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Production of Polystyrene

Chapter 10


1. Baasel W: Preliminary Chemical Engineering Plant Design, Elsevier, New York, 1976. 2. McKetta John J: Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and design, Vol.40, 1991.Pg. No. 380 403. 3. Peters and Timmerhaus Klaus D: Plant Design and Economics For Chemical Engineers, McGraw Hill, 1980. 4. Perry Robert H & Green D: Perrys Chemical Engineering Hand Book, McGraw Hill, 1984. 5. Joshi M V: Process Equipment Design, McMillan Company, New Delhi; 1976. 6. Lyle F Albright and Charles G Bild, Designing reaction vessels for polymerization, Chemical Engineering J, September 15,1975, 121-128. 7. Groggins, Unit processes in Organic Synthesis, Pg. No. 901-913.

8. Kinney G. F, Engineering properties and applications of plastics, John Wiley and Sons, 1956. Pg. no. 54 67. 9. 10.


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