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RGPai Samshodhana Kendra

Executive Committee

v - 53
vs, q, AwU AAz viP

Al 3 AaP 3
d, DU, sAg 2013
. JZ. P sl

gP UAz Azs PAz

JA. f. JA. Pd
Gq - 576 102, PlP
zgt : 0820 - 2521159

email- mgmcollegeudupi@dataone.in


P Dsm, PAr, AUg

AzP Aq

q. J. wgg sl
. gzsg Gzs, jAiqP
q. CP D
q. zP sl

P zv : g. 100/Df zv : g. 1000/-

PAzAz gP UAz
, P ez U
PqAUq z Azs
TULUVA Quarterly, Edited and Published

by Prof. H. Krishna Bhat for Rashtrakavi

Govind Pai Samshodhana Kendra, MGM
College, Udupi - 576102, Karnataka and
Printed by Prakash Offset, Baikampady,

1. Sri T. Mohandas Pai, Chairman

2. Dr. H. Shantaram
3. Dr. N. Hala Nayak
4. Dr. Padekallu Vishnu Bhat
5. Dr. Mahabaleshwara Rao
6. Prof. Muralidhara Upadhya
7. Prof. Heranje Krishna Bhat,

RRC Executive Committee

1. Sri T. Mohandas Pai, Chairman
2. Dr. H. Shantaram
3. Dr. B. A. Viveka Rai
4. Prof. K. Ramdas
5. Dr. N. Thirumaleshwara Bhat
6. Dr. U. Susheela P. Upadhyaya
7. Dr. N. Hala Nayak
8. Prof. H. Krishna Bhat, Secretary
Yakshagana Kendra
Executive Committee
1. Sri T. Mohandas Pai, Chairman
2. Dr. H. Shantaram
3. Sri K. Amara Pai
4. Dr. N. B. Vijaya Ballal
5. Sri Hiriadka Gopala Rao
6. Dr. P. L. N. Rao
7. Dr. Bhaskarananda Kumar
8. Dr. N. Hala Nayak
9. Guru Sanjeeva Suvarna
10. Prof. H. Krishna Bhat,

MGM College Trust

1. Sri T. Mohandas Pai, President
2. Dr. A. Krishna Rao
3. Dr. Ramdas M Pai
4. Dr. H. Shantaram
5. Sri K. Padmakar Nayak
6. Smt. Malathi
7. Dr. N. Hala Nayak, Secretary

z iv


gP Aeg UAz
Cg g Azs PAz
gPAi g gVgAv r
PAiV MzVAzz n. .
z Cg GzgvAz
zvV Az zwAi Ai
EwZU . jw CjU
rz Gv . v, se,
Ew Avz iP AiU
Gv lz AzsU F
gPU JAz gv F PAi
Pz UV AQ g U
UAz Aig PzU
z ir RUAq
vz F AaPAi UAz
AijU PtPAiiV Cwz.
v A F Iv PAi
z CAi Zg aAvjU
g gz Pt PnPA
AiP zVz.
z jz CPg CUgz
AUw. q. P. . g,
Arvg q E gz
zvAiP zq . Cg zsPV
AvU. Cg DvP zAd.
F q Aeg UAz
Cg U UAx ga Cg PU
CQz qd PAiig Qkt
gAig vAiUV q
Egz sUAz CjU
Az CjU PV sP
U v.

MAz v
x `gP UAz
P v il P
vg slg
Pv P Ai

q. J. wgg sl
- AzPg gV

A survey of religions and

Tuluva culture
vr Pgt - MAz
dz Pv- AAzs
Pw : AiPUAiPgtP
AVvPtP izj gAd
Ai qwz gzA
q. P. . g
vr EwP q. P. .
gg PqU
v AzsAi CUv, zsv
zg z ew, vve
v zvAzAi DvAP
Ai avU GUtAz
q P!
PP z Dgzs q
PAk sv
PAwPj aAv: sgwAi
gU: PqAUq z
eg z gAig dviv q. Ai. . GzsAijU zqse jw
CzsPv v Az PjU -

PPz CVgt : G

UAz PzUzUAz v
- q. gzgd ZAzVj
EvAi viz
zsz PU, wU d
QAiAi RzsgU Jgq zs.
AzsAi P Aiz
z, Sz MAz,
Pz P AwAi iU
eUw rz EAz.
UAz Aig Ml v
UzU F Jgq iUU
Cg z zs, Cg Pf
Uq Pz DgAsz
U g, zsgq, AU
z JAz UgwUvz. j
JA vvz DZAi-
gAgzg, zsgqz Av
P, Az vvz UAig UA
Ev. Dzg AUj CAv
MAz U Eg. AeAi
gU Cg g DVz UAz
AigU dQAiAi MAz
UVAi gtUAi vqV
UAz Aig Cg
ntU q z `dv. Cg EzAz
zsVAi PjgAv Pt
vz. sU CzsAi, P,
RAqP, Ux, m, lP,
Azs - U Pg
U zAz irz zs E F zsz s.
PAiiV Aig gz ig
d, DU, Ag 2013

s. EU vP P
U VAq, Az v
UAr. EU VAq iv
Aig zQzU PlVv
(1930g). Gzgq APU
PU AzAi gAilU
zg APgz Plzz
Cg wjPAq P, PV
1968 v 1969g. Az
`EAUq JA j 1983g
1900g ijU, v 17Ai
Ai `' wPAi Cz
j Plz PAz
Aig z PAz Ug
wVv. Ml ig 117 P
U EzgU zRVz. F
zsQ, iU g Ev
CA AiUzsU Cg P
U DAiVgAv Pt
vz. Az 1927g Cg
zsw wjPAqU svP
zg. V `Azz
PU AdAiiV AzAv
Ptv. Ezg Dzv, Dvv
Jgq vV.
Dzg Aiiz MAz Av
z Aig U AzsAi
PqU Z zU Cg P
Az zgjzg. w wjPAq
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 3

CAvg DPAi Cg w
V Pqwv. CzjAz gg
AzsAiAv DQ CjU
PjAiiv. VAq Pz
Uz gPAz gvz :
zAi CgUU Gz
g? J JAv?
vlz vx PAq
PtgU, D vlzz
vlz DAi qz V
Aq vlz vU zs?
JA Ai Aig f
zAi z. vl vU
Az z VU PAq DA
z gv vz J
zs. P vz. P
Aiiz P Cz Aiz
Cx P jz J F
JAx Gzvzz! U
VAi Aig v gz P
U APgz Pn
UfU U. `VAq'
z PluU Ae AU
gAig U gztP f.
. gdgvA Cg Az,
zAigAUU PP q. f.
z Pg Pqirz gP
gz Mz Az Pj
z, g zAi
Pq Az Ug qPgl
AiV wgjz E
dz Ai qP.
vAv viz P
v EvAi viz z
sU Pq vz Pxz
4 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

Rz P. EAV s,
vU P Pq g
UAq P, sVv, tPv, PzA
jUAv PgU g
z AUg jgz n
AiAUr gAitgAig, Ae
AUgAigAxg EAx
vz jPggVzg. Cg zj
Ai qz UAz U
EAz e Az V
vUzAv gzsg vUz
P APg iv
Jz Aig RavVv.
wAiiPg E. Pqz Ez
Ez EgPA rAwP AiiP
JAz Aig zVv.
PvU bAzzv P; D
q. UgUz AeAig F
U ZazU CjU vPg Gvg
Qg. PU, `DUz
Uz zZ. qz
vz Z. E
q, U vgzqz
AiA JAz Aiir, 1911g
gAzg `D s
JA AU zz Cz,
`Ai Aiig JA vAv
zi wPAi Pnzg.
CxUtP zs r, PAzs
z v vg Aiwz
zAiz PU Ml DAiz
sUV Aig F PAiP
Pv `f g Aizsg
vvj, `UU
July, August, September 2013

A JAz Aig `Az

APz PU wAi
CUPAi AiivAi PvAi
gP E gU Ai
zAv Ptvz. `Sweetest songs are
those that tell of saddest thoughts

JA Ai iwAv, `Q G
Aiz V, qz
zUqz JAzg.
zz l Ai
Aziz ;
Ai UqVzAz vAz
g g Azs
JAz yvg. EAAiAz
CwAAizqU Z EAv
gZU Cs PU gZ
U DAvjP Mvq Pr
; xs EU
AiiV vz.
UAz Aig PgZ
Ai QAiVz P zsQ
Ai MAz zsiV
Pjz P. dV Ai
U vAv ZAiv
DPvVz P. J sU
PU zQs j VvU
ga qwzg. `sgv sUzsv
JA Pz `gdA Cv
zsv q sgwAi
JA P; `x
A gv
gz Ai, gsQAi
z Ai.... AigAz
g Pgz Ai - EAv
U PU zsgug
Az; `Av d d
zg vA
iAii d JA
GvlvAi vrv E UAz
Aig zsQAi Pjv s
d, DU, Ag 2013

DAiv. UVAi P
K MnU q CjU
, s
Aw, CAvgsgw - EU
Ev viz zsz
sgwAi vz R jP
UV Ugwz. B
mUgg EzP R gu
EgP. Aig RAz
Ai U, P U, z
U, f U, lQAi U, g
iz U, PAi a
PvAi U iwvV PU
l F AiUzs Pgt.
q-rAi q F z
z .
zAiz PU vAz
RzsguAiAzg v
Pqz gUz. Pq
z sVvU gqzz
U. Aig Ai `P
C `QU JAz, qv
PAi lgsAi `amU JAz,
mUgg `sg C `zAi
JAz Pqz dvU ZwAiiU
zAv gUzg. Ezg
dvU Gg RAii `g
Aiv, EP PAi `g
dAAi UV Przg.
EAV `m Azs
Aig `Zvz JAz Pgz
Pqz vz AiU
irzg. EAV mP
izj v PAig izj
JAz Jgq jwAi m izj
U. Aig Jgq jwU
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 5

Ugz PAqgvz. `J
gz PAq, `dAiAz
Vv, `JAz P Vz
, `sgv vAvz UAiw,
`v EAv g m
U Aig AiUvU Q
PAzsz Aig AiU
v P Uzz.
Z, l, m, gU, RAq
P EAv AiUU, CPgv,
ivAzsU g qU;
gA A U
Czg CxAqAiAv z
- E MmV UzU
Aig QAiiv v
zAiz AiUvAi zs
RU zUvz.
UAz Aig Ps
Ai PjvAv g Zaz.
Aig PU sU
JAz iVg P.
zUU CrntU gzz.
[Az v zAigAUUU
q. f. gzgd g Cg Cr
ntU gzg.] U Cr
ntPqz vB A
zsP P. Uqz gAsz
U PsAi DqsVAv
VgPA Ev.
V g Aiz PU
Uq - qUq Vg
sPAz DAi ir
Pwzg. zsgqzg
nU DqsAi vgZU
vqVzg. AUg PAzz
6 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

Ae, UAz AiAxjU F

Prz U Ptvz.
Egg ivs v Cx
PAPt. Pq CjU Ai
Pv s. Dqiw Pq
Eg Uq-qUqU g
Az PsAiiV Cr
PPv. Aig Cz
PAq Cxz zsvAi
azP UPlg. Cg
sv vzz. P
F UAzVAi dz
sz wg Pzz Ez.
q-rAi Pnz Aig
dz iU AzsAiz.
Pq zP Aig zs
Ai lPz B
z. Dzg Pvz P v
AzsP e Egqg
v ws Aigz. f. .
gdgvA Cg Aig P
`PzU JAz Pgzg. D
zUP zsU Jzjz
Ewz. UAgvAi Ez,
zqsvAi Ez. F PzU
AjU DAi guAi
Dv. Cz Aig Pz
UA gP wAi
`AzU gtAaPUV
Dv R (2008)

July, August, September 2013

x `gP UAz
q. JZ. jw CjU
zAjU q gAg
Ai EAz P z jw
Ai GqAi gP UAz
Azs PAzz DAiz
qz igAsAzg

q. JZ. jw CjU
x gP UAz
Ai r Ugv.
F U Pgtsvgzg
F Az wv E AAi
jggVz v Manipal
AUg Ezg CzsPgVg
n. . z Cg. v
v w Cg
g UAz Azs
PAzP rz g 10.00 PU zw
Ai Dzsgz w Ew,
Azs, s,
EvU gAi CAvgAi
Ai zs irz zAg
jU g 1.00 Pz Uz i
qU GPz DgAsz
s v EzVv.
i z q. gz
JA. Cg Pw q.
JZ. J. , AUg
zAiz q. Utw Uq,
. ve Av Pig, w
. , PlP AQ
ZAig Dz CAvP,
d, DU, Ag 2013

Agz q. Aii
zz Utg Rz q. jw
CjU r zg.
Ez Azsz zw U
w rz w
Cg Ugv.
Pj ivrz q.
jw Cg Sv AzsP P
UAz Cg
vU AzzPV As Pr
zg. 1883 - 1963g CAi
z UAz Cg v
PwU AS U Utl Jgq
AzsAi Pq Fd
Uz zUg Cg. Z
Ewz Azsz PtAi
U Dzg AU U
CP DPgU j v
s ez Ai
CAU PAqrz z
Cg . Aiiz zvAi
z AxVv CAx Ai
U Cg v AzsU
DAiPAqg. Cg CzsAi
vAiiVv. Cg Pz
AzsPjU EA Pzg
jPgU, U, vU,
vU Eg. Dzg Evgg
CAiU DzsgV vUz
Pz v VU
j zsgP g Pq
zsgP zgVzg UAz
Cg. `vzsAi KP
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 7

GzAz AzsAi iU
rz g zAg UAz
Cg zUg JAz q.
jw Cg gP UAz
Cg v Jw zg.
UAz Cg A
zsAi gU Vg
smlU Cg wz
U J vQP U J Rg
Vz JAzP M Gzgu
JAzV q. jw zg.
Pq sU CP
U lAQPl Czg Cx
gt QAi az UAz
Cg zq PqU JAzg
AP E vAi
CP Av UU er
U lAQz Gzgu
U Cg rzg.
CP UU DAii Azs
U grVAv z Cx
U j CU Cx
Ai Vz GzguU
q. jw Cg rzg. ZtP
z P grAig
Z JA Cx Az
Az, F z VP
JAz Ez gd
JA Cx qvzAz Ez
Cxz F z AiUVz
AiAz UAz Cg w
zg. Ul z
xzz JAz UAz
Cg CAi Jg M
zg Pf JAz e
vz AiUzz
jw Cg Gzj UAz
8 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

vz zgAivz JAz
zg. Pg z JAzg Jg
Av AiA C, Cz
PgPz CtAiAzg g,
Cz irzjAz zU
CwgAmV gt AsvA
UAz Cg AzsvP
tAi q. jwAig wAi
UAz Cg Dz
V Ut AzsAi Z
DQ Av Cg AidvU
Pg Evg. Aeg UAz
Cg Qv v
CwyUgz q. Av
Pig ve Cg Pq v
Aiz ZjPvAi wz
zUg UAz Mg
JAz PAqg. PPZg,
A EvU t
vg DPgU j
g PU v
iqz Aig Azs
iU JAz jzg. Aiiz
Uz itPg, g
dg DVz UAz Cg
vU g zAi
PqPAz Ug qPgm
PVAi g Pjzg.
CzsPv z q. gz
Cg UAz Azs
PAz U Aeg UAz
Cg GvgPjU Cg
s P
sAqg JA.f.JA
PfU zV rz U
Pgtv JA AiU
July, August, September 2013

v v .
j zw Ai n. .
z Cg UAz
Azs PAzP zwAiiV
rzjAz UAz U
ZgU gz
q. zP slg wzg.
w Cg F
Azsz ivr v v
Aegz Pz
QAiiVzU C Aeg
UAz Cg DUU sn
AiiUwz CjAz CP jw
Az wzs, iUz
qAiwzzjAz Cg v `zs
Ug JAz tzg. P
V vAiAg
v RAz GTz
w PAPt v
vAiiVz Pq v z
P vAiAz Az Aeg
UAz Cg Gzv s
V jPAqg.
w Cg F
Azsz V
v. Ug Cg
gaPl w Cg
vavt CAvP Cg
CgtUzg. F Azs
z ivrz Cg eP
U AzsU Z v
qPz CUv Jw zg.
Aegz JAU
zQt Pq f JAz
wz Cg PgUq Pgz
zz CjU z zz
AiVv JAzg. Dzg Cg
d, DU, Ag 2013

