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Form 4: Additional Maths Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Function

A relation connects elements in set A (domain) to elements in set B (codomain) according to
the definition of the relation.

Relation between two sets can be represented by

(a) Arrow diagram
(b) Ordered pairs
(c) Cartesian graph

Example 1

The relation ‘is a factor of’ between set A = { 3, 4} and set B = {4, 6, 8} can be represented as

(a) Arrow diagram

(b) Ordered pairs

{(3, 6), (4, 4), (4, 8)}

(c) Cartesian graph

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Form 4: Additional Maths Chapter 1

Domain, Codomain, Image, Object and Range

In the relation between one set and another, the first set is known
as the domain and the second set is known as the codomain.

Elements in the domain is called objects, whereas elements in the

codomain mapped to the objects is called the image. Elements in
the codomain not mapped to the objects are not the image.

All images in codomain can be written as a set known as range.

Example 2

The diagram above shows the relation between set A and set B. Find the domain, codomain and
range of the relation.


The domain is {a, b}

The codomain is {p, q, r, s}

The range is {p, q, r}

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Form 4: Additional Maths Chapter 1

Type of Relation

Types of Relation Diagram

1 One to One Relation

In this relation, each object in the

domain has only one image in the

2 One to Many Relation

In this relation, one or more than one of

the objects in the domain has more than
one image in the codomain.

3 Many to One Relation

In this relation, there are more than one

objects in the domain that have the same
image in the codomain.

4 Many to Many Relation

In this relation, one or more than one of

the objects in the domain has more than
one image in the codomain, and there
are more than one object in the domain
that have the same image in the

Function as a special kind of relation

• A function is a relation in which every element in the domain has a unique image
(exactly one) in the codomain.
• One-to-one relation and many-to-one relation are examples of a special kind of
relation which we call function.
• A function should has the following properties:
o All objects must have at least 1 image.
o It is not necessarily that all elements in the codomain have object.

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Form 4: Additional Maths Chapter 1

o An object cannot has more than 1 image.

o More than 1 object is allowed to have the same image.

Function is A Special ind of Relation

One to One Relation Many to One Relation

Relation Which is Not Function

The following relations are not function:

1. One to Many Relation

2. Many to Many Relation
3. Relation that has unmapped object in the codomain.
4. For a function , each element x in the domain X has a unique image y in
the codomain Y.
5. We often say y is a function of x and write it as .
6. The function may also be written as , linking an element of the
domain to its image f(x) in the *codomain.
7. Note that, the vertical stroke on the arrow distinguishes it from . f(x) is
also called the value of the function f at x.
8. f(x) is read as "f of x".

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