Learning Activity Music

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Name:Sheri Johnson
Description of Activity: Singing Where is thumpkin Doing finger play along !ith the song "ype of Activity: #usic Age group: $%& yrs old Num'er in group: ( Concepts 1 Skills: 2ecogni3e the difference of each of their fingers and their thum' Descri'e ho! each finger can 'e used 2ecall the verses in the song 2emem'er the names of each of their fingers *uestions to ask: What do you think out pointer finger can do0 /o! a'out our thum's0 /old up each finger and ask !hat the name of each finger is0

Site: Imagination Station Child Care

)pening *uestion+Invitation+,rop+-inger ,lay: #usic CD !ith the song Where is "humpkin on it. CD player /o! many fingers do you have on your hand0 Does anyone kno! !here your thum' is0

,rocedure: /ave the children get their story time mats and arrange them in a half circle. Sho! the children that it is time to open your ears 1 open your eyes 'y doing the hand sym'ols over their eyes and ears "ell the children to out their hands 'ehind their 'acks. "urn on the music CD 4ring each finger out to coordinate !ith the song verses. ,erformance Standards: Health and Physical Development 4.5 #otor Development 6a: e7hi'its eye%hand coordination8 strength8 control8 and o'9ect manipulation

#aterials Needed: #usic CD CD ,layer Seat mats

,otential :uidance "echni;ues Needed: Children dra! little faces on the tips of their fingers and name them We could do a puppet sho! !ith our fingers as the puppets

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