J sU Pjv Ciz
Cg Mw zg.
z zP . gAe
P sm Uwzg. q. Utw
Uq Cg q. jw Cg jZAi
Gzs Cg
azg. q. Azs AAiig
Uw w v Avg
Cg PAiP zg.
igAszAz qz
Pg U CzsAi Pjv
ivrz q. JZ.
jwAig s ezg
iv CxirP
zs, PlP PgAi
Evg PqUVAv Vz JAzg.
AUg .. Pf
Ew zsP q. Utw Uq
Cg G.P fAi U Pjv,
td Pf Ew sU
R q. . dU nAig
vr U Pjv iv
rzg. AUj Pd Pt
ESAi dAn DAiPgz q.
AiUAz, JA.f.JA. Pf
Agz q. AiP,
UAz Azs PAzz
zP . gAe P sm
PAi Gvjzg. Gq
CzsAi PAzz AzsPgz
q. CP D Uwzg.
(v g A AaPAi)
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 9

P v il P vg slg
- q. zsAdAi PA
E 1955. MAz JA
Av Aq, Czs PAi
l QPAq v q
U gl igjU zjAi
PqPgAi zg rdg
xP U AQ z
igg AQU Ai iq,
oPgtU, zR vU
w zz rzg. K
iqPAz wAiz ZvgVz
CAi SzsAig i
, g dg Ae
Pg AvU Uwz dg
MlUr CjAz t AU,
v ir 800gU
ztU r Jgq z U
v g rzg. F
igg gg C. EAz
Pqz P v Pvz
zq gz P vg
, P CAzg PjU
t. zAi PPUPA
P wz PjU 1954g
q xP Ai PPV
Av. Ai o iqv
EgU v zU P C
g Dj lg Ae AU
gAig. AeAig P zU
sAz z gAivqVz
U P iUz zg
vz f. . gdgvA v zAi
gtPjAz. Ev Pg Pq
10 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

P vz il. Cg
PUV gz PwU AS 124.
Czg P PxAU 59,
P AU 35, lPU 24,
f Zjv, Azs, Qg PzAj
P zQt Pq fAi
qg wUAz g
Q.. zgzg MAz .
CAi Pzs PqPlAz
Fg sl v Q zAw v
vg slg. vAz Fg
sljAz sgv, giAitz
PvU, zgv ZP dz
PvU Pv PvAi Z w
PAq P vg v
gAi Ai z Pv
m sv gzg.
Cz Cgt wPAi PlUA
rv. Nzwz U QAi
CzsPgg Pz AeAig
PvU , Ai, avU
CZwz. Cz
z PAi d wv J
vg Pg. Cg z Pw
atg qU 1954g Pl
UArv. Cz g wAUAi
g w iglV CzjAz
Az zrAz CAvg Cz
QjAig Qj v P z
PwU Plz. F g
PwUU 1955g z gPgz
P vz i zg
v. CAAz Cg gtUAi
Aiiv gUV Vv.
July, August, September 2013

P CsAZP jz
, uAi MAz
PAqlz zj, PvU U
eU zPq Ue
U, PU CxU s,
l l PU, Azsav
avU Cg J PwU v.
Cg Pv-PvU gn, o,
PU, P, E, P, Q, Pq
U wAiAz U P
PdUw fvz JAig
PAU P aUjv; zQ
oz Px v. CP j
C zqjU wv
Gz: Pz v
gz v
UP f.
P izs, wP e
z, iAi
gz Pg vgZAi
Gz. C DgU, jg,
ifP w Ai, , z
, s, w
U iU Cg
gtUAi UzVz.
U U Pq
Pt qv
qV v
PAi MAz gZP. vAv
s Pv zsvz. PwAi
n iqv v PwAi PAz
d, DU, Ag 2013

Ai AZ, Gz fe
aAvAi Pg Pv-PxU
UzVz. zqg
zQU o zz i
Ai AZ P Pzz
JA v PvU C
P Pvz UU
Gvg Pq, eUwr Pv
U P. MAz Vqz DvPx
zsz CAiz Pjv eUw
r Pv. Az PsAi
v Pv, g
sVgxg j v d
AgPuAi Pjv Pv. Ez Lw,
dz, PP PvU P.
Pg PvU Nzz MAz
U. U N V
zz l l PvU NzU
g PPz vrv.
CZAi DAz qv
JA A gA slg iv
Cg gtUU Nz Jg
Cs z.
Pg PvPz P
lPU gzg. J P
C iv, PxAzsz CZ
Plv, Av iwz
Eg lPU . Pt vg
v gAzgzg z
Pv, aPv, KP, sPzs,
wAi zs, QmAit, CQ
gd-CgZ Aw Cg vz
lPU. DAiAi zs,
vP, P, sAlAi Oavt
P, evwvv, iv, P
zz iU wz P
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 11

ez PvAi wP
P g lPU vPzVz.
zsV, wPtz DPgV F
lPU zsgV
ig Dg zPUAz gA
vg PUg gAizgAi
vqVPAq Pg vB U
zg. UU. v E
gAiQv, DV JA
dzg. vVAv QjAi P
itPv Cg Qvz s. Ez
U zsv JAz Pzg
Cg Pvgz PgUr
irAi PqU. Cg PP
vgwU irAi mAU
AljU VzU C UAfAi
gw Dz vgw qz
gP n JAg ZAi
gVzg. Cg V UA
Pt zwAi vgwAi C
Crzg. Cz Pz o
Jz Pg iv.
vgZAi dvU P
dv v aAvU
zAz Pg
PAiz vqVzg. P v
Aq (j), P w, Pg
Uq, Gq, zQt Pq f
P v AU(j) EU
PzsPgV z U
Ai. fiz UPAiiz MAz
P gU AiiVj
P w DgA qPU
12 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

ZlnPAi qwzg.
PgAi Ai Pv
z Pqz P v
AvUz Pg Cg
PAq A. PAz v CP
qAi P v gg,
PlP v CPq P
i, z.P. f gev
, zAi P jv
, g PgAv w
Ug, D rj ,
P..z z sA zw
EU P. v a
PwU Pnz AiUg Q
U U DyP Pg rz
jP gg Eg Pg
V Pvg.
Pv gtUU zP
vAi P vg slg
iwU PU Prz CAvgAUz
iv Vz: idz s
Awgz P .
Cg g PAi
xP v P
v V iqvz. Dz
jAz F Jgq PvU id
vvgAzU, CeAzU
qAvUgz. gPg v
id Egq vAiz w
Az rPP. E Pq
Pv P Pr NAii? CAzg
q. U Pq jAiiV g
J P Ezg. EAx
vgt Ur UU
vg v UjPg UAgV
AiaPVz. Jzg Eg
JAvzg Eg JAzAU
PqVg JA Az
July, August, September 2013

vij vQz. U
Pq v P wAi
ivU Cg Az gU
V jzgv. Pg v

g PzPwg
JAijU z U

Pv P Ai
(PAP 2012,) Pv PAfl,
P P, AUg
Csz zg zgU g qz PPl
PgtU AzV P APPw z. E
PAiwAi Cj v g gU rwz. MAzq
Pig , EAzq qs - UAg q, U g
P-sAzsg-Azg AzgU NzUjU wgU
vz iv aAvU a MA Cg DaAv iqvz.
Q rzU
jAi UlP gwv
P gwv
Pq vgAi gwv. (.17)
E gvAiiVg gwv zU g z
P PAiwU gv zz. U g z PV .
gv Czg zUt. v v PPzz. U
EAi v CQU jAi P ZPr (r)
UgwzAv, PzPAqz g qAi Az PzAi.
dAig PgAv (r) SzAv, lP
P U Pt VAiiz Uz gAUP. EAi
Nz Jz Ai Az Aiiw, w avgU UAiU P
gAzAv. z PAq s. DUzrAi CZjAz
PUAq U. E Aiiz CwAi, J DAii wAi
PnPq PvPv gUvz. Pv PAfl Ai
sjUU Uggd i i PjP avU, MAz
U gt, MAz V vgt. U EUAi sAZg
rwgvz. Pq PPP FZU qUAq CvAv Gv
v vz PAPz. PAiwU, Uggd iAijU
v P U ZPn ZAzV Png
-q. Azg
d, DU, Ag 2013

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 13

A survey of religions and Tuluva culture

- Dr. K. G. Vasantha Madhava
The residents of Tulunad,
known as Tuluvas, have a distinct
culture. The region Tulunad, comprised
whole erstwhile
Dakshina Kannada (South Kanara
district) and a part of Uttara
Kannada district. From the historic period the extent of Tulunad
extended from the South of the
Mirjan, situated on the islet South
of Ankola on the Gangavali river,
to the Chandragiri, or even up to
the Kavai. However, at present its
limit extends from the south of the
Kalyanapura to the north of the
Chandragiri. The most distinct
factor that shapes the mind of the
people is the language Tulu.
The antiquity of the language, Tulu, and the region, Tulu
nadu has been subject of contro
versy among the scholars2. It is a
known fact that Tulunat (Tulunad)
often figures in the Sangam
literary works3. The distinct
language and scripts found in the
south of Honnavar noticed by
foreign travelers4 was wrongly
interpreted as Malayalam5. But it
seems that the language and the
script are Tulu. In support of this,
we cite the inscriptions and the
scripts of the peculiar language,
Tulu6. It is curious to note that a
few Tulu words occur in early
Greek works7. Similarly, the
Malayalam language used in a
copper plate dated M.E. 364 A.D
deposited in the Kollurumadam,
14 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

abounds in archaic Tulu and

Kannada sounds8 This indicates
the antiquity of the Tulu language.
This was in vogue in the extreme
southern portion of Kerala. The
antiquity of Tuluvas is revealed in
the work Svanandapuranasamuccaya. This work was assigned to
the twelfth century. It states that,
the author of this work was a son
of Vishnu and disciple of certain
Madhava, who hailed from a village
Manigrama in the Tuluva country9.
The discovery of a Tulu inscription,
found at Ananthapuram (Kasargod
District, Kerala state,) is a land mark in the history of Tuluva
because it etablishes the fact that
the Tulu script has been in vogue
as far as the beginning of the
fourteenth century.10 Further, inscriptions written in the similar scripts
are found in a few places in the
coastal Karnataka especially in the
regions of Gokarna, Kumta, Honna
var and a few places in the
Kundapura Taluka. This script is
generally known as Tigalari. The
Tulu script inscriptions dispel the
notion that the Tulu script was
devised by the migrated Brahmans
from Tulunad to Kerala11. The
Tuluvas have developed their
language with a rich vocabulary.
It is capable of expressing the
subtle shades of meaning in appropriate terms.
There are many folk songs
known as Paddanas. These Folk
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songs are legends and quasi-historical narrations. They are oral and
their versions provide useful sources for the study of the life of the
Tuluvas.12 From the study of these
works we note that the cultural
activities of the people centred
especially around its land structure,
wet dry land, its ferry master, and
his boats, its local trade, its cottage
industry, its little public schools,
and thatched abodes, its astute
astrologers, its boar hunt and other
inexpensive games.
Besides we also get pictures
of well defined Billava house and
the Bunt habitation, the village
assembly, the rules of social ostracism, the Bidus, or manorial houses
from the study of these Paddanas..
All these features are the relics of
the traditional Tuluvas cultural
features. Further we infer that the
Tuluvas village was a self contained unit13.
Peoples of different classes
and castes moulded the cultural
activities of the region. Among the
castes the prominent are the Billavas, the Bunts,the Brahmanas, the
Jainas, the Mogeras, the Mapillas,
the Byres the Pombadas, the
Holeyas.We also come across the
people, Kudumbis, Koragas, and
the native Christians. It seems that
some of the people mentioned
above, migrated from other regions
especially above Ghattas. Of these
peoples the Billavas, and the Bunts
seem to have enjoyed prominent
place, The name Ballala, the chief
of the Tuluva manor, bespeaks a
Karnataka origin. The kunubis may
be reckoned to be the earliest
d, DU, Ag 2013

inhabitants of the region The habitations of the peoples are mentioned in some of the folk songs of
the Tuluvas. For instance one of
the Tulu folk songs mentions the
residence of the Koragas known
as Koppa (sheds), the settlements
of Mogaviras in their Vone and
the Bakudas on the plains.14
Politically, the Tulunad has
been in close contact with the
Karnataka rulers. The sway of the
latter covered the entire Tulunadu
from sixth to the end of the
eighteenth centuries. The Tuluva
political forces accepted the over
lordship of the early Karnataka
rulers. This is revealed in a series
of inscriptions found in the non
Tulunad regions. Popular history
of Tulunad is strange and devoid
of historical credibility. A anecdotes tales and traditions do not
help us to unfold the realities of
the past because they are hidebound by concoctions15
Curiously enough, the Alupas
ruled over Tulunad for 1500 years.
But they were feudatories of
various Karnataka rulers and the
former accepted the suzerainties of
the latter. The political phenolmenon reveals that from early
centuries of the Christian era, until
the advent of the British, the
Tulunad had unbroken political
contact with Karnataka. Therefore
the influence of Karnataka over the
Tulunad in the various spheres of
political activities was well marked.
However the potentates in Tulunad
evolved their polity within the
framework of the Karnataka polity.
The chiefs in Tulunad often resisted
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 15

the expansions of the political

forces of Karnataka. Often they
sought the help of the ruling forces
in the North Malabar15. But all
their attempts to destroy the
political supremacy of the Karnataka in Tulunadu were in vain16.
The region became highway of
commerce and trade for Karnataka.
A number of ports emerged here.
These ports had Trans-oceanic
contacts with the Graceo-Romans,
the Arabs, and the Europeans.
Even in the internal trade, the role
of the Tulunad was felt. This is
known from inscriptions. For
example, two inscriptions from
Barakuru dated A.D 1430 state that
certain commodities like rice,
wheat, Bengal gram, green gram
etc came to Barakuru from beyond
the Ghattas17. These records also
prescribe rules and regulations for
the sale of sugar brought by local
and foreign traders from above the
In the social set up, the region
witnessed an unprecedented flow
of settlers from different regions
and even across the sea. The peace
and stability in Tulunad was
responsible for the settlements of
the people. Further, the political
set up of the region gave a new
impetus to immigration, especially
from regions above the Ghat. This
phenomenon led to a great deal of
intermixture. All these Jatis(castes)
excepting the Brahmans, seemed
to have followed Bali (lineage)18.
On the basis of the epigraphical
evidence, the Bali originated from
various sources and they were in
large numbers against the sixteen
16 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

