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CRJ Experience

Add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator

CRJ 200 Bombardier Aerospace

Published by : Wilco Publishing

Developed by : FeelThere E-mail:

CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION

Please read the following documentation carefully before your first flight since as you will find out this airplane differs from the usual ones found in Flight Simulator.


Master warning light: Flashing red in conjunction with new EICAS warning messages Pressing the warning light extinguishes the warning light and the aural warnings. Pressing it on the ground tests the warning mode (light should turn on) Master caution light: Flashing amber in conjunction with new EICAS caution messages. Pressing the caution light extinguishes the caution light and the aural warnings. Pressing it on the ground tests the warning mode (light should turn on) Stall warning light: Red when the AoA reaches the stick pusher point GPWS light: The PULL UP light flashes when the GPWS system indicates a PULL UP warning. The light will stop flashing after the airplane returned to a normal flight path. Course select knob: It sets the course pointer when VOR or ILS is the navigation source
CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION

Flight director switch: Turns the flight director on and off. Turning on while the plane is on the ground automaticly selects take off mode. Must be on for autopilot use. Autopilot engage: Engages the autopilot if the Flight Director switch is on. Autopilot disengage switch: Press to disengage the autopilot Autopilot transfer switch: Selects the autopilot flight guidance between the captains or the copilots side Turbulence switch: Damps autopilot reaction when on. Speed switch: Selects speed mode to maintain either indicated airspeed or Mach during climb and descend. Speed bug knob: Select the speed reference value. Pushing the center of the knob changes between IAS and Mach Approach mode: Pushing the switch arms the LOC and GS mode when LOC or ILS is the navigation source. Until capture the system operates in the active lateral mode previously selected. B/C mode: Select the back course mode Heading switch: Selects or deselects heading mode Heading select knob: Rotating the knob changes the selected heading. Pushing the center of the knob synchronize the heading with the present heading NAV mode switch: Press to select NAV mode. The NAV mode must be selected on the Display Control Panel (DCP) Half bank mode switch: Pressing the half bank button limits the maximum bank angle to 15 degrees. Above 31600 feet it is automatically ON.

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Altitude hold mode: Pushing the button commands the plane to maintain the altitude at the time the altitude hold mode was selected. Altitude pre-select knob: Rotate the knob to pre-select desired altitudes. Vertical speed mode switch: Press to select vertical speed mode VS Wheel: The reference vertical speed can be selected by rotating the pitch wheel.


Landing light switches: Turns the landing lights ON and OFF Taxi light switches: Turns the taxi lights ON and OFF No smoking switch: Turns ON and OFF the No smoking lights Seat belts switch: Turns the Seat belts signs ON and OFF
CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION


Battery master switch: Connects the main battery and APU battery to the battery bus Generator switches: Disconnects the generator from the AC bus APU generator switch: Connects the APU generator to the AC busses

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Fire Detection

Fire detection switches: Selects the corresponding fire detection loops Bottle switches: NORM: Normal operation. The switch is spring loaded to the NORM position TEST: Checks the continuity of the associated bottle squib circuitry

External Lights

Light switches: Turns ON and OFF selected lights

Bleed Air

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14th stage switches: Controls the associated bleed air shutoff valve. 14th stage isolation switch: Controls the 14 th stage bleed air isolation valves. 10th stage switches: Controls the associated bleed air shutoff valve. 10th stage isolation switch: Controls the 10 th stage bleed air isolation valves. APU load control switch: ON: connects the APU pneumatic duct to the 10th stage bleed air manifold OFF: Closes the APU load control valve

APU Panel

APU start switch: Starts and stops the APU PWR fuel switch: -Energizes the XFLOW/APU pump -APU self test -APU intake door opens -APU fuel shutoff valve opens

Engine Ignition Panel

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Engine start switch: Starts the engine startup sequence Engine stop switch: Stops the engine startup sequence Engine ignition switch: Arms the associated igniter on both engines Continuous ignition switch: Selects continuous ignition on both engines

Hydraulic control panel

AC motor pump: The pump produces 3000 psi AC motor pump 3A: The pump produces 3000 psi AC motor pump 3B: The pump produces 3000 psi

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Air Conditioning

Pack switches: Opens the associated pack pressure regulating/shutoff valve Cargo bay fan switch: Shuts of or open air to the cargo bay area

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Anti-ice Protection Panel

Wing anti-ice switch: Operates the shutoff valves to maintain constant wing leading edge temperature Engine cowl anti-ice switch: Operates the associated engine cowl anti-ice shutoff valve Windshield anti-ice switch: Controls windshield heat Probe heat switch: Operates the probe heaters

