Resume Dani Valentino

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Dani Valentino 1211 Long Ridge Dr, Kelowna BC 250 82 04

! "o o#tain a $art time $o%ition where & can a$$l' m' a#ilitie% into a wor(ing environment

! )onor Roll *rade 10 +2011!2012, *rade 11 Kelowna -econdar' -chool +2012!201., ! )onor Roll *rade 11 +2012!201., ! /cademic and 0or( 1thic *rade 2!11 ! Com$letion o3 #a#' %itting certi3icate +2008, Com$letion o3 Coaching Co4r%e 3or Kelowna Ringette +2012, !

Skills and Attributes

! )ard wor(ing and determined ! 0or( well with other% and individ4all' ! Comm4nication %(ill% ! 5$en to ta(ing on new challenge% ! Re%$on%i#le and learn 64ic(l' ! 7la'% )o4%e %occer 3rom 812!81 ! 7la'% Ringette 3rom 812 to $re%ent

Employment and Volunteer Services

! ! Ba#' %itter +2010!$re%ent, ! 9ol4nteer aro4nd %chool 3or a variet' o3 event% 9ol4nteer a% an a%%i%tant coach 3or 812 Ringette team +2010 to $re%ent, ! -a3ewa' Ca%hier +/4g4%t to :ovem#er 2012, ! "he 5(anagan *ol3 Cl4# + ;4l' to 5cto#er 201.,

"raveled to 14ro$e with a %occer team +2010, 0on Kelowna C4$ 3or %occer in 2002, 2010, 2011 ! <ade Ringette // team +2010, ! Rewarded =<o%t &m$roved> on #oth )o4%e and // Ringette team% +2010, ! 9ol4nteer o3 the 'ear 3or Kelowna Ringette +2011, ! 7artici$ated in 0e%tern Ringette Cham$ion%hi$% +ho%ted #' Kelowna Ringette, ! Rewarded =Come#ac( Kid> award Kelowna Ringette +2012, ! !

-te$h ?roehler 250 82 1 82 Dean Cri%to3oli 250 81 .@0

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