Balis, supposed to have been given

and sanctioned by Bhutala Pandya,
the popular mythical figure of
As regards the settlements of
the Brahmans, they seemed to have
settled prior to the ninth century
AD. We get a few epigraphical
references to the settlements of the
Brahmins with their Gotras in the
Coastal regions of Karnataka. For
instance, Kuntakani inscription
(Ankola Taluka) assigned to A.D
497 mentions a Brahmana, Bhavaswami belonging to Dhumya Gotra.
It states that he was well versed in
the Vedas and for that he received
land grant from Ravi Varma of the
Kadamba, in the village, Vari
yaka20. A few more settlements of
the Sarasvat and Gowda Sarasvats
were found in Tulunadu by the
twelfth and thirteenth centuries.
But their immigration in large
numbers may be noticed from the
sixteenth century.21
Other communities particularly the Malavas had their
settlements chiefly from the 16th
century after the establishment of
the Keladi rule in the Tulunad.
However, there were instances of
earlier settlements of communities
from the regions of Goa, the
Koknan regions of the Maharastra
and even Gujarat.22 Most of these
migrated communities in the Tulu
nad were involved in trade, and a
few of them assisted the agrarian
activities. The migrations of these
communities intensified since the
last decade of the 17th century.23
There are instances of migrations
of the communities from Malabar
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to the Tulunad. Among these the

Nair settlements deserve to be
taken into consideration. From the
historic point of view, the settlements of the Nairs may be traced
from the 15th century. According to
the local tradition, they used to
assist the Brahmins of the Tulunad
in the agricultural operations.
Among the Mundala Holeyas of
Tuluva, there is a song concerning
the Nair migrations to the Tulu
There are codes of etiquette
which have been observed by the
Tuluva people in social and religious activities. The following are
cited. The women had been enjoying respectable and authoritative
status. They managed the landed
property with the assistance of
male relatives or independently.
As the owners of the the landed
property, the women exercised
their authority by purchase, sale
and donating grants to the religious
institutions. It was improper for
men to enter a house where there
were no males. The Billavar
women could not put the end of
their cloth on the left side and
could not wear jewels called
Mulukoppu on the ears. Social
distinctions were observed on the
playground and in a bhutasthana.25
With regard to religion, Tulu
nad depicts a curious mixture or
synthesis of various cults, forms of
worship. Animism is a popular religious cult. It has a long antiquity,
but its existence was recorded
from the end of the fourteenth
century. There are varied forms
which are seen in the religious life.
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It seems that very often the animistic form of worship prevalent in

Tulunad was influenced by the
neighbouring regions namely northern portion of Kerala and some
portions of Karnataka.
The worship of the folk deities
by the Tuluvas is significant in the
cultural history of Tulunad.
Although the majority of people
(especially the Hindus) pay homage
to the puranic gods, they have
strong faith in the mysterious
forces of the Daivas. These are
numerous and have virtually
bewitched the common folk. They
invoke the deities through annual
celebrations known as Kola, Nema
or Ayanas. The Paddanas deal
with these Daivas or Bhutas. The
devotees of these used to listen to
those songs sung by the priests
once or twice in a year that too,
from memory. The evolutions of
these Bhutas are influenced by the
Vedic and puranic lore. All these
Daivas received annual propitiation
attended by dance performed by
certain classes like the Pombadas,
the Nalike and the Parava or
Baidyas. They get possessed by the
spirit and perform different kinds
of ritual dances and ultimately
deliver messages of the spirit. The
cult is to be viewed as a complex
system of rituals and beliefs, music
narratives, dances and dialoguese,
social gatherings entertainments,
trances and oracles, healing of
ailments and settlement of disputes, all rolled into one.26 The study
of the Bhuta cult reveals the
popular culture of the region.
Another interesting point to
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be noticed here is that in the

border areas of Tulunad and
Kerala, especially the northern
portions of Kerala, while performing the religious rituals to these
deities, the songs are sung in Tulu
but the imperpersonators of the
deities utter Nudikattu (oracles) in
Malayalam.27 The study of Teyyam
and the Bhuta cults reveals the
the Malayalees
especially in the lower strata of
the society.
The worship of the Naga
(serpent) in the Tulunadu is to
be taken into consideration in the
study of religio- cultural history of
the region. It is associated with
songs and dances. The dances are
known as Nagamandala and Dakke
bali. On the occasion of the former
the Vaidyas (reputed masters of the
snake lore) administered to the
needs of the lower castes. Although the antiquity of the Naga cult
is difficult to determine, it is presumed on the basis of the Naga
Sila Sasana28 that it was prevalent
in Banavasi in the third century
A.D. From Banavasi the cult of the
Naga seems to have spread to the
coastal region. The Dakkebali
(simplified form of the Naga worship) is first mentioned in the
inscription dated Saka 1380 A.D.
1458 found at Barakuru29.
Another interesting form of
worship in the Tulunadu is Alade
or Brahmasthana. It is an abode of
five lesser divinities namely Brahma, Kshetrapala, Raktesvari,
Nandigona and Naga. Its centres
are found at Padubidre, Kavataru,
18 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

Anantadi and Sanadi (All in Udupi

Taluka). The antiquity of this cult
may be traced on the basis of an
inscription dated 1544 found at
Avarasi village, Kundapura Taluka
Udupi district.30 The association of
Naga with Brahma is one of the
striking points in the cultural
History of the Tulunadu. Its
antiquity is traced back to A.D
1432 found in an inscription. 31
In the meanwhile the Acharyas Sankara and Madhva moulded
the religious activities in Tulunadu
The former introduced the Panchayatanaa and the latter stressed the
worship of Krishna with devotion
In the religious history of
Tulunad, the emergence of Jainism
is striking. It left deep impression
on the culture of the Tulunad.
Further it emerged as one of the
factors to be reckoned with the rise
of various feudatory chiefs32.
Between the ninth and tenth
centuries the Tuluva region was
under the influence of Buddhism.
It was the cult of Vajrayana from
of Buddhism from which the Nath
cult emerged. It became predominant in the Tuluva region after the
tenth century. 33
On the basis of the version of
Cosmos Indecorum it is asserted
that Christianity was prevalent in
the Tuluva region even in the sixth
century AD. Kalyana mentioned in
the above work is identified with
Kalyanapura, near Udupi.34 Further,
the place names such as Petri and
Tonse around Kalyanapura suggest
that Christianity was in existence.
But the detailed picture of that
faith is hazy. It took definite shape
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from the advent of the Portuguese.35

The advent of Islam comment
ced from the middle of the eighth
century A.D as evidenced by an
Arabic inscription found in the
Jamia Mosque at Kasargod.36 The
progress of that faith was slow and
steady. Their trade association, the
Hanjamanas was powerful and
influential merchant class on the
West coast of India37.
Folk arts, music, and dance
depict the popular culture prevalent
in the Tulunadu. All these seem to
have developed to the maximum
extent. The folk songs simple in
structure and rhythmical form are
beautiful. The Tulu folk songs,
known as Paddanas, have idioms
and phrases. The descriptions of
the events in the folk literatures are
quite realistic and powerful38 The
study of these folksongs provides
insights into the social formation
taking place through transactions
between the Muslims engaged in
trade and the local population. The
folk songs deal with a variety of
topics such as movements or even
quarrel and eccentricity of the
village maiden. The rice pounding
songs sung by the village women
are excellent.
Folk dances and sports form
a part of cultural heritage. Most of
the dances are ritualistic. However,
there are a few secular dances.
The popular folk dances prevalent
even today are Kolaata (stick
dance) accompanied by music and
the kambala (buffaloe race). In the
former, the dancers pose as Ganas
of Siva with accompaniment of
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songs and stick beats by entire

dance groups. The beating of the
stick and dance rhythms are
excellent pieces. The antiquity of
this dance may be traced to the
second decade of the 17th century
as known from the account of
Della Valle 39.
The Kambala is an agricultural festival. It attracts the attention of the villagers. The antiquity
of this is traced to the year A.D
1281 as known from an inscription40 found at Karje village,
Udupi Taluka of the same district
On the day of the Kambala, almost
thousand pairs of buffaloes arrive
with all pomp41
Cock fight42, Suggi kunita
(dance on the occasion of the
second harvest of the crop) Damyi
kunita (drum dance) and masti
dance are considered agricultural
festivals. Besides there are a few
peculiar folk dances and sports
performed in the Tulunad. A few
of these are Ambodi Kunita (mock
fight dance of Pariahs. This has
virtually disappeared now). Gejje
Puje (act of worshipping jingling
bells when put on dancing girls
for the first time), genda Kunita
(walking and dancing by the
devotee on fire on the occasion of
the annual celebration of the
shrines), Polali chendu (the ball
game played during the annual
festival of the Rajarajesvari temple
at Polali, Bantawala taluka, DK
district) and Teppangayi (scrambling for coconuts thrown into the
crowd of people). Another interesting folk ritual is Tute Dara (torch
fight). This is seen on the occasion
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 19

of the annual car festival of the

shrine (Mulki). The Tutedara here
is torch fight between two villages,
Bappanad and Karnad of Manga
lore Taluka, Dakshina Kannada
district. The Holeyas of these
villages prepare torches of coconut
leaves. These torches are of two
and a half or three feet height. On
the second signal being given, two
parties throw at each other lighted
torches. This game lasts for about
fifteen minutes. It is held in front
of the Durgaparamesvari temple at
Bappanad on the occasion of the
annual festival.43 In all these dances, games and sports, the folk
culture of the Tuluvas is manifested.
The culture aspects of the
people are mirrored in the observance of the temple festivals and
rituals performed there. The prominent temple festivals as known
from the epigraphical records are
Ranga Pooje, Vasanta yugadi, Sone
arti, Bali Pooje etc. An interesting
description of the above Pooje is
mentioned in an inscription dated
in the Saka year 1481 , A.D 1559
found at Janardana temple at
Yermal (Udupi Taluka of the same
district). It states that the Ranga
Pooje was performed with decoration and Salu-nivedya, right up
to the outermost Balikallu (Bali
stone) on the day of Sankranti
Vrichika Masa44. Further, the
inscriptions of the Vijayanagara
period available in the Tulunadu,
inform us that the celebrations of
religious festivals were performed
with great enthusiasm. The
20 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

epigraphs contain references to the

festivals Deepavali (Divalige),
Panchaparva, Sivaratri, Vasantha
yugadi, Vaisaka-hunnime, Nula
habba, Benakana- chauti, Tudiya
habba etc. We learn from an
inscription of the year 1458 A.D
that the Deepavali was celebrated
as a festival of lights lasting for
three days45.
The Tuluvas were conscious
of their customary ranks and privileges. These they observed with
intense care on the occasion of the
public celebrations and religious
festivals. Mutual differences and
rivalries in this regard occasionally
led to disturbances and clashes
between two rival groups of
devotees. One such example is
found recorded in the Kotesvara
inscription (A.D 1551) of the reign
of Sadasivaraya of the Vijayanagara empire.
This inscription records that
in the month of Kartika (AD 1550)
the entire Tulu-rajya had assembled at Kotesvar to celebrate the
Tudiya-habba (annual car festival
of the temple). At that time, for
reasons not stated in the inscription a serious dispute broke out
and the assembled pilgrims were
involved in armed conflicts. The
temple precincts were defiled by
the corpses of the Brahmanas and
Sudhras and sacred cows and,
consequently the temple doors
were closed and all worships and
services to the deity were suspended. Finally on Saturday 11 April
A.D 1551 expiatory services were
resumed under the order of the
then Muslim governor of Barakuru
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rajya, Ekadhalakhan and the temple

doors were once again opened. 46
The nature of architecture in
the Tulunad has a distinct feature.
It is suited to the climatic condition
of the region. One of the specimens
of art and architecture is seen in
the temple in the Tulunad. The
Garbhagraha of the temple is
invariably circumambulated by a
narrow passage. Tirtha mantapa is
separate and is situated in front of
the sanctum sanctorum. The material for construction of the temple
is either granite or laterite. The
practice of representing Saptamatrika in the South-Western direction of the temple in linga form of
stone is quite common. The good
numbers of temples built in the
apsidal form and found in Tulunad
may be traced back to the early
The sculpture of Tulunad
represents the following stages. the
Chalukyan, the Hoysalas, the
Cholas and the Keladi. However
there are curious styles of architecture which do not conform to the
above major styles. They are indigenous in character. The influence
of Karnataka style of architecture
is seen in the Tulunad because of
the political subordination of the
latter to the former.
The large number of wooden
architecture, sculpture of various
sizes and forms and also stucco
images are found in the region
(Tulunad), Special mention may be
made of the stucco images of
formidable size in Udayavara
Polali, Mudubidre, Barkuru and
Anantapura(the last one is in the
d, DU, Ag 2013

district of Kasargod (Kerala state.)

Likewise wooden sculptures at
Mekkekatte (near Barakuru), Bai
luru (near Bhatkala) and others
deserve our attention. The wooden
sculptures may be assigned to the
Vijayanagara and even to the
Keladi period. The wood carvings
carved on the chariot of the temple
are marvels of craftsmanship 47.
Notes and References
1. B.A Saletore, Ancient Karnataka,
p2 (cited this as A.K)
2. Ibid, Ibid,p 2-9.
3. K.V Ramesh, History of South
Kanara ( Cited this as HSK) PP
4. The Greek papyrus of second
century B.C known as Charition
mentions of peculiar language in
the western coast of India. See
U.P Uphadhyaya Renaissance in
Tuluva literature Tuluva (Udupi
1984) p1.
5. Up to the beginning of sixteenth
century the foreign travellers did
not make distinction between the
Tulu and Malayalam languages
In some ancient tables the Tuluva
region is considered the sub
division of Kerala which is said to
have extended from Gaukarna
(Gokarna) round Cape Comorin
to the river Tamraparani in Tinneveley [see Walter Hamilton East
India Gazetteer Vol.II (Delhi
1984) p174]. Alexander, a monk
and the author of the Cosmos
(middle of the sixth century A.D),
Linschoten (1585), Francois
Pyrard (1607-9) treated the Tuluva
region as a part of the Malabar.
See Michael Edwards History of
India, (Mentor1967 ed.) pp 6-65
A.C. Burnell, The Voyage of John
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 21

Huyghen Van Linschoten to the

East Indies, (AES 1988 ) I p 6365. Ibid, I PP 220. The Voyage of
Francois Pyrard (tr by Albert
Gray assisted by H.C.P. Bell)
AES 2000 Vol. I p 369 These
versions of these travellers are
erroneous. Whereas Duarte Barbosa, a Spanish traveller, (1516)
was the first to note the correct
extent of theTuluva region. See
The Book of Duarte Barbosa I
(1967 ed.) I pp185, 197.
6. Tuluva P1 See Subramanian
Position of Tulu in the Dravidian
Linguist, ( 1968) p 29.
7. Ibid,
8. Rajan Gurukal JES iv,pp 101-103
9. A Gopalkrishna Menon, A History
of Sri Padmabha Temple till 1757
(Trivandrum 1996) p 37.
10. K. V. Ramesh Ananthapurada
Tulu Sasana Tuluva (Udupi 1980)
pp36- 38 .
11. About Tiglari script See JES xvii
p p 95-101. See Gunda Jois,
Catalogue of Ancient Tigalari
Palm Leaf Manuscripts in India
(Keladi 1997) p IX.
12. The Tulu folk songs known as
Padadanas came to light in the
year 1886 when Rev Manner
collected, edited and published
these works. A.C. Burnell translated them and these appear-ed in
the pages of the Indian Antiquary
vol XXIII. Since then a number of
scholars have taken active interest
in the study of these Padadanas.
See U.P. Uphadhayaya (ed) Folk
Epics of Tulunad (Udupi 1986) B.
Viveka Rai Tulu Janapada sahitya
(Kan Bangalore 1985) pp 17-23.
B.A. Saletore, A,K pp 459-582.
13, Saletore A.K p460

