How To Succeed in GCSE Media

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How to succeed in GCSE media (assessment 1A)

For assessment 1a you have to analyse magazine front covers. There are many different types for different target audiences. For each cover you have to recognise the audience and explain what each section denotes and from this what you think/ your opinion (what it connotes). When analysing a cover you should include a lot of specific information and using the keywords describe how this relates to the target audience. Some of the main keywords include; Anchoring text (text that tell you about the main picture) Font (the text, including the name of the text, size and colour) Puff (short phrase used to sell the magazine) Layout (How the page is designed) Masthead (name of the magazine) Skyline (Attracts the reader to special features-at the top of the page) Slogan (a word or phrase to give the magazine a unique selling point)

These are just some of the things that should be included when analysing a front cover. You should also remember the acronym M (media language) I (institutions) G (genre) R (representation) A (audience) I (ideology) N (narrative) - MIGRAIN. These are things to consider when doing assessment 1A. I think the most important sections are Media language, genre and audience. Firstly you must include Media language when analysing anything within media so it makes sense and you can identify sections of it. Secondly the genre is very important as it helps you to identify the audience. It is also what makes people buy the magazine as if the genre isnt right for them, they wont buy it. The last one which I believe to be important is the audience. Without the audience the magazine wouldnt have a purpose because the company wouldnt be gaining any money from producing the magazine. The producers and editors have to make the magazine appealing to the audience so that its target audience want to buy this specific magazine and not another one.

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