HBMT 1103

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Lee Yock Yen ( 700729105366 )Kohot 6

BIL 1 2 3 4 $ & ( . / 11 11 12 13 14 1$ 1& 1( 1. 1/ 21 21 22 23 24 TAJUK Assignment Questions Assignment Question 1 Introduction 1.1 Promote critic ! t"in#ing 1.2 Promote cre ti%e t"in#ing 1.3 Promote ment ! 'rocess 1.4 ) rro* t"e c ' +et*een m t"em tics , re ! !i-e 'ro+!em 1.$ Promote 'u'i!s to c" !!enge t"e re ! !i-e 'ro+!em 0onc!usion Assignment Question 1 Po!2 3s Pro+!em4So!%ing Mode! P!o* 0" rt 5- Po!2 3s Mode! Pro+!em 1 Str teg2 1 6 Identi-2ing P ttern Pro+!em 2 Str teg2 2 6 7r * 7i gr m Assignment Question 3 8inding 9 1 : 6 T"e resu!t o- t"e 'u'i!s Assignment Question 4 )e*m n3s ;rror An !2sis 8inding 9 2 : 6 T"e 'u'i!s t" t - i!ed to ns*er correct!2 Assignment Question $ Re-!ection Bi+!iogr '"2 MUKA SURAT i i 1 2 2 3 3 4 $ ii & ( . .,/ 11 11 , 12 iii 13 i% 14 , 1$ 1& % 1( , 1. 1/

HBMT1103 Introduction to Mathe atic! "ducation -i-

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