Assignment For August 11, 2009-10

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Assignment for August 17, 2009

1. Go to the seat indicated. _____________ Use the letters on the wall and the numbers on the
rows to find your seat.
2. Put your book-bag or materials on the floor in front of you, out of the aisle.
3. Complete the form on your desk. Fill in the index card on your desk.
4. Everyone is to go silently to the table in the back of the room where the metal cabinet is.
Take one of every item there and return to your seat.
5. Your HOMEWORK is to bring home my letter to your parents and get your supplies. Get
the two internet forms signed. If you return everything tomorrow, you will get three Hi
6. Put your name on or in everything that you took off the table.
7. There is an index card on your desk with your desk location on it. On the card is a schedule
of the periods of the day. Be sure you have printed your first and last name on the card next
to the period you have math.
8. Leave the card on your desk when you leave.
9. Procedure orientation will begin.

Homework - Return all requested items, Get your school supplies etc

It is so good to have you back!!! I am looking forward to a great school year.

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