Stuart Little Field Trip

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Its Time for a Second Grade Fall Field Trip! Who? What?

Riverdale Second Graders We are going to see the matinee performance of Stuart Little. Orpheum Theatre Memphis Tuesday, November 26th at 11:00 am The cost of the field trip is $9.18 for students and $15.00 for chaperones. Please send in EXACT cash (teachers do not have access change) or a check made out to Riverdale (make sure a phone number is on checks). *We should be leaving school at 10:00 am and will return between 12:30-12:45. *Please make sure your child brings a sack lunch on this date. *You will also need a snack for the morning because lunch will be later than normal.

Where? When? How much?


Extra Info:

----------------------------------------------------------___Yes, my child, _________________, has my permission to attend the November 26th field trip to the Orpheum Theatre. I have enclosed $9.18 for his/her admission. ___ No, my child, __________________, does not have my permission to attend the field trip.

____I would like to chaperone. I have enclosed an additional $15 for my admission.

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