelming. I found, its not all about me. But its about Being a friend, Making a friend, and Bringing that friend to Christ. I came expecting. In order to receive, we must expect. I got more than what I was bargaining for. The food was good, but the love was beyond comprehension. People need to really experience this. This is how we should live on the compound. This is an experience all should want to experience. Many of us came to this Weekend in turmoil. This experience drew us closer as we saw love. I dont reach out to strangers, but I found we are not strangers. I found peace, motivation, and responsibility that I will take back to the compound. We should be talking the talk and walking the walk that we talk about. When they see us doing that, we will draw others. We are accountable. Everybody knows the deal. Grandma always said, Its harder when you KNOW and then Dont do it. This has been a great experience. Im glad my roommate wrote up my request. I have been to service at the Chapel before, but its not been like this. The energy here is very positive. In the back room (table Chapel time) I prayed and the burdens were lifted. I have not felt like this in a long time. This is the best Church I have been in since being locked up.

I heard about the food, but I wanted to come for the experience. In my dorm, I was really going through something with another man. After leaving here, I went and gave him a hug. As soon as I left, the man started crying. I gave him the love you all gave me. Thank you for the experience. I came for the food, but I got much more. I didnt know there would be both kinds of food. Im back in here (prison) because I didnt follow the plan. Slowly I slipped back (into old ways and habits). Some didnt make it back. They are dead. Leaving here physically wont help if you dont leave prepared mentally and spiritually. This (KAIROS) is a blessing. We are going to be held accountable. Take it (this experience) with you. Give it to someone else. Everybody knows me. They call me Flash because of my antics on the compound. Believe it or not, I am a Christian, but I do it my way. For the last couple of days of coming up here, many have come and welcomed me and shown me love. Just saying, Whats Up and not judging me makes me feel real good. From this moment on, Im going to humble myself, then move forward. Im going to do my best. God bless!


What a mighty God we serve. He keeps showing Himself strong and mighty to forgive, save, heal, comfort, encourage, and give hope. Thanks be to God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit for all that was accomplished on this Weekend. It was an awesome experience that we shall never forget. Many blessings and thanks to all who were used as instruments of the Lord to help with Prayer, Posters, Placemats, Donations, Food, Singing, etc. to make all of this possible. To God be the glory!!! Amen

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