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T H E D O M I N A T I O N S Y S T E M , Q U E S T I O N S , A N D A N S W E R S v 2
byNathanMartin&AlineVanMeer The masculine domination system is where a masculine energy dominates another person's masculine energy, to strip and drain the resources of that person's feminine. The feminine domination system is where a feminine dominates another person's feminine energy, to strip and drain the resources of that person's masculine. It is important to note that the only reason that a man can dominate a woman or a woman can dominate a man is because they are dominating the energy within them that is a match the masculine cannot dominate the feminine, he can only dominate the masculine within a woman, and the feminine cannot dominate aman,she can only dominate the feminine within him. Themasculineand feminine energies are both unique and not in competition with the other, for they are two differentrolesandfunctionsonly the masculine can compete with the masculine, and only the femininecancompetewiththefeminine. Flavors of domination canvary,andisnotalwaysovertlyobvious,suchasbullyingorbitchiness it can manifest in very subtleandindistinguishableways that affectanenergydrainfromtheone being dominated. Domination can also be very flirtatious, seductive, orparental and can look aggressive, passive, passive aggressive, and yes, even assertive in nature. Somebody giving you an answer thatyouhavenotaskedthequestionto,ortryingtoteachyousomethingthatyou donotwishtolearn,isanexampleofasubtleformofdomination. Right now, both systems arecurrently alive and well in various family hierarchies, although the masculine domination system is the mainsocietal hierarchyacrosstheplanet. Childrencanbe raised in either a polarized orcombinationfamily,whereoneparentdominatestheotherand the children, orwhereoneparentdominatesthe other,andthedominatedparentthen dominatesthe children. Anexampleofacombinationfamilyiswhereafathermasculinedominateshiswifebut nothischildren,whilethewifefemininedominatestheirchildrenbutnothim. People can either resist orembrace their role in a domination system resist or embrace being the master, if that was their learned role, or resist or embrace being the slave, ifthatwas their learned role. Unfortunately,outside of these two options, no viable actions have been available to change thedynamics, this is why a change within the being of a person/coupleisneeded, to breakfreefrombothsystems. Couples that are both from either one or the other system will have adifficulttimebreakingfree from their patterns, as one will be comfortable dominating, while the other will becomfortable being dominated. Couples that are each from an opposing family structure are usually fed up 1

with their system and thus seek a partner from the opposing structure to pair with. These couples no longer wish todominate or be dominated, andnolongerwishtodraintheresources away from others either, but thismakes it difficult forthemtothrivetogether,placingthemmore insurvivalmodeforresources. THEPOWEROFTHEQUESTION As mentioned earlier, being changes are the only way to break free from the two domination systems, and this is done throughasking a series of questions thatpullintheneededanswers. The masculine must ask "why, who, and what questions to pull in relationship and intimacy answers through his femininewho is connectedtothe divine,whilethefemininemustask"how, when, and where questionstopullinmaterialsupportandanswersthroughhermasculine,who isconnectedtomaterialreality. Here is an allegory to assist with this understanding the lack of solutions is a dam that is blocking the flowof a river, and the water pressure being applied to the dam is the depth ofthe questions being asked. Thefrequencyanddepthofquestioningwilleventually,ifmaintainedand refined, lead the dam to crack and break, causing a flood ofanswers and solutionstoflowpast the block and into the valley below. Without the right questions, nothing changes, but with strategicallyplacedandrefinedquestions,solutionsburstforthintoexistence. ENERGYPOLESOFTHEMASCULINEANDFEMININE Each energy has twopoles like abatteryorcircuit,themasculinesheartishisnegative()pole, while his genitals are his positive (+) pole, and the feminines genitals are her negative () pole, whileherheartisherpositive(+)pole.Thefourpolesunitedtogetherinharmonycreatea

toroidal field, much like the free energy generators described in the movie Thrive (found on YouTube), and onlythosewhoarefullySelfrealized actuallyconnectinthisway. Mostlythough, within our reality,peopleconnectandrelatetoeachpersonbasedonlyononeoftheirfourpoles, making them only 1/4thof their full capacity in relation to others, at any given moment. Whata powerless andfrustrating life,nowonderhumanityisneversatisfiedwithwhattheyhave,theyre 2

missing3/4thsoftheirabilitytorelatetopeoplethatisahugeenergyloss. The four poles also directly relate to the questions we ask and the answers we receive. The positive (+)pole holds theanswervibrationandthenegative()poleholds thequestionvibration, and without asking questions (), solutions (+) cannot be provided. The masculine heart () asks "why, who, and what questions to the Universe, which pulls in specific solutions and answers through his feminines heart (+) pole via her connection to the Divine, while thefemininesgenitalpole () asks "how, when, and where questions to the material world, which pulls in specific actions, solutions,and answers through her masculines genital pole (+) via his connection to the earth. We simplified the questions by pole, naming the heart pole combination the why, and the root pole combination the how. When a question is asked intensely enough, with a desire for its fulfilment,andwith both partners willing to do the work to refine the purity and understanding of their questions, it pulls in all of the necessaryanswers. EXAMPLEQUESTIONS Herearesomeexamplesof"why,who,andwhatquestionsthatcanbeaskedbythe masculine'sheart(whypole): 1. WhyamIfeelingthisway? 2. WhydoIwanttodominate? 3. WhyamIsubservientanddominated(bythegovernment,men,women)? 4. WhyamIfeelingemotionalpain? 5. WhyamIattractedtocertaintypesofmen/women? 6. Whoisthispersontome? 7. WhatamIlackinginmyselforpartner? 8. WhatamIfeeling? 9. Whatistherootofmypain? 10. WhatistheinsightthatIneed? Herearesomeexamplesof"how,when,andwherequestionsthatcanbeaskedbythe feminine'sgenitalpole(howpole): 3

