How Long Have You Worked at The Phone Company

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The speaker incorrectly thinks the event or situation continues into the present. It doesnt.

In #1, use present perfect. In #2, use simple present + n'tanymore. In #3, use the verb in parentheses in simple past + last year. a. Event: work at the phone company a. #1 How long have you worked at the phone company? b. #2 Actually, I dont work there anymore. #3 (quit) I quit last year. 1. Event: work as a seamstress a. #1 How long b. #2 Actually, I a. #3 (get laid off) b. Im sorry to hear that. Have you found another job? 2. Event: be married a. #1 How long b. #2 Actually, #3 (get divorced) 3. Event: study English at City College a. #1 How long b. #2 a. #3 (stop attending classes) b. Oh, really? Why? 4. Event: live in the Sunset District a. #1 b. #2 #3 (move to Daly City) a. Oh, you did? How do you like it? 5. Event: be retired a. #1 b. #2 #3 (start working again) a. Oh, really? What kind of work are you doing? 6. Event: join the gym a. #1 How long have you ____________ to the gym? (Don't use joined. The verb changes.) b. #2 Actually, I #3 (stop going) a. Is that right? 7. Event: get a dog a. #1 How long have you ____________ a dog? (Don't use gotten. The verb changes.) b. #2 Actually, #3 (have to move), I _________________, so I gave it to my sister. a. Oh, I see. Do you miss having one?

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