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Forever Summer

Crying. Its a way that we express our grief. Some people cry a lot and others never cry. -David Perez Isabellas Diary- June 9 2010: Summer began today. Summers in Miami, are loved by everyone. Going to South Beach every day, shredding waves down in Surf Side, and heading into town at night to walk around Lincoln Rhode. Thats how everyone spent their summer here. Well, almost everyone. Unlike most people my first day of summer consisted of saying good morning to all the nurses, and doctors, heading to my assigned room to lie down on the bed I was going to spend the rest of my summer in. Then watching my mothers worried eyes as the doctor tells her the same thing that he had been saying since I became his one of his special patients: It seems like the cancer is spreading even more throughout her body. He kept talking even more about his experiences with my type of cancer case but I didnt listen as usual and just closed my eyes and imagined doing something freely without having people pointing at me saying Oh wow look at that girl... she has no hair! or Why is she outside and not in some facility resting?. Although, to be perfectly honest it didnt really bother me, it was my mom I felt bad for. She was the one who had to listen to those types of comments daily. Isabella? Are you okay? my doctor questioned me. His question snapped me back into reality. Ya Im fine doc.... Isabellas Diary- June 19 2010: So today I got a brand new hospital neighbour. His name is David. Hes from New York. Its is first time in Miami and he moved here because of his cancer. The programs in New York apparently arent as good as the programs we have here. So now I guess I have someone to hang out with this summer. I havent talked to him yet but fingers crossed hes nice...

Isabellas Diary- June 1 2010: David and I went to the surfing today! It was so much fun. Everyone giving us pity looks, but we didnt care. We splashed around in the water, fell off our boards 100 times, and ended up eating 5 bags of chips, 2 burgers, and drinking 3 cokes. Ever since Ive met David weve been doing stuff like this every day. Hes one of those outgoing, loving people. He loves life, and appreciates it more than anyone else I have ever met. He embraces it even with his disabilities. David has a heart of gold. Im honestly so glad I met him. He makes me forget about my health, and helps me remember what it was like to be a kid again. Not caring what other people think, seeing the world with a new perspective. The thing about him is that he looks like a perfectly healthy person. I mean hes as sick as I am (and Im pretty sick) but he has gorgeous abundance of brown hair that reflects off his tan face. Most kids with cancer are just skin and bones, rite? Well David has a lot of muscle which I noticed today on the beach. I mean like I didnt realize he was so good looking until today. I wonder if he thinks Im pretty with my pale white skin that matches the colour of my bald head. Well I guess it doesnt matter he is way out of my league... Isabellas Diary- July 4 2010: ITS 4TH OF JULY! Happy Birthday America!! Today David said he has something special planned for us but hes not telling me what. My mom says she knows and so does my dad. Even my 6 year old brother knows! So Im really nervous for today cause usually when I hang out with David were with either my mom or his but today its juts the two of us. I dont know if its a date or not, so its even more nerve racking. Alright hes here. I got to go... Isabellas Diary- July 4 2010(about to me July 5): TODAY WAS AMAZING <3! The minute I opened the door this morning David was standing outside with a picnic basket, two bicycles, and roses. Happy 4th of July! I have a lot of things planned for us, so we should probably get going. Promise ill have her back my twelve, goodbye! David swiftly said as we mounted our bikes and headed to wherever he planned on taking me. We went biking through town which was a lot of fun because everyone was on the streets partying throwing confetti and barbequing. It took us a while to get to the beach because we got too distracted by all the cotton candy

sellers...Anyhow, usually going to the beach in Miami on the 4th of July isnt the best because its always too crowded with people. But this beach was hidden! Yup thats rite, we had the entire beach to ourselves. At first it was a bit awkward just having the entire beach to ourselves but not knowing what to do with it. That awkwardness disappeared the minute we ran into the water. From then on out it was just pure fun. We surfed, played volleyball, played Frisbee, and ate until are stomachs couldnt handle anymore consumption of food. When it started getting dark David pulled out some blankets, marshmallows, chocolate, graham crackers, and he started making a fire. We talked while eating smores under the stars waiting for the fireworks. David kept inspiring me by his thoughts and his ambitions. Life is too short to live with regrets, live like theres no tomorrow.David whispered into my ear as he was interrupted by a huge explosion of light. The fireworks had started and we just laid side by side just gawking at the beautiful display of lights and just enjoying each others company. By the end of the show we packed up our things and cycled back to my house. It was a great night but Im not one to kiss and tell... Isabellas Diary- July 23 2010: Today David had surgery done on his lungs. Ever since the 4th of July I started taking care worrying about him a lot more. So of course today I was chewing my nails down anxiously to a point where there was no more nail to chew on. He was very calm though (as always) saying that this surgery was just a step closer to a healthier life with me. Of course him saying that eased down my nerves but I was still a freaking out. Now Im just waiting for the OK from his doctor to let me visit him. His mom that the operation was successful, and that hes just resting. Even though only immediate family was allowed visits I was dying to see him and his big smile that lights up a room... Isabellas Diary- July 25 2010: Once again I got to see his big beautiful smile giving me butterflies each time he shows it. He looked healthier than ever before, I was just so glad he was back and ready to spend the rest of the summer together...

Isabellas Diary August 1 2013: Its been exactly 3 years since David has passed away. The surgery wasnt the success everyone had thought it was. His poor lungs couldnt fight for life any longer and they just collapsed. One week later was his memorial. It was designed by, himself. He planned it as a child when he first got lung cancer. He wanted his good organs to be donated to charity and the rest of his ashes thrown into the ocean. Everyone wore white instead of black, and it wasnt a day of grief but a day of remembering a beautiful lost soul who was in a better place. This was the speech I gave at his memorial- David Perez was one of those outgoing, life loving people I had ever met. He loved life, and appreciated it more than anyone else He embraced it even with his disabilities. David had a heart of gold. Im honestly so glad I met him. He made me forget about my health problems, and helped me remember what it was like to be a kid again. Not caring what other people think, seeing the world with a new perspective. He gave me a new view on life- Life is too short to live with regrets, live like theres no tomorrow. He still is my forever summer...

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