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u4 0ctobei 2u12

0ffice of the Attoiney ueneial

0pen Recoius Bivision
P.0. Box 12S48
Austin, Texas 78711

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To Whom It Nay Concein:

I am enclosing the two letteis TCCB anu othei paities conceineu have ieceiveu iegaiuing my iequest
foi 0pen Recoius, among othei objections, as well as the latest lettei I am senuing touay asking foi
the missing coiiesponuence. Also attacheu is a copy of the lettei sent to TCCB fiom the Associate
Secietaiy anu Biiectoi fiom the Bepaitment of Acauemic Fieeuom, Tenuie, anu uoveinance at AA0P,
the Ameiican Association of 0niveisity Piofessois in Washington, BC.

Although TCCB has pioviueu me with some of the mateiials I iequesteu, I noticeu that theie weie
veiy few emails that I hau not alieauy seen. They uo not seem to have pioviueu me with all the
emails that mentioneu my name in the vaiious combinations, as I askeu not auuiessing me
specifically in the uistiibution list oi otheiwise but which iefeiieu to my peison as an instiuctoi of
English at TCCB, Noithwest Campus anuoi Bual Cieuit English at Kellei Bigh School ISB. In othei
woius, coiiesponuence that is of public iecoiu because it is wiitten fiom TCCB anu as such
becomes pait of the public iecoiu seems to have been withhelu fiom me oi omitteu. I woulu like to
know why.

Noieovei, I believe TCCB neeus to senu these missing mateiials to me foithwith. Please infoim TCCB
that it is theii obligation to uo so.

Youis sinceiely,

Ana N. Foies
Aujunct Piofessoi of English anu Language Aits
Liteiatuie, Tianslations, anu Rights Consultant

cc. uieg Scholz

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