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Customer-Exits in an standard transaction

Note:Customer-exits are implemented inside a function module. Procedure 1: a) Identify the main program of the transaction(se !) ") Identify the pac#age of the program. c) Identify the customer-exits in the pac#age "y using $se%&' or $smod' tcodes. d) (ead the documentation of the enhancement "y going to )smod*. +o chec# ,hether it suits our re-uirement. .or example /et us consider the customer transaction : xd01 a) se !

No, dou"le clic# on Program name to identify the pac#age.

") Clic# 1o+o 2ttri"utes

(+o identify the pac#age)

3( 2lternati4ely to identify the pac#age alternati4ely I can also go to se!% sapmf05d Clic# 1o+o 2ttri"utes

c)Identify the customer-exits +ype the Pac#age Name : 67 Clic# Execute as sho,n in screen shot. se%&

8ou"le clic# on 72P9.058 to identify the customer-exit.


72P9.058 I7 2N EN:2NCE9EN+(also a module pool program-se!%) 72P9.058 C3N+2IN7 +:E C;7+39E(-E<I+ =:IC: =E NEE8 +3 I8EN+I.> 2N8 +:EN P(36I8E +:E I9P/E9EN+2+I3N.

N3+E: 2 C;7+39E(-E<I+ C2N ?E 2 .;NC+I3N-E<I+(.;NC+I3N 938;/E) @ 7C(EEN E<I+ 3( 2 9EN; E<I+ 3( 2 C39?IN2+I3N 3. EI+:E( 3. +:E 3NE. 73 I :26E 2 I8EN+I.IE8 2 .;NC+I3N-E<I+. 2 .;NC+I3N-E<I+ I7 2/=2>7 ;7E8 +3 P(36I8E 7PECI.C 62/I82+I3N IN 2N 7+2N82(8 72P +(2N72C+I3N. E6E(> .;NC+I3N-E<I+ I7 2773CI2+E8 =I+: 2N .;NC+I3N 938;/E 2N8 27 P2(+ 3. +:I7 7+2N82(8 .;NC+I3N-E<I+@ 72P P(36I8E7 2 C;7+39 INC/;8E. =E NEE8 +3 P(36I8E C;7+39E( 7PEICI.C 62/I82+I3N7 IN7I8E +:E C;7+39 INC/;8E .I/E. +:E(E C2N ?E $N' N;9?E( 3. C;7+39 INC/;8E .I/E7 IN7I8E E2C: 938;/E P33/ P(31(29(72P9.058). N3+E: I+ I7 2/=2>7 (EC399EN8E8 +3 .I(7+ (E28 +:E 83C;9EN+2+I3N 3. +:I7 EN:2NCE9EN+. 3N/> I. I+ 7;I+7 +:E (EA;I(E9EN+ +:EN +2BE I+. smod Clic# 8isplay.

No, dou"le clic# on enhancement E<I+C72P9.058C001 and then ,rite the custom 4alidation(as per client) inside this.

7o ,e ha4e identified the follo,ing : Pac#age Name : 67 Program Name : sapmf05d .unction-exit : ExitCsapmf05dC001

+here is another techni-ue of identifying the enhancement from the main program.

Procedure 5: a)Identify the main program of the transaction. ")7earch for the string $C2// C;7+39E(-.;NC+I3N' in the main program. 7e!% -E sapmf05d Clic# .ind : C2// C;7+39E(-.;NC+I3N


72P9.058@ then clic# choose ?utton.

No, repeat the a"o4e process until you get the enhancement screen as sho,n "elo,. 8ou"le clic# on Call Customer-function $001'.

2gain dou"le clic# on $001'.

7o li#e this I can get the enhancement


No, let us consider an example. (eliance company says that for the gi4en customer transaction (xd01)@ the industry sector should "e mandatory for Indian customers. a)se11 #na1 .ields : "rsch industry sector ")No, create a proFect for the customer-exit cmod

c)Enter short text @ clic# on Enhancement 2ssignments ?utton

d)Enter the 9ain program name and clic# enter. +hen clic# on ?utton Components.

No, dou"le clic#


function exit


7ource Code +a": 8ou"le clic# on include Gxf0&u01.

"PROVIDE CUSTOM SPEICIFC VALIDATION CODE IF i_kna1-land1 = 'IN' AND i_kna1-brsch is INITIAL. MESSAGE 'Please r!"ide ind#s$r% sec$!r &!r Indian c#s$!'ers' T(PE 'E'.


726E H C:ECB -- 2C+I62+E e).inally acti4ate the proFect also.

f) No, let us test the xd01 transaction.

Clic# 726E and then ,e ,ill get an error.

No, enter the industry sector and clic#


g) No, if ,e ,ant to delete the proFect@ then first deacti4ate the proFect and then delete. ------------------------ x --------------------------------------------

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