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Annex 2. Listening for important information. Listen to the conversation again.

Try to complete with the missing information A- What types of families are there in Costa Rica? B- Well, there are single parent families A- What are those? B- This is when only the __________ or the _________ lives with the children. Also, we have _____________ families A- ___________ families? B- Yes, the traditional family with the father, the mother, and ________________. A- What is it called when you also live with your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and ___________? B- Oh, the extended family. These are more common in the countryside A- And, Whats the family called when they adopt the children? B- It's an ___________ family and they have adoptive children A- Ok. Is that all? B- Well there is one more; the ___________ family

Annex 3 Discriminating between sounds. You will hear five sentences. Each sentence will have a pair of underlined words. Circle the correct word on each case according to what you hear

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I live with my mother, my father and my sister/brother My sister has a ball/doll My sisters doll/ball is red My father/mother is 35 years old I like to live in a large family because I always have someone to walk/talk with

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