Miscellaneous lights panel

Dome light: Operates the dome light (turns all lights in the cockpit) STBY comp light: Turns the standby compass light ON and OFF

CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION


BRG source switch: Push to select the navigation source for the bearing needle Range selector / ND format knob: Rotate the outer knob to change ND format include: -HSI -FMS map -Plan map Nav source knob: Selects the desired navigation source: -FMS -VOR1/LOC1 -VOR2/LOC2 Speed refs and tgt/vspds knob: The outer knob selects between TGT (VT) and VSPDS (V1, VR and V2) to be displayed on the edit field on the PFD The inner knob adjusts the selected airspeed displayed in the edit field Push to remove target or V speed from the edit field

CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION

SEL switch: Selects V1, VR or V2 when the TGT/VSPDS knob in the VSPDS position DH/MDA knob: DH: selects the Decision Height for editing MDA: Selects the Minimum Descent Altitude for editing Rotating the inner knob adjust the selected altitude values. HPA/IN switch: Selects between barometric pressure and hectopascals Baro knob: Rotate to set barometric values Push to set standard pressure setting


-Spoiler lever No arming necessary for landing -Thrust levers Right clicking the handle at idle acts as fuel shutoff -Flaps selector

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Radio Tuning Unit

Line select keys: Press to select adjacent function Active frequency: Indicates the active frequency Preset/recall frequency: Indicates the preset frequency Left/right side button: Select between Nav1/Com1 and Nav2/Com2

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Audio Control Panel

Transmit select switch: Selects the communication system -VHF 1 -VHF 2 -VHF 1&2

Aileron and rudder trim panel

-Aileron trim -Rudder trim

EICAS control panel

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-STAT -ECS -HYD -ELEC -FUEL -F/CTL -A/CE -DOOR Pressing each button brings up the corresponding page on ED-2

Engine control panel

APR test switch: Tests the APR circuit. Vibration monitor switch: Tests the vibration control circuit.

CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION


Line select key: Use to enter scratchpad information into the adjacent field and vice versa. We will call the left line select key as L LSK and we will number them for this tutorial. For example R LSK 2 means the 2nd line select key on the right.

CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION

FMS pages -STATUS As shown above -POS INIT

At startup it necessary to tell the planes position for FMS. Type the airports ICAO code to the scratchpad then L LSK 2. R LSK 2 to copy the coordinate back to the scratchpad then hit R LSK 5 to copy this information back to the SET POS field. Push R LSK 6 to go to the FPLN menu

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-FPLN (FPLN button)

Use the scratchpad and L LSK 1 to set up your departure airport and R LSK 1 to set up your destination. You can add your flight number using the R LSK 5. To set up waypoints type them to the scratchpad then use R LSK 5. After your first waypoint the ACT FPLN page will change to this:

CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION

You can add all your waypoints here. After you finished adding waypoints hit the EXEC button on the FMS. -PERF INIT (PERF button)

L LSK 2 inputs the number of PAX (please note this will NOT change the weight in the aircraft.cfg file) L LSK 3 inputs the cargo weight (please note this will NOT change the weight in the aircraft.cfg file) L LSK 4 Inputs the fuels weight R LSK 1 inputs the cruise altitude. Formats are; -FL 140 -140 -14000

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Pushing the PERF button again will take us to the THRUST LIMIT page :

Using the scratchpad and R LSK 4 fill out the OAT. It will set up the Thrust limit for take off and go around values and also the N1 takeoff bug on the engine display

After takeoff above 1500 feet you should either open the 10th stage valves on the overhead or manually set the 10th stage bleed on the FMS (R LSK 5) to display climb and cruise thrust setting (L LSK 3 and 4).

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DEP ARR button On the ground it will automatically brings up the departure page

Pushing the button again brings up both Departure and Arrival menus

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After take off pushing the DEP ARR button brings the Arrival page up automatically

MFD MENU button

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On this page pilot can select the information to be shown on the navigational display (ND) Radio button

MSG button Brings up the all the previously displayed messages

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Index page: Displays the available FMS menus

-Status menu: shows the status of the FMS -Pos init menu takes the pilot to the pos init page -Database: You can search navigational points (waypoints, VORs, Airports, NDB) and display their information -Import FS flightplan Clicking this button automatically imports the current flightplan from FS2004 -ARR data Displays the arriving airport and runway data

CRJ Experience 2004 Wilco Publishing NOT FOR REAL AVIATION

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