22 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

14. Ibid, These communities mentioned here, seem to be aboriginal

people of the region and they
were earliest settlers in the Tulu
nad as opined by B. A. Saletore.
Ibid, p.461. The study of the
historical facts convinces that the
coastal region of Karnataka including the Tulunad was a later
acquisition of Kannada people
Not being the core of Karnataka
culture. Further it is remarked,
Indo-Aryan speaking people have
penetrated deep into the South in
the coastal region and Tulu people
speaking people might have
moved northwards. See Iravati
Karve, Kinship Organization in
India ( Bombay1968) p 267
15. Gururaja Bhatt, Antiquities p ii,
16. Basavaraja, Sivatattva Ratnakara
(ed Radhakrishna Murthi Keladi
1996 cited this as STR) p 105 It is
Sanskrit work. Its author was the
ruler of Keladi between the years
1697-1714). This work was composed in the year 1709. Linganna,
KeladinripaVijayam (Mysore II
ed. 1972) cited this as KNV,
17. B.A Saletore, Oceanic frontier
of Karnataka, (1961 p p 211-223.
18. SII vii, No. 309, 340, K.G
Vasantha Madhava, Western Karnataka, Its Agrarian Relations
(New Delhi 1991) pp 18-20.
19. The earliest reference to the Bali
is noticed in a hero stone inscription, found in front of the Chandesvara temple at Haladipura
(Honna-var). It is dated in the
Saka year 1002, A.D 1080. Its text
see Karnataka Bharati (cited this
K.B (November 1990), pp6-13.
20. Gururaja Bhatt, Studies in Tuluva
History and Culture pp 241-247
July, August, September 2013

21. Kuntakani Inscription assigned

to497 AD EI xxxii, Pt V pp21721. Gurav R.N Karvara Jelleya
Sasanagalu ( Dharwad 1975) pp
18-20. The migration of the Brahmins into the region of Tulunad
is found in inscriptions, SeeSII
Vii No 261, 265, dated 1418,
1438 A.D. respectively see
Gururaja Bhatt, Studies, pp 237240. See E Nagendra Rao,
"Shivalli; A Brahaman settlement
of Dakshina Kannada QJMS
July -September 2000 pp 72-81
22. R. N. Saletore, B.A, Citrapura
Sarasvatas Fifty Years of Bliss
(Bombay 1996,) 285-311.
23. Gururaja Bhatt Studies, PP viip4
24. I. A. Lvi p76 Saletore. B.A
25. Saletore. B.A, Ibid, 568- 576
26 Susheela P Upadhyaya Folk Art
from Dakshina Kannada Suguna
Digest (Udupi 1992) vol 3 No5, p
27. Venkatraja Punichataya, Tulu
Nade Nudi (Kan Udupi 1998) p
28. Indian Antiquary XIX p 321-334
Raghunath Bhatt Karnataka Sasa
nakale (Kan Mysore 1977) 9- 15
29. South Indian Inscriptions ( cited
as SII VII No 315
30. Annual Report of South Indian
Epigraphy 1931-31 No 310 Cited
this as ARSIE
31. SII Vii No 282 Gururaja Bhatt
Studies pp355-6
32. Saletore.B.A A.K pp 404-415
K.G Vasantha Madhava Religions
in Coastal Karnataka(New Delhi
1985) pp 4,72,74 S.D Shetty,
Tulunadina Jaina Dharma ( Kan
Udupi 2002)pp 66-117
33 K. G. Vasantha Madhava A
Note on Buddhism, in Coastal
d, DU, Ag 2013

Karnataka South Indian History

Conference 1990, pp 178-180
34Sturrock, South Canara,District
Manual (Madras 1894) I 181,
A.L.Basham, The Wonder that
was India (Fontana 1967) pp 335,
345-6 P Gururaja Bhatt, Studies
Preview p xx
35. K.G. Vasantha Madhava, Religions in Coastal Karnataka ,pp
36 JES XXV pp (1999) pp54-57
37. Suryanatha U Kamath, Hanjamans Studies in Indian History
Udupi 1978 Vol. PP 59-62
38. Coastal Karnataka (Ed U.P
Upadhyaya). Pp 253-259 Gururaja Bhatt, Antiquities, PP ix,x.
39 The Travels of Pietro Della valle
in India (ed and notes by Edward
Grey) AES 1991, Vol II p 261.
40.Vasanth Shetty Aithihasika Maha
tvada Udupi Talukina Saasangalu
(Kan Brahmavar 1995) p11-12
41. Saletore B.A, A.K pp509 Thurston Caste and tribes in South
India (Cosmos New Delhi ) pp
42 Saletore,B.A Cock fight QJMS
( XVI ) pp 316-327.
43. Ibid, A.K p7
44. SII Vii No 269 for the earliest
reference to the same Pooje see
SII Vii 383 Inscription dated A.D
1461 For detailed description of
the above Pooje see K. G.
Vasantha Madhava Ibid, p 186.
45. SII vii No 336 see K.V Ramesh
SK p 30
46. SII IX PT iiNo 621
47. Gururaja Bhatt, The Antiquities
of South Kanara Completed on
4h March 2009 and revised on
4th May 2009.

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 23

vr Pgt - MAz u
- G sm, r
`gg AiAz gt
PAz v Cv Ugw
PArg vq svAq
MAz gz AwAzAiU
Ez AwAi Q. . ig
Dg, dAiUgz ilg,
P, EPj, g CggU
AU, Cf, Zl, sg zz
CgvU U g
gU P Gzg, AU
g, Pg zz gd
zsU P G zg.
F PPz g z
AiU, U, svAiU
itU qz. EAU E
U ig Czsz At
Cx sUB UArzg, Gz
U v a WP
Ai GPArz E
P PvUArgv.
fuzg JAzq EA
fuzg jPU ir
zAwg g PgAvg `a
AwAi JA iv
vP , svAiU
fuzgz P v a
g zz Uw Az
j. EzP EA fuzgz
jPAi Pgt. E `fu
24 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

zg JAzg fuU vg
A, DAi zzU C
U wU CgV Gzj
z JAz vP A
v Ptvz. Ez wv
g UAxU AiAs U
zgjAz wl A
U CAiU vAqVz P
z AP uU
P CAUU equAi
w P I gAgAi
CvAv UgAz PAr.
zAiU fuzg :
EAz vr g
zAiU wU vgz
V v Ai ga j
o zAz. a A
zU MAz Ai A
zg Pgtz Avz a
Ai AtV PqUt
Uwz. v jAz PAU
Pr q, vAz j
vgU Ai, P P
zgz U
UsU, wxAl, vU
itAz ggfw. F
q A P, A
jg AtV V.
Uz fuzg :
`U JA zAi
Eg (, Pq) EAz
July, August, September 2013

EVz. An UrU v
iv zgg, jzq zs
Uz CP g Uz
Ai zz it ir U
w iqUwz. F P
Cw vA zz itU
Pz U Cw Ai z
z itUwz. E
zAAv g v
gvz U U P
r CU CzsAiP qz
CU j Q v
Ai wAi P D
Pz Ai PvPv, z,
wAi Gz, wPv
sQAi At PUwz.
svAiU fuzg :
svgzs AwAi
Csd CAUzg EAz DqA
gzv wz. g Gv
ewAi gz q,
Cx Aa svUAi z
U EAz vU
wUw. PP gzrAi
UUU An zq z
108, 1008 PUAz CP
irP PAz.
MAz Pz AUg,
APt zz vPlU
P sAqgz Ai qAi
wz ev ZAzg t
APAwAiAz zz sAq
gz Az Rq t, AiQg, PAa-Pqm sAqg
Az v qAiwz sv
AiU EAz ve qAi
zAiUV iqV. U
d, DU, Ag 2013

EgU sAqg g jv
U sAqgz v GAi
zzg U? JA GAi
vz. zU DsgtU ZgP
gzzg jzAr P
gZAiiUwz PzAq, Ct, dP
Ct zzU z EAz
Ai DsgtU ggfw. P
qAiAv vPU MAzr A
qUz sgz DsgtU E.
gz q - gU
PUV. Pzg
Pz z, AvU U
gVz. Cz gz
Cz EAz P jz
gAiP tU D
Ez EA DzsPvAi j
fuzgz QAi. DzsPv
PAzg Jgq iw. Dzg
D DzsPv agAgAi
G v s MAz
CAi JAz U.
DzsPvAi j PAQn
it iq z Eg
Pq G Cx vz
vz ga CzP
g q DzsPv z
C gaz vz
Uvz. EzjAz Uz evU
jgz gPu, vP E-g
U Pz GwAi zs
Uvz. D P dg
Gzz s gj dz
Cxz fuzgUvz.

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 25

dz Pv

AAzs P U
- q. zP sl
CjQvV AiUvU j
- i - Ug - zsAw
zgv Q v dz CvU
jzz Aiv Uv
JAzP GzguAiiV v
r MAz Pxz.
U Az s ZV
z U JU Pv
JgP Aiz DgzU
Cz wAz P Cz Gz
VAi vgVAi Ai
z rz.
U vqV MAzgq wAUU
EAv z JgU C
PtUv. U z MAz Jg
P v U zAi
AiZ AvAAz Px vqU
qP gv iU
PVgq qz P
. U UgU U i
gzg DUP. CAvg
Aiijzg? JAz D JgP
aAvAiiv. F Pjv v
AiazU CzP gdz
v. `D!
Pz v. U AiU
AAzsAzg z j.
CVAv Pq? Dzz
jAz UU C U
AAzsPV Pz j JAz
26 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

D Jg v.

U P gz MAz
v gv. ` UU
UVAv AiUz g
g E QAii? JA
MAz MPuAi vz P
Ai jv. F Pz
P E RjZAiz
U v v Cj
vAz D Jg sv.
v Pjz
r UPAv. Uz
Pz Ug wAz Pz
Jgz CAPg PAq
CU dVAi UAv.
vP Gvg Pqz AiUg
Pt? EzPAz Gvg
gz. Gvgg
V gz vz Vv - `v
v Avv.
xgzg AiU U
P. vAz
xAz CjU Av.
xz g qPwz.
FU AAzsz
Azz GavVAi Ez.
U gd. i
z. EAv gq PlA
U zsz AAzsP P
July, August, September 2013

qAi P. Dzg MAz
MAz . FU U. U
g jAi AzV v
gU P zs. F
AiU Er P g
zz CzjAi z qz
U? Er sAqP Zg
PPv. Dzg FU
z E. v
AiUvU jAiiV dAsuAi
zAiiUPzg U P
g. DU J UU a
z. J DU
qt. CggU F
AAzsz ivPvAi Az
j Eqt.
v JgP
Av. v N CzP vA
Avv. Jgz v
U n
v JgP vU DU
U VAiv Av. Jg
F v AvAz
v UzjU vjwzg
Uz JqJqAi V

PAivqVz qvAz
Cz Dz v uU
EgvqVv. PzAv t
U DP EAivqVv.
v PzU Czg
PAV jg PV Cz
PVv. v jgz
ZzU Cz U zAi
AzP PPv. iv
v gz vz Ai
zAv AAzs Azj
Aiz v ZguAi v
g E.
Px EU Vv. v
r PPg Pfz
Az Pz F PxAi
zg vAz . zP
gAit slg. CjU Cg
vAzAigz zP
sljAz Az Px EzAz
GT Cg zjAz Ez
P avAi Az
MAz GzguAi Px J
zg Az.

AiPU PAzP Uz q. geAz UAPg sn

AiPU PAi Ug Ai z, zzg
Aii Ai, U JAv t iwU P Q
zz vqVP GzAz AiPU PAi, Czg v
s, U zs Q Ag 1, DvgzAz
UAz q. geAz UAPg Cg Gq AiPU PAzP sn
rzg. CAz PAzz PAq MAz z Q q
gd, i fPjU Pq Azg. AiPgAUz Pzg MAz
UAm PAi AiPU vgP dmAiP zgrzg.
d, DU, Ag 2013

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 27

Pw : AiPUAiPgtP gPU
- q. JA. sPg e
( Pv zs zsiPj gd q. r. gAz UqAig
DAifz iZ sAi Arz Gz g)
Pw AiPU z
U EAz ZZAiz,
U zU ig
UAmU zUU v
Az. Ez j. Pz Pg, Cz
CxPz AwPg Pz
Us gPUvz.
zAiU UV DgAs
UAq Azt DlU, zvg
U DlU, lU B
zAiz Evg Uz Av
e, sd, v (zz
Dl) zzUAv AiAP
qAiwz Pw zU
DVz. C jv Er gwAi
zUV Az, Pz
zPU g g jwAi v
EzAz ZP. AwP Ew
z -W, Cw-v P E
i. ev, z, P,
AVvPg, lP, jPxU

UUv Az. z Qq QPm
g g CAi AzU,
m AzzgU FU E.
vPAi AiPU z
UU Fa Pz ig
28 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

DgAl zPU Zjv Ez.

Pn Pvz AiAPAz q
gw vPz DlU . 1940jAz
dgUwzAv (iw | .
sm). vz AWU
wAi. DlU, P
, Pv , (MAz
EAz Pvz Dqz Gz:
Cvj P zsz
Dl), P U E
vPz zU. z
izs U Pw i
? UV FU Ez v
JA s Q. Ez Ezz.
v d.
wgUl iq
U Q - P
(ZAz CrUg ), EqUAf
(As Uq), gZAz
gz Ug , Jqg
(DAii o PvUAz) wg
UlU q. gAi Eg
z. Uz wgUlU, g
g, CAvU Dz DlU
1930jAz vPzU DV.
F Ai U, EA Pz
wU A B J U
Uvz. UjPgtz U, aP
PlAU, PPvzz j
July, August, September 2013

v, Jg zr CAiv,
szv U, Ai s
P, Pzg jP, DgU
zz Pgt
UAzV v C JAzg Jgq
zU P, CUv v
UUz v.
V g:
AiPU , Ptv, gAU
zs, , gAd, PxvAv, s,
zs J, CAzg Czg Ml
Vg (Repertoire) Jgq
g UAmU qz. v
gvAi. CPg(essence)
V qzzg C C P
AidU P.
vAi Dl
UAz PAi Ut zs.
U PU. Zj v
PvP Pzg AS Ez,
v GAiAvv. zv,
iZ, aAv, vUU
Z C zgPvz
. Ml z
Az Aid (planning) zs
jz. DgUzsgu, dP
U PAi Ai CUv.
vP AiPUAzg
JAl UAmU Dl g UAm
Vz. Nr Pv Vz
C. Mvqz z C. Cz
jPAiiUP. ErAi
PxguAi AiZ zU
P. EzPV zv, iZ,
d, DU, Ag 2013

zU CvUv. zz w
AiAz sUz tz zs
gu, jgU CUv. wgUg
g zUPUvz. FUU
zzU AzP Dl
lPU U DzsPgt DVz.
(Gz: d gAUPgU,
DAzsz AiPU PgU Ev)
gAUPwAi z gzg
zsj Czg gU
- CAzg
qUjP, gU, zP, gAU
vAv, , Z, iv, CAi
U Aid - vAiij
Cz zPz, FVAv
UvUwP v DzAv DUA
gP AzAi z.
wgUlz U Pw
z Zg MAz zP,
MAz Ax. Ez U,
U zsguU, AiPUz AiP
UPgtP Ez zjAiiUP.
AiPU zPV j
zzg iP zsgu DUP.
tUjP, , v, gAUzs
AUwU zQtV Ai
t ZP, P ,
gAUz DU AzPv,
vU AZPAi Ai, g,
sU UtUU Dzv E
wn U APgV Pv
Vz. Czg zsguU Ez
Azs. , P, U
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 29

ga Ez P Azs.
DzsPv vAveU rg
s, CPU, P AiAvt,
sm P, sg V,
jAiiz P - zs v P.
jAi s C. Pgt,
Ut, s CPvU
U P PgUz R.
qg :
vPAi qg (Tent)
rP Az gvz. Azt
AivU CrAiz, Ugz
Azt zUz.
Pvz SAiA :
v CAi DlU z
DAi PvUzg CUv. z,
z gAU zAg, Ug,
dg Jg AiPU
gvg. zs, Pn,
Azw, UtAv F PvU
zuUV - MAz Pvz
EAz Pvz Dlq.
CzPV gAi n (Rotation

time table) iqz. Ez

Aiizg - AiPUz g,
gUU zq PqU DUvz.

