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To: Rocket Engineers <> CC: Mrs. Page; Mr. und; Mr. eech ! "rom: #r. $elt%er <> $u!&ect: Rocket Po'er Pro&ect (reetings) *lka $elt%er+ ,nc. 'ants to gi-e our compan./s !randing a makeo-er and 'e need .our scienti0ic e1pertise to do it) 2e/-e recentl. updated our decades/ old motto 3plop plop+ 0i%% 0i%%+ oh 'hat a relie0 it is4 to target .ounger+ more trend. audiences 5 3po'er0ul 5 all o-er relie0.4 6o'+ 'e need a po'er0ul ne' commercial to match. *nd 'e are hosting a competition to 0ind the !est. That/s 'here .ou come in. 7our challenge is to design a rocket 0ueled !. *lka $elt%er ta!lets that demonstrates the e1plosi-e po'er o0 *lka $el%ter. 8sing the scienti0ic method+ .our teams 'ill design a rocket+ select multiple -aria!les to measure 9to test 0or most po'er:+ record data and anal.%e results. Each team 'ill appl. skills in measurement and unit con-ersion to record the chemical reaction time 9time it takes 0or rocket to launch:. 7our teams 'ill then design a commercial and Pre%i presentation to sho'case .our scienti0ic process and market .our *lka;$elt%er rocket. *lka;$elt%er/s CE<+ as 'ell as other ke. compan. pla.ers+ 'ill e-aluate the commercials and presentations. The. 'ill a'ard pri%es 0or the most po'er0ul+ persuasi-e presentations. ,n order to make this competition e=uita!le and economical+ *lka $elt%er 'ill pro-ide all necessar. supplies and technolog. 0or .our rocket designs. *'ards 'ill also !e presented 0or rockets in t'o categories 5 most accurate reaction time h.pothesis and most attracti-e appearance 9to !e determined !. *lka;$el%ter/s CE> and other ke. pla.ers:. The 'inning team 'ill ha-e its commercial posted on the class 'e!site and picture 0ramed 0or 0uture classes to admire. ,n order to =uali0.+ teams must demonstrate testing and anal.sis o0 multiple -aria!les+ ha-e a commercial that includes all team mem!ers+ and meet the minimum presentation content re=uirements. ?e sure to appl. the scienti0ic method+ measurement techni=ues and data anal.sis to create .our rocket and commercial. (ood luck shooting rockets and 0ilming)

$incerel.+ #r. $elt%er M# @ CE> *lka $elt%r+ ,nc. A;B<<;$E ;TCER

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