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Reardon 1 Taylor Reardon Mrs. Raymond English 1103 12 November 2013 Insight I held a series of conversations about my ro!

ect in the library "ith a friend "ho I meet in a different class. #ince "e both are in English 1103 and have different teachers "e fre$uently com are our ro!ects "ith one another so the conversations "e had "ere ordinary. I told her about the ro!ect before hand "hen "e first tal%ed about it in class. &ater "hen my artner and I first decided on a to ic' naturally' I shared it "ith my friend. (ur initial to ic "as on se)ual violence' so u on my friend hearing this she gave me a sur rised loo%. #he couldn*t believe that "e "ere going to tal% about such a to ic in front of the class. +hen loo%ing bac% at this moment' I believe her shoc% came from reali,ing that "e aren-t in high school anymore and that "e can have a little more leniency on ro!ect to ics. .bout t"o "ee%s later my artner and I started to doubt our route in to ics. +e "eren*t sure if it "as "hat "e "anted to discuss to the class about until "e "ent to the library to find boo%s for sources. +e discovered an array of boo%s on not se)ual violence but domestic violence. #eeing that "e could e) lore domestic violence more in de th' "e decided a slight change in to ics. .fter the tri to the library that "ee% I told my friend that "e had changed our to ic to domestic violence and that "e "anted to focus on the different %inds of violence that is common in families that includes not !ust the mother but also the children that are abused. I e) lained

Reardon 2 that "e also lanned to e) lore ho" you can tell if a man "ill become abusive and the long term affects of being in a violent relationshi . My friend could see my interest in this to ic immediately and said that she thought the domestic violence route "as a better idea and that it "ould be interesting to see "hat "e could find out about it. In addition' she gave me the idea of including ersonal accounts of such domestic violence in order to get the audience emotionally interested in the to ic. Tal%ing to my friend hel ed me to see the first res onse that my artner and I "ould have gotten from the audience if "e had chosen se)ual violence instead. Reali,ing that this isn*t "hat "e "anted the audience to feel' the slight change in to ics "as indeed needed. I also intend to use the suggestion my friend gave me about including ersonal accounts of domestic violence for my ro!ect.

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