zAiz nAi AiP

U MAz AiU, CzP
CP P, Cz MAz i
gzs DU.
sPt P:
AiPU zz gAU
z sPtA g
sU(U, PqAV,
, UP, ) AP
Crz, Pw AiPU
jPAi sUUP. AzAi
- - Ut - AP gAUP J R.
Ai w :
FAi ZgU U j
U, AidU d zsi
Pj q. r. gAz UqAig
vvz U PvU R
g, vdg, MUAq MAz
Ai wAi gZ z
eAiiU, Cz UeAiiV Ai
V, zV j.

v ZAzzggV
P zv : g. 100/Df zv : g. 1000/v s, Aw, P, DgzsUU
Mvz RU gz P. vj.
CzsAivP RUU Dzv

30 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

July, August, September 2013

AVvPtP izj gAd

- J. FgAi
[ jgz AVvPvz wsAiiV rAz, x
UgU Ai vv CzsAi v AivAz Gv AVv
PzAiiV gUAqg w gAd Ugz. CgAz g AvQ Eg UV gAd g JAz E javg. AU
DAiz q gd PPz AVvvz zsU
U P x vzVPAq j Egz. CjQv
CgUAz CU z DPAi `r-U PAi
PAz AzsPAzz DAiz(d 14, 2013)gAz
qv. D Azsz PP FgAig z r
z Tvg E qVz. -A.]
P P wAUU Az,
CAzg Pz Ag Ez
PAi P CvAv Azg
sVvU rz gAd EAz
q E. PvU gg
Q U zg EgvAv.
Dzg R Jw DP rz
U Pv Uz Ptvz
EAz gAdAi Pq C.
zg Vzg Pq
DPz Q vgz
PvPAqg DP z U
Pv DPAi q v
gAdAi zsAi UU
K zP U.
qAi n z U
AVv EA U Jgq iv
v. gAdAiz `Jm
UP vz AVv C;
gjU vz AVv
ZAPQAi Az Czvz
UAi DPAiz. PwAi
q, sVvAi q, Z
d, DU, Ag 2013

q, P q wAiAz gZAi
wzPAq CzP Aiiz P
D jwAi UAiAi A
P zs DPVv.
CzP AP Czv j
g DPVv. iV
q P MAz UU,
gsU, UrrAiiU Ez
z RAVv gAdAiz.
izsAizszz. Czg Cx
DPU Aiz rv EgAz.
AiB DP E gAi
UAi zsAi CvAvqsz
Cz. n. P. wAiAxg
Uu gzZjAiAxg v
zVz Czv z rz.
D Aiz izsAi
RV vz sP
Pz Q, izsAi,
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 31

iqv C svA Czv

ws gAdAiv.
iV Aiiz PlA
z ws nPAqg, Cz
Av z; DvAP
z. `F U U
P? JAz vg AiiU
vz. ZV PlAzg Cz
zVAi Cx UPAi
zsVAi wjz Zg
Az Qsz AVvUg
gVAi Ai zsvz.
CAvz rz Pq.
Dzg CAx Aii vqP Pq
gAdU JzgU. AiiPAzg
Cg vg
z CgAz g
v w AvQ CjU
`AVvPV K iqP,
CzjAz K qAiP
JA U Rgz Ev.
CgAz gg Ai AVvz
D P rzg; Czg
jtw qzg. evU Plz,
gz Azg.
AVv R, AwAi,
Ai evU DAz
PAi iv iq
P JA Ravz Ai
gAdU Cg Cgz Pr
nzg. UV gAdU s
V zj Q v. Aii
ZAi Ez gV C
jAiiz zjAi qPAq
g vjU zsv. U,
MAz ws zsV P
Uv CvAv jt Pz
AiiV iqVgz
32 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

PuzgAi qAv
Ev gAdAi AiiP
UP JAzg, AiB AVv
PAi EA PU DP izj
(g iq) DVgv. MAz
PPg Cs iqzP
vqV, CzP Pz z, b,
zs v KPUv E
AirPAq Cz U P
irPz JAz vj
PmP C. DP t Ai
z vg l CzsAiPV
zg z v v
Uj AiizAz V wz
AzP z. DPAi zQ
C tz. v t zQ
zq zs ir, DPAz
E az jQwzA
vAi g Pl qz.
j `AiiP U
Uv GAl? AiiP Uv?
JAz PAvUvz. EzP
Gvg PAqP Aiv iq
CUv E. zP P
vQPV E. vPP jz
Czg. CU
MAz Ez. E wsAv U
AiiP l v?
J za za Pl giv
DPU DAi iv AiiP Pq
? - JAz PP glg,
CzP sz zgP Gvg
E. AiB EzP sz v
Pq U izs vg
Gvg Egwzg CzsvP AAz
eSAi Aiwg. E
jPPz Jgq Zg
July, August, September 2013

U: MAz wsA
i Aii jw
iUzPgV, izjAiiV EAz
q g zAwU Ezg.
Cg F UUV irz
Aiv, vU, j J U
izjUV. wsvz MAz
U z g;
D U ws P
U. D U tUAi
Az Czg zsA
i zq
n vU vjAz Pq PU
vz. CAv vUP vg z
zg iv wsU
qAi zs.
ivUU Ez Gz
gu JAz vjPl MAz
PlA ggz. CjU gAdAi
CUP MAz zgt. Dzg
U E PtPzz g
iq Ai iv. wsv
z U U
PAq gPAzP CgAz
g zAwU U iU
zPgzg, CAv U K
iqP, U AzjAiP
zP g iq gAdAi
j. AVg Ai dAUz
vjPqPzz gAdAi.
v P U
Ai Pg AVvz Pj
vV AgPz zsgu
Rzz. AiiPAzg, Pg
zsguAz U jzj
Ai rAiz Cx zj
vAxzVgvz. MAz P
Wlz PjU, `AiiP F PAi
iUz UP? EzQAv
d, DU, Ag 2013

sz U P g
iUUAi? AiAVv
U zrPAq AiiP
UP? JA fe n
P Azs Ez. DU EAv
zsgu EzjU iv Ai
AVv dz Cxz M
P zs. CzP MAz izj
AiiV F PlA v FP
Ai z jPv Egt.

UAz z
gAz AiPg P
. J. e. CAig P
JA gwPAi vAzAi
g RAw Prz Ad
g SAvg m
U qPArzg JA zgz
Az DzU irz
PAq v MAz gwPAi
gA jAiiz Gvg Pq
PV gAisj JA gwP
Ai J. J. gAit sm
Cg AzPvz DgAs ir
zg. Cz gP Aeg
UAz U Pg Gzl
iqAv AwPV Cv
AijU AAzsgzjAz
AegP P Pl CjAz
jAiiV Pz. Cg AzP
RAz gP gv
gPqz JAz zg.
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 33

Ai qwz g
zA q. P. . g
- q. gAz g
[PlPz z vdg EwAzsPg Dz
q. P. . g Cg j AP d 10, 2013g gw
gAz Uzg. Azs PAzP CjU
PlAP v. PAzAz Krz
PAiPU Cg AQAiiV sUzg.
CjU zAdAi . d 11, 2013gAz v
gAz Alz MAz sAirv. D
AUg zAiz Av Ew zsPgz q.
. gAz g Cg zAd gz Drz ivU
E AUVz. - A.]
gAe P
sljU MAz E Qz. Cz
g Az Z Pz.
Czg gP UAz
iqQg wvz Ai
AiijU PqP JAz
PzP DAiAi Pnz.
`Cz P. . g CjU P
JAz RavAiVv.
AiiPAzg UAz Aig Pv
zqz. D J PvU
P irz zAg EAz
qP zs. Dzg D
PvU Q MAz Pvz P
ir g qzg, dV
Arv JA jU sdgzg
P. . g. Cg g
az. PzPV QQz
Pq v PAqU P slg
s Av. Cg
rg. s ir zg:
`P. . g CjU m
CmP DVz. DvU jzg.
MAzPAz AAzs E, Dzg
34 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

EzP Uv. t
z: FU
Crm DVgz. gvg.
az j U zu
DU. gvg. Cz
zsg. Czg zu E
CAv. Dzg Ev P slg
s irzg. g Ew.
E CAv.
Ev F AvZP s
Ai ivq U AiUv
E. AiiPAzg P. . g
is perhaps one of the finest
epigraphists of India. My area of
interest is modern India. But I have
one qualification. When I was a
student in Mysore doing my MA
and later doing my research, one
person who mentored me was Dr
K. V. Ramesh. This is a very strange but most interesting thing of
my student days. When you are a
student, there is always a feeling of
being examined. Mysore is very
much part of Karnataka. We
students used to feel the sense of
examination. At that time we used
July, August, September 2013

to have South Canara Students

Association in Mysore. It was a
very big organization. Students
from Medical College, Maharaja
engineering students - all of them
were there and it was a very big
organization. One of the spirits
behind that organization was Dr.
K. V. Ramesh. He was young at
that time, energetic and he used to
give guidance and he always used
to give us the right direction. That
was what made Ramesh a very
familiar figure for all the students
in Mysore.

CjU wg Dzz
U. JA. J.Ai EzU.
AzsU vqVzU Z d
zyUg. j
Cg as JU DVg. f.
J. U D zz
g. Cg
CAvg Eg as JU
Dzg. This man was so highly
respected. He always created a
sense of pride and a sense of
embarrassment. Such a wonderful
man, highly respected educated
man treated an ordinary research
student as a friend. Ramesh never
treated students as inferiors. He
would always accept them as
friends. So I always think that he is
perhaps the most unlikely mentor,
education mentor, intellectual
mentor I had.

g Cg i
1956jAz Cg vgU gU.
Aw qzg. Cg 80
z wj zg. Cg
d, DU, Ag 2013

zqgAz Jgq jwAi

qz. As a professional
epigraphist he was absolutely A1.
He is recognized nationally and
internationally. U, Csfv

zQt PqzjU Cg E
DUvg. He was the first historian
to write the History of South
Canara on a very solid foundation
of epigraphy. CggV Ew

i `j v `eAq
v Ez U Ev.
zQt Pqz Aiiz j
Aiiz C JAz RavV
g P DUvz. Cz
FV zAjU PV qvz.
gjU EU qt v
V Uwv. JgqAizV
Cg solid field work ir Ew
gZ irzg. .
vg CgAv professionnal
historian History of Tulunadu

JA PwAi gzg. Czg




AiizAi Cz l V
zg. CAzg Cg gzz
1936g. FU vg Cg
P NzU Cz Ct,
CU, C, Cavvz.
U UAxU Om Ds qm
DUv. Aii P J U
Om Ds qm DUvz C
U MAiz. P C
Az VzAiAz Czg Cx.
Aiiz MAz P 1925g
gzz E CxAnP CAzg
aP DUP. Azs
irAz Czg Cx. 1975
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 35


gg History of
South Kanara Pgz g
Av. Cz Cg JZ.r. Azs.
q. f. J. Qv CgAU
gg P irzg. Qvg
PlP AinAi Ew
zsPg. Cg zq Arvg
`nZg. Qvg M .
Cg CrAi P ir q.
gg F P
History of South Canara PwAi
strength KAzg, For the first time
History of South Canara was
written very firmly and solidly on
the basis of epigraphs.

CjAz gavzz UAzg,
Cg vd (JU). He
knew his sources. Ezg `gq
JAvz E. Esg U
Jvz. Cz Aiig Jv
zzAvz. U CPvvvAi
Ezg zq Q. F P FU
vV zgPw. zgAv
Cz MAz j Plirzg.
FU Cz Uv E. Cz B
E. Cg zg
zt iqzzg M
Aiz. AiiPAzg, CAi
zAv Ez g P F
Pvz E g. q. Uggd
slg Cz Pvz P ir
zg. Cg P Av. Dzg
Dv. AiiPAzg EwzAU
DQmPg, LPU - J
j V Cg P MAz jw
36 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

Ai JPrP Dv.
Ramesh wrote history purely
on the basis of inscriptions. In my
view no book has been written
better than the one written by Dr.
K. V. Ramesh in 1970. He had
written many other books. But that
book, History of South Canara, in
my view, is a classic. For its
methodology, based on the efficacy
of epigraphy as a source of historythis book is still a model of
research. Apart from this he has
written extensively on Karnataka
history, on Chalukyas of Badami,
inscriptions of the Gangas. He has
also edited a couple of volumes of
Epigraphia Indica, purely on
professional level.

