Career Research Guide Worksheet2013 Doc Amber Diebel

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Name: Amber Diebel

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Your job title (be specific): Middle chool !eacher" #ob o$er$ie%&What the' do ((ro$ide a para)raph descriptio* of the job" What %ould a t'pical da' o* the job look like+): ,efore 'ou ca* become a teacher 'ou *eed to )o so four 'ears of schooli*) a*d the* 'ou ca* )et 'our bachelor-s de)ree or master de)ree at the $er' least" .or a t'pical da' for a teacher 'ou come to school earl' to like set e$er'thi*) up for the da' a*d ru* thou)ht %he* 'ou *eed to do %ith the stude*ts or e$e* look o$er 'our *otes that 'ou %rote the *i)ht before" !he da' for the teacher %ill probabl' )o smooth or ma'be *ot so smooth %ith the teacher a*d their stude*ts that there are teachi*)"

Worki*) co*ditio*s (/ours 'ou ca* e0pect to %ork+ Risk of i*juries+ !ime of da'&time of 'ear+ 1*doors&outdoors+ Clothi*) re2uired+ 3tc4): %orki*) co*ditio*s for a teacher %ould be like a )ood classroom %here there is a lot of desk for the stude*ts to sit a*d there has to be a table for like a*other teacher that is like helpi*) out the class or somethi*) like that" !he classroom has to be i*side because 1 do*-t thi*k the stude*ts %a*t to sta*di*) outside for hours %aiti*) for the teacher i* the cold or the hot" !he teacher %ould ha$e to %ork like si0 hours or more"

alar' (%hat %a)e ca* 'ou e0pect to ear*+): !eacher-s salar' %ould ha$e to be 567899:"

.uture outlook (%ill this job be i* dema*d i* the future+ Wh'&%h' *ot+): 1 do*-t thi*k so because that mi)ht *ot be the o*l' job that 1 %a*t to do %he* 1 am older a*d out of hi)h school or ma'be 1 %ill just keep taki*) classes 'ou *e$er k*o%"

Post-Secondary Institute/Training Program #1 Teaching.

Location and name of program: (Where the school is located" What is the *ame of the pro)ram+ Also tell us %h' this school appeals to 'ou) ;ka*a)a* colla)e <elo%*a" 1t appeals to me because 1 li$e i* <elo%*a a*d it %ould be better if 1 sta' i* <elo%*a a*d )o to school there because it-s close to me"

Cost: (first 'ear AND total cost of pro)ram8 i*cludi*) tuitio*8 books8 a*d supplies) 1f pla**i*) o* atte*di*) a major u*i$ersit': %%%"'ou"ubc"ca to calculate a* appro0imate cost 1f pla**i*) o* atte*di*) a colle)e: %%%"oka*a)a*"bc"ca&tuitio* to calculate a* appro0imate cost it %ill cost 5 2,310.00 for everything. Pre-requisites of program: (courses 'ou *eed to be taki*) i* hi)h school i* order to )et i*8 re2uired G(A)

What are = related occupatio*s 'ou could take if this o*e did*-t %ork out for 'ou (%hat %ould 'ou do if 'ou do*-t e*d up doi*) this career a*d %h'+): 1 could be a *urse8 a da*ce teacher ma'be8 a*d 1 could be a da*cer" 1f 1 did*-t )et this job 1 ha$e three others that 1 could easil' choose from a*d the* )o to school for"

A*d most importa*tl'4 Wh' are 'ou i*terested i* this career+ (/o% lo*) ha$e 'ou bee* i*terested i* it+ What led 'ou to %a*ti*) this job+ /o% does it suit&fit 'our perso*alit'8 i*terests8 characteristics8 stre*)ths8 etc4+): Wh' 1 am i*terested i* this career is because 1 like %orki*) %ith kids a*d meeti*) *e%

people too a*d ho% lo*) %as 1 i*terested i* this career 1 bee* i*terested i* this career si*ce 1 %as i* middle school a*d 1 thi*k it %ould be a )reat job for me" !his job fits m' perso*alit' because 1 like maki*) *e% frie*dships %ith differe*t people so this %ould perfect for me to come out of 2uit >o*e that 1 had si*ce 1 %as little"

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