1. HowdoIstopbeingdominated? 2. HowdoIstopdominating? 3. HowdoIstopbeingsubservient(tothegovernment,men,women)andbecome sovereign? 4. HowdoIconnectbetterwithpeople? 5. HowcanIenjoymysexualitymore? 6. HowcanIhavemoremoney? 7. Whenisthis(event,action,..)possible? 8. Whereisthebestplacetodoit? 9. WheredoIwantmyhometobe? Now asking these specific questions will not break you free from the two domination systems, however, creating a lifestyle of asking "why and "how questions, and allowing the answers to continually flow in without being attached to a particular outcome, will. Creating the necessary space for both the masculine and feminine questions, and being able to continually refine and evolve your two sets of questions, while resisting the urge to hold ontoanyspecificanswertoo tightly as more questions arise, is the path of a happy, Selfrealized, and powerful life. Jesus and Mary Magdalenewere one such couple who wereabletomastertheirfourpoles,along with their two questions and two answers within their Self, and theirexternalmanifestedrelationship, allowing them to perform seemingly impossible and miraculous feats they acted as an inspirationforthosewhowouldfollowtheirexampleexceptfewhave. POSSIBLEBLOCKSTOTHEFLOWOFANSWERS Problems arise when people get stuck in their answers and stop asking more questions, they slow their transformative and creative process through this stubborn adherence to an old answer, becomingstagnant and stale intheprocess. Theydothisbecausetheyarerootedand grounded into their answers, either because they receive approval from them, or because they were traumatized into them, and are therefore blinded to future possibilities that a life of questioningbringstheirattachmenttoaparticularanswerisaflowstopper. Another important block toconsider istheimbalancethatcan arrivewhenonlyonequestionand answer type is valued over the other...ifthe"howquestionsfromthefeminine'srootgenitalpole is valued over the masculineheart's "why questions, a disconnectfromthe Divine stream will occur, andanoverlymaterialrelationshipwillensue. Ifthe"whyquestionsfromthemasculine's heart is valued over the feminine's root "how questions, a disconnect from theearthwilloccur, and they will be like two balloonsfloatinginthe etherrealmsbothmustbeinbalanceforunityto occur. Many peoplefeel that being connected in the heart poles is better thanbeingconnected in the root poles,butbeingdisconnectedfromtheearthandmanifestationabilitiesisalsolivinga lie, neither connection is better than the other, wholeness comes when all four are connected togethertocreateatoroidalenergyflow. Additionally, each person has the questions of their parents installed onto them as children through their parenting styles and early experiences, and unless they do the internal work to understand, let go, and forgive the situations that created the patterns, they cannot accept an answer that is outside the framework of their preinstalled questions. This is also how mass media and marketing works, they manipulatepeopletoaskthequestionsthattheirproducts and 4

services are offering as a solution society , religion, financially elite families,andgovernments are also guilty of such manipulations, installing their questionsthattheywantthemassestoask viatheeducationalsystem,media,indoctrination,andlegalsystem. Mind control andmanipulationis "suggesting" the questionstothemasspopulation,sothatthey will create the necessary pressure topull in the will of theelitethatisprogrammingthem. They want answers on how to dominate the world, so they suggest the questionsto the population through Hollywood,themusicindustry,andmassmedia,whichcausesthepeopletoprovidethe necessary pressure to pullinthesolutionstotheirquestions. Unfortunatelyforthem,therearea mass of independent questions out there,becausemanypeoplehaveturnedoff theirtelevisions andstoppedreadingthepropagandanewsoutlets. EXERCISE Here is an exercise to try to improve your questions...every night for a week, ask the area of questions that you are the weakest in. If grounding and manifestingis really easy foryou,write down or speak out 2030 "why,who, and what questions from yourmasculineheart,andifyou have really greatintimate relationships but find it difficult to receive material support,writedown or speak out 2030"how,when,and where questions. Pay attention and be awareofhowyou feel in your bodyandyour heart center, as each day passes of this exercise. Also, if you think youve alreadyarrivedinbothareas,yourelyingtoyourselfandareblindedbyyourpride,fear,or inadequacy the whole world willsee thosewhohave fullydevelopedtheirtwosetsofquestions. Keep digging,it is worthdeveloping and deepening your two question vibrations within yourself, andwithinyourrelationships. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the path to, and of, personal sovereignty (out ofthe two domination systems) is found by experiencing a life lived within both the "how and "why setsof questions, without an imbalance of one over the other, and without an attachment to, or judgement of, any particular answer that flows your direction. For greater intimacy and spiritual depth, ask more "why questions, and for a more earthly support and material power, ask more "how questionsthe more you refine your questions, and the deeper you go intoyourquestioning,themorepowerful andspecifictheanswersyouwillreceive. Lastly,you mustletgoofthequestionsthatyouwereprogrammedwithfromearlychildhoodand start asking questions that better serve your expansion and development in this moment, you can do this with integration and shadow work, such as EFT or the Sedona Method. Your old questions were meant to pull in solutionsforothers, butyour newquestionswillservetoliberate youremotional,spiritual,andmaterialworldsgivingyoubackyourpersonalpower. ***** We welcome donations of all amounts at the Divine Pollination Hive. Connecting, loving, and empowering people is our job and we are supported by the generous donations of those we inspire. If you areunsure of how muchyoudliketogiftto us, askyourhigherselfandlisten,the firstamountthatcomesintoyourawarenessisusuallytheonethatisinuniversalflow. Ifsoled,pleasedonateatthefollowinglink: 5

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