EwZU z z Az
Cg vA Ezg.
The Govind Pai Samshodhana
Kendra took on itself to write the
history of Bunts. He was made
general editor. But the project
somehow did not work out. We
cannot always say it was because
of the failure of one person. There
were many reasons for that. Then
we had an occasion to interact with

, gAe P slg,
dU n jPAq g
Cg snUV jU z
z. PqU Cg zg,
`U jAiiV P iq DU
w. AiiPAzg, U g P
Ez. Cz Aiiz JAz CAz
Cg . D D eP
Vzg. EwZU z wAU
July, August, September 2013

Az qAi LJ
There we were able to get the
final report of the 41 and 42
volumes of Epigraphia Indica, It is
a massive project. One person who
was actively involved in that was
Dr K. V. Ramesh. When I got the
report, I realized why at that time
he told us, Look here, I am busy,
doing some other work.
Even then he had some
serious domestic problems. He had
to look after himself and his wife.
Inspite of that he was doing this
serious academic work. In fact
many youngsters, young scholars
would be embarrassed with their
approach that here was a man who
worked, who remained active
inspite of all his personal problems,
remained very very cheerful extremely cheerful. So we have
lost a scholar par excellence, an
epigraphist par excellence, a
historian of South Kanara, a
historian of Karnataka and more
than that, a wonderful human
being. We may get scholars, we
may get literatteurs; if we dont
find such scholars here we may
find them elsewhere. But we
cannot find anywhere a scholar
who is humble, a scholar who is
friendly and who is willing to help
and Dr K V Ramesh was the only
one in that range of scholars.
I can tell you, he has trained
many young epigraphists. Today in
d, DU, Ag 2013

South Canara we have many

people who are interested in
epigraphy, who would certainly
remember that they were mentored
by Dr. K. V. Ramesh. Two persons
I would say were largely responsible, one Dr Gururaj Bhat who
was very much here in this college
and the other person was Dr. K. V.
Ramesh who was also very very
closely connected with this college.
Usually we exaggerate a
person and we dont talk about his
mistakes once he passes away. So
you may think that I am just
blowing up K V Ramesh. But I
have not said one word of exaggeration about this man. I still can
not believe that he is 80. Krishna
Bhat told me that he was 80. My
reasoning agreed that he is aging, I
am myself so old, look older than I
am, he should be 80. Last time
when he came here for the release
of a book, he had some problems,
but he came here, and he was the
same, so cheerful so sportive. So in
a way it is a loss to all of us and
also to the world of scholarship in
South Canara, in Karnataka and
also in India. I am sure that he has
left a vacuum in the field of
So I certainly condole his
death and hope that his soul will
rest in peace. There is no reason
why his soul should not rest in
peace, because he is very contented, cheerful man.
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 37

vr EwP q. P. . gg PqU
- q. P. f. Avizs
vr gAv Ew
AzsPg Ezg q. P. .
gg Ewz gu v
Ez. 1961g vrU Eg Z
jZAizz Eg Pqz
gz vr EwAz.
CAzg, EAV v qz
vr Ew Pqz
wz U. Eg UAx
gP UAz Azs
PAzzg Pnzg. Eg v
Azs RjAi U
Z Pr 500 U P
Qz gg wz MAz
U AUwAiAzg vg
AAz vz Dz
Ai Pq Dqv sAiiV
PAq Azg. Eg
sz dAiUg idz
Ew M
UArz. vrU Eg z
Ai Gvg Pq fAig
UAUAi gAiiVv.
Pq osAi Cg
vzg (dAiUgz gv
r) vr PqU Z
Uj. Czg z Q..
DgAsAz vr A
AiAU zz
UAU vg P v
38 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

td AP PAq
Azg. Ez vr z
AUi v v PwUAz
wz gvz. F v QU
vAz Qw gjU vz.
JgqAizV gg vr
WP, Z Pr
Dz Dg Ew
Rg DPgUAz gzg.
D Cgg A v
U DzsgAz
Ravrzg. Ez Pq U
PqU. vq Ai
v dAiUg id QUA
U Aii jw APP Av,
Az APU U vr
AwAi AgQPAq Az
JA ZgU Eg w
gAi. vr gdQAi
v DyP Aw PArAiAw
g J, Pg, Adi,
q, dUA AW-AU
Zg P Zzz, Adi
Aiz Az AzzAz
wz U AUw. zsP
Ew w vrz
Pzj jg zs zsz
sP MUVv; EAi w
Pg vPUVz zs
zg Fg w; Mn z
zsz P vvU P
AxU juPj s
rz- JA AUwU w
zg gg zUg.
July, August, September 2013

dAiUg Cgg DPAi

Pz (1561)g Pmg Pr
z ewP GAmV EAi
zz zsPPAiU Av
Vz wgV z JPz

S JA A gdP. F
ZgU gg wzg.
vrU Cg
Ez JAz gg wzz
CU QU vAzg. Eg
v zV JA. e.
`vr 'U JAz. F
P 1978g gP UAz
Azs PAzzg QU
vAzg. F Pz vr 93
U. v sAi
tUU Ui a, zs
P v dAiUgA
F U zg. Ez
EAi CzsAiP gg
rz PqU. F UAx dAi
Ug Cgg DPAi vr
AwP CzsAiP MAz R
vr EwP gg
rz CvAv gZP PqU
vr vsAi gz
z JAz dUw zAg
U zz. F v sAi
PA z CAv
g zAiz Dgtzz. F
AzsAz v Dqs
Aiz g sAiAz wz
Av. Ez MAz AUw.
vrU Q.. DgAsAz
Ugvg g Ev. F
zz wgzgU v. V
d, DU, Ag 2013

zz qU wgz CWq
zz gg Rav Dzsg
UAz wz U AUw.
gg EAz U
LwP Azs D APg
ZAig P zsjz.
MAz Dzsj D APg
ZAig P 7 vi Az
wzg. gg UAx v
RU CzsAi qzU
wz g MAz AUwAiA
zg Eg U PtdVzg.
Eg irzg, vrU
QU vg x Ezg
Dzg CjU Ez iqU
A PgU zAg Pq
tAin, egz
Pw . A AZwAig
EwZU PAzP sn Ev
PAiZlnPU Qzg
U PAzz PAi U
dz PUU AAzsl
zRU Q Av
Przg. Cg wQAi EAwz :

Very happy to see your centre

and learn about several activities
you are undertaking.
Prof. Sandeep Sancheti
Vice Chancellor
Manipal University

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 39

z viP `v
- . . . CwPe
GqAi gP UAz
Azs PAz Pnwg
`v vs, q v
AwUU AAz viP
Vz gAi Alz z
AU DV gAz.
JAl jZzP g CUv
v zsvU Pjv q. g
v u q
zg. q. Uggd slg rz
Gzsg Qzg. AiwP
gdg `QZPzs U MAz
C gAUPwAiiVz JAz
. Gzg izs DZAig
yzg. `P v dz
PvAi g q. Q f.
z wAirzg. svgzs
Ai `zj K U JA
z . P. Dg. s v
`AiPAv JA PAir
GqAi qz gU
AiPU-PZr z-g
PAiPz Pjv f. J.
CPzs v q. JA. J.
Arzg. Eg Pq JA.
J. U U dAiAw P
Aig PPAoAz Xg
z dP U.
AUj vzs Dg.
Uu Cg EwZU qz
40 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

At Pq vzsz Rj
Ai z slg z
gtV awzg. 1971g gAs
UAq EAz AiAiiV PAi
Uwg Gq AiPU PAzz
l, tU v PAi
ZlnPU f. vAdAig
jZAi irPnzg. EzAz
AQ, Dzg U R. v
t PU jg AA
zsU JA q. vgAit
slg g iw tVz.
GzAv F AaPAig
gU Pq AwP Ai
U DPgzjU vA GAiP
V. JA.f.JA. Pf zs
U qz zs PAiPU
PlP ez gAUPU Czs
Ai PAzz wAw Gv, D
PAzz VdAiis, sv
gzsAi Uvs, Ai AVv
z v, J viv
Avz gU NzUjU iw
qzg dvU wzAiP
viP zAz A
Pnwg . gAe P sl
v UzjU PrUg Pvdv
(Gvgz, PgUq 30.7.13)
July, August, September 2013

v AzsAi CUv, zsv -

v AzsU vz gu -
- Adx sm JZ.
Pq vgAgAi vz
wz CU PAq Ai
vz Pjv Azs

zAgz . n. . APmZ
Cg zg.
vAzsPg P `g
sj AAi sgwAi z
s v Pq-Aw ESAi
AiUzAU AUj sg
wAi zs sAUtz FZU
Kz v Azs Pjv
z Gzl igAsz
Cg CzsP st iqwzg.
Pq vz UAi gw
liq gAU (R z
gAU) JAz, gwAi zn
JAz, P gw v
JAz tVz. gAU (P)
J z C DUU Ptvz.
z ZPg Pz 500P
Q zjPg Uz J
GRz. `dUx dAizAv
PU vav bAzU
Vz. `sgvsz Jgq
AU vz UV
gU. w Cg `UP
U, rf Cg CAvBg
VvU vP vA CPVz.
Mn vz Pjv MAz
zP gaz; vP
CPz bAzU U Czs
d, DU, Ag 2013

Ai qz JAz .
APmZ U rzg.
zsP, vd q.
JZ. J. Ug Cg,
U g vz UV
GRU zg. zz
zwU vP Ez AAzs
zwAi AzjP q; Dzg
Cg z vAv
zU JAzg. zsjv z
. . . P sm Cg
ZgUAi q. s
Pig AUg Cg `l
v v J Azs Ar
zg. vz vAvU zu
Egz; Dzg J gzv
Zv. E v, AVv, C
Ai, P u Ev
jz, v lPU sd Czs
zg. `lz
sgv Jgq UAi CAiU
Ugwz, vz CAUZ iv
Egvz. Dzg gz v
gU PtPv. Az z
gPU sUV vzg Az
v GgP JAAv g
qzPArv. z
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 41

U CAU (jAi) zs
P dV AiP. Ez
gAg v dvU q
t v Pq DVz. z
uU z z; Cz
DAi RVzg FU Cz
PAizVz. AVv Dzsjv v
FU RVz. vgPz
J gv JAz q. s
Pig, KPAi (KPQ)
zz vP Mv rzg.
sgvl iUv J
zg dz vU z Jv.
vz Pzs v l
zs CAUgv. AzAie
(KnP), vAwP v AU
vU MUAq lz CAU.
zU Cx Pzs
v lzsU vz. l
(n) PP lz E
R. Cz zv Awz,
Pzg Ag zq
Vgvz. lzsAi g DUQ
zg PzsAi EgPU
vz. CU q v
P. D vz lP
CqVgvz JAz q. s
Pig j, PA-Pg S
TAi vQPAi zzg.
gi . J. Cg,
` (Pz) v gAU
jgz P J Azs
Arzg. gAU S q
gz J APAiAv Az
zg vQAi AsUz
Egwzg. AiPUz D P
FU Azjz. Pz
42 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

zg Az Av Egwzg.
zUU d PV zPg
PvP P grU Av.
gdg Az v zg Az
Pwggz JA PgtAz
Az Pzzg Awgwzg.
Az vPg PPjU Q
gAUP wg; Cz jw
z Az Pwg Cx
Awg P Eg. zz
P Cg ; AiPUz
gi jzg.

Cg zsjgwzg.
vz P n j
zg gQtz CgAq. wU
PAi Uwv. UvP
CgV Pn
(zq), zs U
CU PV 32, 16 U 8
dg Az Egwv. 19 v
iz gU
z Pzg
AS zqz Ev. lAUP
Eg Egwzg. vPg gz
(AiP) rz gwzg; AiP
U, zglU D P FU
Ez. AiP Pz sPA
zgir dUvz. vPg
zU CV ( )
PtPAq P tjwAi
Az gvg JAz gi
. J. CzsAitz
avU Pq vrzg.
zsg, AUg Cg,
`CPAig CAiz
July, August, September 2013

Ai gU v g J Pjv
zgt Gvg; P
e, RArvP v g
vApv PAig vr
jzg. Pvdg vz zAU
Czg. vAiiz P
e wUV PAiwgv; gz
wAi UV fU E R
s JAzg zg. RArv
Pzs C Rs. g
z iv (v), zsv
(AVv) Jgq R;
vPjU gPVgz R
JAz zsg wzg.
Pvz gj Cg,
`Mr v tj vU P:
MAz P J Azs
Arzg. Egq vU
Zvg Axz sz.
AQv v g EU
z, AQv gzs
Vz. v gU gAU
zAwgvz. tjAi vAq,
Jgq CAU. Q.. 1100g
U UAq j dUx
zz Un v MrAi
gVz, gg
zsjwzz Mr, tj Jgq
g Vz. Jgqg wsAV
Ez; gzAv JgqP Dzsg
Vz; Ts Jgqg Ez.
Av, z, R, v, zsg
v sQgU MrAi R
Vz. zAiAz PU
AvgUAqU F vPgU
CP zuUV; R
zu P AAz.
d, DU, Ag 2013

dAizAv F vU djU
V JAz gj
AUj zjv x
PAi Pjv G ir
zg. CPAig JAl C
AsUAz zBTvgz Cx
PzsUAq PAig jzg.
Aav, Civ, gvApv,
- Avz szU
Cg jzg. CAsU
zBTvAi Ai MAz zs.
AiP v C (C) DA
sUzg AsUP AAz
PtU G sUV.
zBTvAi RArvPAiAvAi
Pzss vvAz zjv
x wzg.
Pig AUg
Cg, `sgvlz Ai
J Azs Arzg. v,
DgAz Cg, AVv gvPg,
P, l, A
Pg CAizt Avz
AzgA U Cg,
`vAej v zAiz
vgA QvUU v J
Gvg. vgAU
xAi gVz, gdgd
CU Dzsg JVz. 50 A
vgA UAiPjzgAz
UAz wAivz. vAeg z
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 43

z Pwz avAz zzAig

vgAU wwz CA wAi
vz. D zzAig UV iw
Pq sz JAz AzgA
vPAiPU vgA j
PAv Awzg.
`sgvlz gAi
J Pjv st irz J.
J. g Pig Cg g
jU Ez CP z;
Pq z JAzg. Az sgvl
z vPjzg; Dzg FU
gg AS vA Pr DVz.
v vU gg CP.
FZU q, PA, g
U PtvUU Aig
Vz; Dzg E Oavz
gvz JAz AzsPgg, Az
vPjU vA R Ev
CA UAxUAz wAivz JAz
zg. g v AijU
(zyUU) -vAqU
iV P P jAi,
g g jwU PP.
P vU Az gjU d
Vz. vU g
PzPArz JAzg.
P Pig vg Cg
`vr z vz P
J Azs Arzg.
vr z v gAgAi
CP vzwU. Aiv
U EU Dzz. svP,
Uv, AiPUUz vr
zU zzAig v
Ev. ng sAz v
U z. g, v
qUAz EU Ai v
Dzv JAz PPig,
44 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

z v iU (Ai) v
zwU q UAz irPA
qAv PAqAv.
E zz zw Qt
vAvAvg Az U
Pq Pgt. Az gdg Pz
zz gAUz gAUe
qAiwv. zz CA
U vzg Cx zz
Aig Pq jzg. Pg,
g, jAiq, wUU z
zAig zq ASAizg.
s PlAz Cg P
zwAi Cjwzg. vme
(vm ZPj)Ai qr w
wzg. sgvsz CP v
U GRz JAz Cg, `Pv
q PAUAig JA vUw
Aig Pjv GR Gz
jzg. zsz Az v
, AiPU Uz. v
z AiPAig g Pq
sz JAz PPig, v
r P zzAig
iv Az vU DVv JAz
wzg. Pg fU Dzz
sgvl Ug zwAiz
JAzg. ZZAi zz
Aig gwAig vzgzg
g Ezg AigA g
qAiwzg JA CA
UArv. CAzg P;
JAzg PPg v P iq
P JA Cx gvz JAz
AzsP q. JZ. J. U
g, zzAig v z
zwAi jz j Jz;
Azsz vr z v
PgP g AiPU, Pql,
July, August, September 2013

DnPAd Avz U
Qv JAzg.
PAizV o
AUg Cg `Aqj o
`zwPPz Pt zw
Aig J Azs Ar
zg. zwU AzQ, P
sz AiQ, PAi P
vz J CxU.
Qz sgv lz
D z Ez. 11 viz sd,
Pvz vAi, 14 v
iz vztz Pv
x, gAdj Pv szv
zwAig UU gU r
zg. T, Zn, AiAzw, ,
avZ, Uw, zsw z
z zwAig Pjv jzg.
PAiV Ae ig

igAs dgVv. Ez Azs

gsjAi 2012g v
vz w gx
Cg fiz zsUV
Ugv. z CAU
V `gU J v
Azs wP v gsj
gtAaPU Cgt dgVv.
igAsz R CwyUV
Ps z CAvPig
U Pq-Aw a UAz
JA. Pge Cg sU
zg. sgwAi zsz CzsP
JZ. J. g Cg PAi
Pz CzsPv zg.

