Evolution Quiz1

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Name: ______________________________________________ AP BIO: Evolution Quiz 1

Date: ________________

1. List out the names of the 8 taxonomic levels in order from most broad (largest groups) to most specific.
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2. What is the main difference that sets Archaea apart from Eubacteria?

3. Name 3 pieces of evidence that can be used to support evolution.

4. Give 2 examples of fossils besides bones.

5. Use the cladogram below to help you answer the following question. Cladograms show the order of evolution. Which trait appeared in organisms first? a. claws or nails b. jaws c. fur; mammary glands d. lungs 6. Use the cladogram below to help you answer the following question. Cladograms also show relationships between organisms. Which animal is most closely related to the chimp? a. Mouse b. Pigeon CLADOGRAM: c. perch d. hagfish

7. The bones of a human arm are homologous to structures in all of the following except: a. Whale flipper b. Bat wing c. Butterfly wing d. Bird wing e. Frog forelimb 8. What is the main difference between homologous and analogous structures?

9. List 1 example of a vestigial organ. 10. Animal 1 and animal 2 have 174 genes that are the same whereas animal 1 and animal 3 have 62 genes in common; this suggest that animal 1 and animal 2 are more closely __________________________ than animal 1 and animal 3. 11. T / F : Darwins epic work is entitled Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in Light of Evolution. 12. T / F : In crafting his arguments for natural selection, Darwin likened it to artificial selection. 13. T / F : According to recent radioactive decay studies, Earth is approximately 4.5 billion years old. 14. T / F : Mendel was familiar with Darwins work and used it to substantiate his own findings about inheritance of factors in the sweet pea plants. 15. T / F : Horizontal transfer of genetic material is common to all bacteria and eukaryotic organisms. 16. T / F : Homeotic genes regulate placement of organs and appendages on an embryonic organism. 17. T / F : Lamarcks idea that parental experience influences offspring inheritance has been completely disproven by modern research techniques. 18. T / F : Darwin admitted that one of the most convincing reasons to dismiss his theories on species origin was the lack of intermediate varieties in the fossil record. 19. T / F : The fossil record remains incomplete. 20. According to the information on the graph to the right, which group demonstrated the greatest biodiversity during the Cretaceous period? a. dinosaurs b. crocodilians c. snakes d. lizards

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