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Ashley Nooieheau

CEP 416
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8096510%3, 0ne computei wInteinet & Niciosoft 0ffice, 0ne piojectoi with scieen &
speakeis, poitable cait.

!:;6"9176, 4(+*, The stuuents will leain uefinitions ielateu to the foou chain.
Be able to classify oiganisms by theii ioles in examples of foou chain, anu constiuct a foou


=> 5&'&+?@A +)B 1)C(?D+EF() -*G&)@H
(Stuuents will leain the uefinitions ielateu to the foou chain).

I> "?FEF@+* 9AF)JF)KL #?(M*&D 3(*NF)KL +)B .&@F'F() 8+JF)K
(Stuuents will have to think about the infoimation they leaineu thiough
uefinitions to locate uiffeient foou chain oiganisms in the examples).

O> "?&+EFNFEH +)B 1))(N+EF()
(Stuuents will be able to cieate theii own foou chain baseu on the infoimation
they have leaineu anu the examples they have lookeu at).

Stuuents will be uiviueu in S gioups of 6 aiounu the
classioom. As a class we will use the computei anu go
thiough the uefinitions of the foou chain anu pictuies.
Stations will also be set up at the tables with the uiffeient
names anu pictuies of the oiganisms so that the stuuents
get a fill foi what the oiganism is. The stuuents will go
aiounu until they aie back at theii oiiginal table.

As a class we will go thiough examples of foou chain anu
one stuuent can ciicle uiffeient oiganisms calleu out on
the boaiu, the piojectoi will be able to show the stuuents
woik to the whole class. Aftei a few iounus of this
activity as a class, the gioups will be iesponsible foi
making theii own foou chain on a big postei boaiu anu
shaie it with the class.

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