q. gzgd ZAzVj, gPj
x ze Pd, lAr
q. zsAdAi PA, qg
q. P. f. Av izs,
G sm, r
Gzg izs DZAi, ,
amr, Gq
PwPAi vg, 7-14 ,
CPs, gv Ug, V,
q. JA. sPg e, AU

d, DU, Ag 2013

q. Azg, AUg
q. zP sl, zsw,
Dvr, Gq
f. . sPg, vj, CPq
Plg, t
Adx sm JZ, 40, 3
Rg, ZPg CZPl,
APj 3 Av, AUg
J. n, Lj,
- 574154


q| f. Q z, GPg,
... Pd, g,

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 45

zg z ew vve v zv
g : f. . sPg, vj
zg z Pq
vz g ws. EwZU
GqAi gP UAz
Azs PAz Pqiq
JA EAzg U vgz
Cg GqU Cgz n
rzg. Ez Azsz
zgAU MAz Ae JA
Cgz PAiP P
Vv. U Cg iv P
CPg DUzg.
vU vAz Pl P
JzU z CPg 7 wAU 8
zt PtwgzP F Azs
z Av Prz z
F Pw l Qz ifP
AwP U U Az
ZZAiiUP JAz Dzg.
RV v GzP
VAiAAv ew Pjv zz
zP AzP ew
Ai U gzg.
CzP Cg DAiPArz v
P JzU z CPg Pjv Az
P wQAi Ai.
gUg U F Pw
Pjv g wQzg. P
wQAi Dzsj iv ivrz
zg ew EAz E Pl
zV DZguAi E, EAz Jq
P BjvAiiVz JA
wQAiAiAz MP. z
V U wQzg UAi
CPA vj EAz Pq
46 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

ewAiv J DV
DjPArz JAz zV
j Aiv irzg.
Pgm dUv EAz U
ewAizsg P iqvz
JAz AiJ Zg DVz
Rz xgm JAg qz
PAi Alg. F P
U q
v JAz j
z Cg , Es
jzAv sg Pvz 15 zv
PAUU zs ewU j
CsyU Cf PVv.
Dzg DAi sv KVvAzg a
sU Uz CsyU Pr
CAP Uzg DAiAiiVzg.
zv v Azz CsyU
GzPV ew PgtAz
PvgU. U DzsPV
ewg gz F P
GTz zg z v
vA ivrzg. ew
Dz Ez JA z
ewAiizsjv Pitz
MAz Wl j DvAPz iv
rz Cg Uz ewU
P it RqP g
zg. DzsP AzAi
PWlz ew UtU
Pz w E itU
A iAi PP Cg
iwv. CAvP glz
July, August, September 2013

Dz ewAi
P qz
P UU E ivq
CPzg sj AAi v
iw vAi v iz
zsQAi CjvgAv g
VAi Gvjzg. JzUz
CPg UAxz PAq g Czv
zsQ, gPv Cg iw
C zrv.
Aiiz P PguUV
D P Cg U Vz
Azsz UAiAz Cg
U Az Aig C
Pz DvAPzzg. v zv
CU zzjAz U
v JA s gAvv.
Dzg PU Cz U Jzj
Ai MU Vz JAz
wAiwzAv U Z gQv
s Av. F Wl Pq
AwP Ciz gP
Cg Mw zg. U zv
iAAi al zg
Uggd iAig vg
Azsz Jwz ewn U
nz ew U Eg vz
UAgAi WVzg.
v idzg AUwU
Ai ewzz AiU
R iv zg U
JAz Jz Ptwv. ewAi
Pjv id Ai, i
Ai v Ai CzsAi
U gUAU zgg
d, DU, Ag 2013

ivrzg Cz J ewUz
Pl vV PvUwv. v
ewAiAz Pgz APg
qAiv CUzs CvAi Pg
DU q Cx MUl
zg rP Jvz. Cz
vz zsV Jg
Ai, w, Cwvz CsP

AiPU PAzP sn
CAvZv l Ezg CzsPgz
JA. gP Ai, v G
AzuPj (x t) Eg
AiPU PAzP sn r PAz
Pt PAiwg jAi xP
Az vqV wPtz vP zs
AvU CzsAi iq zy
Uz, ivz s, v
z s, DZAiz s JA
DAiQAi , AiiP
dvg UgP, Ug
z Gz JAv Zg
U CvAv gV lAv
GavV Pt qz zy
U Cz Pv PtP CP Pz
AAi, PAzz UgU z
jz. zq Ut Azg
Pvdv s Cz Ur P
PAz rzg. GzUP j
zrU vqVz Avg AzAi
sUzg Pzg, z
Az Aavgzg UU
zAi P zyU

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 47

Ai avU GUtAz
- . Gzg izs DZAi
w zg
gq MAz Ae (13-7-2013)
PAiP v EAzg
rP gP UAz
Azs PAzz wAz q
AiwzU azz
vg Ai avU wAi
PzQz. v JAzg ig 38

U Az.....
q. g PgAvg CzsPv.
vgt w zg
zjAz Gzl. . P. .
jz sljAz Uv.
UAq QAiiVz GqAi
PulP AW ( : 1944)z
DAiz qz `1974 q.
- GqAi JAfJA
Pf gAz Al. D
AiP Pnz `e Ue JA
vUAig g
U (18, 19 v 20 CPg,
1974) PgAiAi gU
48 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

zV V vnz.
PAizAiiV, UgUz
. P. . vAz Rz
`Cxe Pq PAiz
AiiU JAz gzAv CxU
zg ASAi Gv

zgAU nU DvAP zUqU

vzg EU
PAi z
g Cg `U U
Ez jjz
QAav UqUz r
wzU v
V EtPz?
ig zPU Az
qz PAiPz gjU
wz - CAz Cz MAz Qg
v zAv qv JAz.
F qz Uz v DvAP
CqVv JAz. Pgt o, zs,
ew, u F J Pz
PtzAv g rvUU Uz
rrUwz C CAz.
GzlAi APwPvU j
PAq Gz Ai `Pq
v v iAiv. Gz
lPg v gz vAz Qgg
Nz Gzl. CAz Cg
July, August, September 2013

Nz g, g. Dzg vU
UUlAv AzVv. U
gAv N R wg vz CQAi iAivU
CrAiiVz, DUwg Usz,
PAzg, uAi U CAn
PArv. JAAv PgAvg UqV

g Gvg rz EAU
w lz PUz Gz.
D Jgq g U
v w C
i F J
ZgU aAv Ax qv
jgz. v v C

zuAi jPgg U
rvz UU AZ gwv
JAz (av 3).
EAU qd zgg
ivU E g, UAg,
Dzg vU Uz Jzjg
g MgU ZAv, DwAiv
Az PtPAv, RArvP
CAiszU UU Jqiq
Av rAzU CA gAz
Al g n AzAv
Cv U. v - Aiz
CAi AqU eg o
wx f Az
QAiV sUzg.
EAz ifP ivU
Cv U CrAiiUwz JA
zg uAi aAv qzg
CAz zsP oUU Aiig
Cg? JAAx U P
eg f vz zsnAi

iz ZZU Mnz.
`P iP AzAv s
v JA zsg U
Ai PgVz `F AeAi
Ai Az
PAi zgg dUw
PvUgg MgV (CzsPv
z q. . ssg g Cg
UAgV zAv) iv G
v JA Pqwg
z wAiAz wAiv.

zPU A av,
EA g ZgAq, Pgz
Az, DwAiV Ugw
Jq iqAwv JAz C
v. DzsP jwAi
Az, gg f
CvAi i
zAq JAz DyPvAiqVz
JAz V z
vVv F Ae. zs, ew,
AU, v, AwU P
wzg iq Uit
QAv V DyPPvAi JvgP

d, DU, Ag 2013

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 49

DgUPg vrAiP JA
DAi F AeAizVv JAz
azU CqVz Cz v
avAlAz wir
vAz MAzAz avU tP
UU UPwzU eAi
iPUtV D `svP
Aiz CAiv. 1969
g PAzgAz GqU Az
`MAz dAUz Pt vgz
gVz td PfU (EA
zg Ai ZvVz
. . JA. EAzgg z
gVzg) Az jzU
AwP AivAi Mz
rz PulP AW JA r
KPvAi APvVz F AWl.
PwU AU, zV
PulP AW g, q
ivVz PqPg gdUP
UArz F AW 60g zPz
50 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

AiVv. v vU
Mmz. jAigz zA
gdUZAi, P .
gz, (e
eo SwAi q.
ZAzRg PAgg CzU
td mVv.) P
. . t, PxUg izs
PPt, gAUaAvP . Dg.
U - U v
wsU AUz F vtz
SwAi PulP AWz
tz dAix u CrUg
vvz `glg P JA
JA Czs
v QAiiUzg.
PulP AWz z AvU
ZgPVz jAigz AqP
u, Az PzsAiz Vz
. , PqPg Cg
U . . . DZAi, U
E A vgtgz
vzU JAfJA Pd
Ptg V Pf aAvP
g PerzU AWP g
l JAAv 1974g q
CzjAiiV AAidUArv.
July, August, September 2013

J PxAi vz. Jgq
R ZgU v aAv
Ax. GzlAi g (1910-74) `Zv v ifP
UAiizg `ZU v D
Pz idz UU EAz
U. CzsPgV g z
AiAz CAz Azg
aAvP q. J. gd. q. .
J. gAw v q. JA.
azAzw CjAz Azs
Aq (av 1). . . .
CwPv, . w w J
g, v q. . gsm
Cg ZZAi sUzg.
g sg U sv
PAz viP jv.
v v EA id JA
UAi CzsPv zg jAi
aAvP Uj Pt. `EAz ew
-zs-U Pjv Azs Ar
zg AUg zAiz
d, DU, Ag 2013

UAUwAi . JA. J. Arv

gzsjAz `Pq v v
ewAiv Pjv Azs Aq.
P . r. gWx gAi
jAz ` Pq Pgz
UU aAv. ZZAi sU
zg PgAi Av
w tZAz vd, q.
ve AvPig, . . J.
Aiizq v V Pf
zy Ut J. CAz Ae
` Pz JA PU.
vdAig CzsPvAi. PUV
sUzg, . gWg
g PAr, Ai ZPr,
Ai. P. . DZAi U .
gz. PUAi av AU
z. vdAig sUP
U MAz Ae Gzl
UAq P D aAvAi vg
Jz F i g
Gg vAVPAqz
E GzPArz. CA P
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 51

zszAv Gq v D
CAR vPg AzAz
qv. AWz CzsPgVz
wAi Ug . P. . Cg
UUAi Dzg C V rvz
JA. f. JA. g UAgV
iUArv. Cz v . .
PgAvg gAU gU GqAi
vA jvqVv JAzg
zUAq. Dzg PgAvg F
sz z PgAi gAU
v rU v QAii
Vv JAz aAv
Aiz Gq tdP
Az Aiiz gAUAi
z vz Un gAUaAvAz
Ai gAUaAvPg Uz z
P . Dg. UjAz PA
Cg `dUg (av 4) AiU
Uwz. Cz z vAv
aAvP JAz. gAU, PAig,
AP Cg lPU AiUz
UU vz vz Ug
z PAq P. . (N PgAvg
U) JAz jzU . Dg.
v U g JAz v Ci
U v `Jz z vgU
JA Pz F Ai
zRzg. Cz Cw P
zU gP PA v jAi
lPPg q. gAUg
MU a `Gq Vz JAz

U F iz Ai
52 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

AU jz. ( AUw F vU PulP AW B

t gAiizU sUvz.)
gAUg `Az JA lP
JAfJA zy Uzg
Pf lP AWz P
AivV xV z
zg. Az `gx UAig
JA AWlAi gjAiiz
V Pf . P. J.
PzAig PzPAi `PAv
Pq g z v
zyAijAz gAdPV Ai
Vzg. Cz DU vA P
UAi iqwz Pzgz
zzg P z, U
gd g d v ZAzRg
PzAi sVvU v
zg U JA.f.JA. AVv
sUz P. Gi J. u
z qPnzg.
g ZgzsgAi
aAvU, aAv v P
U, g gAUAiU
U AVv igzsAiAU
PulP AWz q V
Pqw. Pgt, D J eU
v v UnAiiUv
PPz aAwPz qd
zg viz CAi
z zUArzAi JA Ai
iv zVgz. PulP
AW FU iv. Dzg
z GqAi lUt
U Jzj gAvg QAii
July, August, September 2013

- J. . n,
Qj Pmz zj z g
eU dg Eqf g
Pg Pmz P P Jzg
ZAr PP U P zg

Pq Pnf rUm Pgf

vP Puz Qr gAZ

j AYz wAU Dn
qg Eq U Pjf
vrz rvl Aaz
PAzAq EAaq |

PAqq Pw PPAf zgP

PAa z P Puz du
vAz PlAq vAz Af
VqgAz v Av

U Uz zzAz vjAig
PArz Q gz vAi
guPA Aqz gj
P PAzAq Pt |

vq Aii `g
iAP J i vt
v MlU PPz ij
Vqg qq qAP Pj

v zz, rz Ai
v Az
gAz, Az gPq
gv MAf - PU

Dnz wAU jf
iqz q wjf
vUq g
F PqAe JAPU du

egAzAi AzAi gAi

Am di, Ar, Ad
GAzAf wAU Q q
UAqq PU Q Az
zg CuAz vjAitU
EeAq F PqAeU Mv Z
v iv Vqg UmU
q ZAqz v iv
Pgq vgl PAg
d, DU, Ag 2013

`EAzz dP Vvg
E vz PjAig r
m Avt Aa wQ
APZ jg PvAf P
vq dPUnz wAU
DqAz CqCq v
Gqq G AU vAU
PqAd V Pv

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 53

q P!
- PwPAi vg
DAiU fz t
q..! EAZ vg v
gU `q, q P Gg.
Cv lAq Aq g
q gv? Fg z
eAPz Ev wv JAZ
Aqz Dgq Pq vg
PAmq Mjz Aq. zz
J UU JAf .
Fg-EzP g gq
Aq Ez Aidi Ceg
vAq `q! D t
Dv DAi? Aqz
Pg. PgAq `q
igAi, Du MzAi, zz

MAeAe MPg g g.
vgU q Pg
UAf P. q Pq
vgz ql `Kg q, zAi
q, N q Aqz PAq
. PAqq gv el q
CegPq, zPq Kg vgq,
JAa Pq `q g. J
Cf vg Aq g q g.
DAi PAq Cv J Cf Mg
vg. Fg vgUz g
Aig GAq? `w Cf g
Aq JAZ? Aqz PAq
Dg Aqz P qg.

Ai, q! F sj egv
Ev Aqz AmU Qg.
EfAzAq jP MAf Uzg.
54 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

w v gU q P
eP Pg GAq.
q Ceg/ CAP Aqz Cq
zg g. `J i
Af, JAf Eq AiP
Fg gq Aq CP q
dP q Az P
g? Aii s Pq ,
JAP wPAq, j g
Aii CjPU , CfU
Gjf, DvU gg, Ceg
g Pg zAq....EAZ
JAa Aq CP `q
vg Pg q vAz.
Cegq `J jP
VAq AqU. Ceg `q
Aqg. `CAz, jPq P
j U Aii q Ar
CegU iv PAzf. q
vg Pg q vg
Kv AY vAq Df.
Pg Aii jAiv
U UvAz jAiiz
Jq vgU g.
`vg vgU q q
gv? CAZ g g
Aq q Aqg `EgU Kv
Aq Ef. Fg/Aii
q Dl jAiieg r
Aqz jj g wP
g. `JAa vg F?
PmP q Aqz PU
P Gg.
JAa Aii? Pg w
vgU `JAa Aii
July, August, September 2013

P. Gz PgAq, QjQj
Aq, l l AvAq,

PgvAvAq, G AiU gv UAAii Az vz
vaAq, EjAn QnQn Aq...
MAe vg `JAa Aii?
Dq P PgAq,
Pj PU Fv P?
`JAa Aii Aqz Pg.
-Peq i-Pg
P z jP o gAq
D Az gz
Aaq P eP Pg
`JAa Aii? j
EfAzAq AY vz P
DfAzAq v v
gAZg `JAa Aii?
Mt, Pz vU P
g NAUAz vAq, Pr

jUm DfAq vvU j

vg Aq C `JAa Aii?
GAzm P EAq, vv
g .
P: C JAa, GAz
zz Aqz PAq Pg `
P Aqz g. `
P Aqz qU JZz
q C Pdg? GAz
Adg AqAq `PeAz
gP gA z, g
P PAq.
`MAf L g PgAi
Aq CP ` P. Jq
Pf Aqz z Aq
D uAq zz
? Pqz JAP F
zPq S, Ef
Aqz PuU P qPg.

