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Eco-Schools Action Plan

Eco-Schools !opic" Litter

SCHOOL NAME __Invergordon Acade y___________________________

#ate $ange of this Plan" %&ne '()* + Spring '(),

O&r overall ai s for this !opic are" Increase the amount of waste being recycled in recycle bins. Reduce amount of waste in normal bins. Establish the main types of litter found in school grounds.

Conduct a litter audit to determine main types of litter found and key locations Conduct a sur&ey to see how much litter is being recycled'not recycled in school

-ho.s in charge/

-hen 0ill it 1e done 1y/ 2if ongoing3 0hen did it start/4

Ho0 can 0e onitor it/

$ake a tally of main types of litter found.

Ho0 0ill 0e 5no0 0hen s&ccessf&l/

Ho0 &ch 0ill it cost/

#id it 0or5/ Any ideas for the f&t&re/

June !"#

Take a tally afterwards.

Reduction in litter


English (ept) R *raddick'pupils

+ay !",

Compare how full normal waste bins are compared to recycle bins. +ay ", and then again (ec ",.

-mount of waste in Recycle bins will increase.


ECO SCHOOLS TOPIC: Sustaining OUR World Our o'erall ai"s o% the To(ic are: Climate Week to raise awareness of Climate Change and its impact on the lives of people across
the globe. Action
Climate Week to raise awareness of Climate change and its impact

Whos in Charge

When will it done !

Spring 2013

How can we "onitor it#

Tannoy climate fact every day to whole school.

How will we $now we are success%ul#

P pils tal!ing a"o t climate facts. #aised $wareness

How "uch will it cost#


&id it wor$# An! ideas %or the %uture#

&'0 appro( raised for #ed )ose Day from p pils ta!ing part in * i+

Biology Dept Geography Dept

Action finished o______Stirlings Action in progress Not started yet

on the lives of people across the globe.

Action finished o______Stirlings Action in progress Not started yet

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