P.. ez z
CPg PAizj
Az Pvg wzPz CPz JAz
zA j q. . . gZAz Uq wzg. Gq JA. f.
JA. Pf DU 17gAz qz P ez z
igAsz Cg zs st irzg. Ez Pl P,
P. ez v Agz zP Cv. ez v
AwAi AAzs Prz Uwz. U Ez,
gUq Ez JA qPlz vqVz JAzg.
Gq zP ez gAUPU CzsAi PAz wAz
igAsz PlP ez jvU P.. jz sl
z iqv. Pe PAiizsP n. wUq v l
Dqv Aq z EAg P Pjzg.
jAi w q. KAi QgAit D CzsPv zg.
q. JZ. Avgi, q. AiP zzg Gvjzg.
(P dAit)

d, DU, Ag 2013

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 55

PP z Dgzs q PAk sv
- q. Q f. z
Ct zz jUU Az
V PP vj z
AijAz Dgzs q PAk
sv vB Aig qV.
z Ai gP
Ct U Evg jU zUU
P r Dgvg. E
jU zU
PAk sv Z
v qz.
PAk svP JAi vgt
AiAv g Gl l El
rz sv Plvg. RP
Cgz PU PAk svP
izsg qvg.
D K Ai
z z G
dvz U.......
C tU Gg
C tU Gg Ai
CPU n U uU
D Ai
Ai zAwUU tU
nzU Aig AzAizAv

CP Pg z ir
AlP Plvg. C
ir `PAk JAz jqvg
D vnU rAig
z t zg
zg g zg
PAk PAkAzAii
56 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

Aig tU PAk
zqUv. v-
gq gUUU C Iv
K Ju MA PjvAq

v zgq
gAq gAq PAkU
MjAi MqgU Dv
rm v PAk
i Dv PAk
Ai iqAz
`DP JA j j q
U PAk EAiv. Ez
w z Ctzz
qAiwz z Jz
vz. zz z z PAk
iAiUv. iAiz PAk
Ctzz jUU AzV
`PAksvV Dgzs qAi
N J q J q
z Ez Pv
AAiigP Eq
AAiigP zz
AAiigP zz av
D Ai
P Az Dazg
PAk iqU DPv ej
z j V gt
July, August, September 2013

Agz. E P Az
CU Aiig Mv vAzg
Pnz, C VqVgz.
Ai PxPU dVz
E Pq Ct Ad z
PArgz. PAvgz C
zv qz CtzzAU
D jgz Dgzs qg
z. aP PU CgU
GAmzU PAk svP
JgAiv JAz jP

zw E ZvVz.
JAi qVAiizjAz
svP q
PU Agz.


Dzsg UAxU
1. vAq svU-MAz CzsAi
- q. Q f. z
2. vr C svU q. Q f. z
3. ZAzj gzs U v
Evg qU - q. Q f.

gP UAz Azs A Gq wAz x gP
UAz PlP Pgv Dg APlg gAi gP
l CzsPgz q. jw EjU qwgz vA Av vAz.
UAz Pqz z gPAiiV vz zs Pg U P
irzg Eg PqzCw PU U KQPgtz gl Ugg
Mg. UV Dg APlgAig KQPgtz glz UAz
AigAU CP vwP AiU Pr PAiirzg U
Cgq Cs AAzs AzgVzg. EAx Eg QU
P PlP itVgz Avz AUw. F Eg KQPtgz
gl Ugg q. UAz jg Ai Cz KQPgt
glz gj Dg APlg gAi l CzsPgVg q.
jwAig xV sdgVgzP jU Cw Av vAz.
ig 3 zPU P zsP wAi PAiir CzQAv
a CAi AzsAi vqVPAq r z DUs
AwPAi dUwU jZzg q. jw Rg. w
Azsz ZgU P CzsAiv qg q. jw
Cg PAi Ugw q. UAz gP x Ai
qwg q.UAz Azs PAzz J zgUU CAv
PvdvU. F Azsz Pjwg q. jw CjU Dg
APlg l zgU U A U gV CAv CAzU.
PlP Pgv Dg APlg
gAi gP (j) l, zsgq

d, DU, Ag 2013

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 57

PAwPj aAv: sgwAi Az

- q. JA. sPg e
[sgwAi Az : Az JAz PAzz Ewa MAz
R Pl. Ezg AzPg q. zP slg. (Pl
2012, l 340, g. 225) zP gA slg aAvgz
RP wQAi izs gz RU qz AP F
PwAi zrVz. q. JA. sPg eAig Pq
RP wQAi rzgVz, Ml Pz -g E
vPV gzg. -A.]
vz w, iw
U MzV P q Pw
Pw, MAz aAviU
vV r, z Aiw
Pw PAwPj. CAvzAz
vz ZgvPw, Major
work on Theory of Thought C
zzz F AzRU
APgz UAx.
zP gA slg 1981g
Arz MAz G v
Czg Rg (. Ai. Dg.
CAvw Cg `gdv
Plzz), `sgwAi Az
JAAz PAi Cg Ar
z Zg v Czg v qz
zA gA slg Ar
z jPvPz eiA
U: sgwAi J Az
PAz. Cz J U,
zQ zsRU, gsz
q C-zvz. CzP Z
g Egz PiA
v zU. gzAz
Pt lU sgwAivAi
58 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

PV, av AiAz
Pr KPPg-zsgUv.
F zAz sgwAi P
iA, zzsAi, z
MAz lz RUV q
zs. C, Cz sgwAi zAi
g. - F Cxz - CqPz
Evgq lU Azs F v
APz Az, PAz.
F zU g, gz, GsAi,
vlV z, g, gt,
zAg wQAi rzg. Ml
g wQAiUz J
qsV Azsz JvgP A.
jAi CAPgd q. P. P
w CjAz vqV EA
zAg vP Jg Ai
UAgV yzg. q. P. .
gAit, . . J. v
, q. CqP,
vzs q. Dg. Uu, q.
Cv g, z gAUx
i, q. Ae UAz
ZAi, z J. Qg
Ait sl, q. n. . APmZ
, . J. Dg. , q.
July, August, September 2013

P. J. Pt, . Pw
, q. . J. P g, q.
J. JA. go, F Rz
RP - Eg slg Az
g Ct-CtV
`sgwAi vP Az
MAz GAm? JA Az
vqV, Czg DPvA
igU j
zg; RP zsv
UAxgAsz MAz ,
v PU J wQAiU
PAi z gA slg
rz, MAz Ai N
V gAiz
JAz vjzg. E gU
P g AzP q.
slg vvAi R wQAi
U Uz, J g
zg, v Czg UU Aia
zAz vj, gUU
vz. UAxz AzAi j,
methodology, J ZgzsgUU
qz i Ai v Ug
U AzQAiz Vz.
Px, P, CP, ez,
zz CP AiU A.
Pq J U EAi
RU AZv. aAvz
z jgtP qz Czsgu
wQAiUU qz GvgU
RavVz. CAzsz Gzv
Pa, PwaUz CvAv
v AzP ErAi UAx
Uz. EzAz
d, DU, Ag 2013

PAwPj z Gzl, MAz

GsAi zPU F UAx
E ZavUP.

ArvjU Av
Ag 2 vjP zsgz
P slg A ArvgV,
w U RPV zs
PlPz AiPU Cxzsj
AiAz zgzg.
Av vz U
sgwAi gtU Dz e
Az v CxUjPU v gt
U v avtP AiizAi
Ug vAz Plg. Eg
awg g, P, zsgAi,
vavtP izjUAw.
Cs iqjU Eg gag
UAxU CzsAi AiUV.
Eg CUPAz vzAi
Arv gAgAi CxUjP zg
vAz sUz JAz
PlP AiPU Ail CPq
CzsP . JA. J. Ug
AiPU PAzz Ug Af
tg v z gAit
lg sUwPU g P
vz v U zz
qz Av ZP sAi q.
Ai. GzsAi zAwU,
gZAz zrUg, gAe P
slg Avzg Gvjzg.
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 59

PqAUq P z
vjt sz Cg `s PwU
CPq Ds dg Jd
P t, gP UAz
Azs PAz U
JA.f.JA. Pd DAiz 1108-2013gAz avzUz RQ
Dg. vjt sz Cg P
AP `s PwU 2013
PqAUq P r
gAz Alz qz F

ivrz RQ Dg. vjt
sz Cg, PqAUq
Cg z v vPwU
gu. PU Pv ga PV
g R jPg
U. C
Ewz, zV dAvgz

U. M
iv vz gZ zs JAz
Cg zg.
Pw jZAi irz RQ
Pv PAfl Cg RQ
Dg. vjt v PwAi gv
U CwgPP MUUz iVz
jwAi v PvU gazg.
Ai rw JAzg.
jAiw KAi Qg
Ait D gv Pw
PqAUq Cg M P, lP
Pg, PvUgV Cz wPz
60 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

AiiV xPvAi PAqg.

Cg zQ CAw PtzAi
PnPVz AzQAi g
v. D PzAi FVAv
wPz vz g
AA gfAiiUz CAi
Plu v dzP, D P
qAiz gg JAz zqs
AQAi Qzg JAzg.
CwyAiiVz jAi vPv
PP EA izsU v.
izsU PAi w,
vvP MUz dg zsAiiV
DAizAU v Jw Av
izsU JgnU F d
j JAzg dvU
g U Al Cg,
Aii AiP a Rv
qP JA AU jwAi
izsU E JAzg.
CPq Ds dg Jd
P t AAi Dqv
uPj q, JZ. Av
gA, PqAUq Cg Pz
PqAUq Fg sm, q. P.
J. sm U JA.f.JA. Pf
A q. J. Aii
Cg PAi Gvjzg.

July, August, September 2013

eg z gAig dviv

`Pg wU vz vrv
PgAi wU v
PV vrAig. EzP eg
z g z JAz PAz
v CPq Pq
t CAilg.
Cg DU 31, 2013gAz
JAfJA Pf vg gAz
Alz Pq v CPq

qz eg z gAig
d viv igAsz
CzsPv ivqwzg.
dqv Ag idP
v P ZgP n
Aiv z g CgzVv.
PAz v CPqAi
Dqv Pq Ez Gz Az.
v iv AwP d
jAi Ez. MAzjAz v
vgUwAi gU ivsAi PP
PqAi w ejU vg vv
Aiv qUwz JAzg. z
gAig vz jPg
JAz PgAiv M EAfAi
jAU zyAiiVzg Cg
U vz PqU M
PArzg JAz jzg.
w gzsg Gzs
Gzl stz Gzs
Cg v zy zAi z
gAig PwU DQAz
Nzwzz PAqg.
d, DU, Ag 2013

z gAig fz
Dl Dqz Ezg Cg E
CP U P zQz Pq
gv dUv E AvU
wv JAz Cg CAilg .
AUg v CPq
sg CPj J. . AU
g Uwzg. Pq
Aq z . zzg n
P st irzg. Gq
gP UAz Azs
PAz zP JZ. P sl
Zg AQgt : z gAig
v PgUz Pxv, P,
lP, vg - U
dU U P
Cg Qv, fz vvzU
dz sm, gS r, q.
vjt sz, Q g
ZAz, Pv PAfl, .
Dg. gAw, q. z.
n, gf n, . J. .
q, q. . Dg. , e
i A QUVzg.
z gAig PUAi q
v. ZAzRg PzAi, CgAz
g, AVv ZAz, G,
UV gAi UAi q
(v g A AaPAi)
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 61

q. Ai. . GzsAijU zqse

jw CzsPv
gP UAz A
zs PAzz zsPg v
WAn zs AzPg Dz
q. Ai. . GzsAig zq
z CzsPgV DAiAiiVzg.
Pz d wAU ZAi
qz zqsez 41Ai
sAi Eg vAz
DAiiqv JAz wgAv
gz CAvgAi zqs
e AAi zPgz
JA. g Cg wPPlAi
q. GzsAig zz
U zAiU seP

Azs CzsU
Azs PAzz v
Pz izjAi Dg AlU
WAl zs AzPgV
P irzg. EzjAz s
zsAiz Pvz vU z
u zgAiAvVz. v
WAl Az CjU g
zsAi zAwU v ezz
zAi UAxU gZ ir
qzg. FU q. GzsAijU
zgv CzsP Cg zv
PAiUU Qz uAiiVz.

v Az PjU G-Z UAi gUt

Q. . 16 viz z
v Azsz PPzg Pq
v v Qv v
GvP PAqzg.
P zgV GAiz Azz
UU CivAi U
r v zsguAi
sAz zrz idP vg
z PqU rzg. PPzg
v v dfz zsguU
rz PqU Czz JAz
g zAiz GP
q. P Av sgze w
62 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

Cg EwZU sAz
Pf gAi AvP PP
z CzsAi v Azs
PAz, AUg U Azz
v UAz Azs PAz,
Gq U Pf v
AWz AAiP DAiz v
Az PjU JA j
UAi gUt JA
PAiPz ivrzg.
zyU PPzg UV
CzsAi P vgUwUU
July, August, September 2013

vVz, AzsAi Pv
U jPAq Cg i
U fz CrPAq
CjQz. PPzg
ArUU CzsAiP Mqz
U E. P Lzg ArU
U iv CzsAiP Mn.
Ez ArUU AiPg
CzsAi ir PPz
A qPAz
q. P Av sgze w
zg. sAz z Pf
Agz . . AqgAU
AiP PgPz CzsPv zg.

GqAi PPz CzsAi v

Azs PAz U gP
UAz Azs PAzz
zPgz . gAe P sl
v Azz UU Pt
Gvjzg. P. UV
gAi v Uzg PP
zg QvU UAi PAiP
qPlg. v AWz CzsP
q. CgtPig J.Dg. Uw,
Pij Pi P. Ad PAiP
, Pq GQ w
v n Azg.

CVgt : zA q J gAUx G
zQt Pqz vj
vg gv wAi sl
Aw(j) v Avz
CAUV gt Z iP
AidAir GqAi gP
UAz Azs PAzz
JAfJA Pf v gAz
gt Pjv G
PAiP CxtV r
Av. AUj Sv Av
zA q J gAUx F
G rzg.
gtU sgwAi AwAi

V CVgt Gv
v zAU UAxU Ai
vV wvz gtz
AidAzg PjU Nz
U sQ-Q, t Pqvz.
zvP CV EAz, gt
d, DU, Ag 2013

JAz q gAUx zg.
CVgt MAz P.
ig z gP Z
PU Ezg zsAi Ai
U n. RV CV
gtz 15400 PU. 383
CzsAiU E. P Jg
CVgtz zvg, ,
t, UAUv, gu,
Pz, U, d,
AiiU, UAii, , Cz,
P, Ug, g, P,
Vvg, AiVv,.. U
sgwAi fz R zsgU
E JAz CVgtz Ai
zs jZzg.
CVAi v zU
CVAi Dgzs U
Czg v tgz j
v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 63

zg. AzAi U
Pgt JA gg Pvz
iv GT GvU F
iv yz GR
U P jzg. Czz
U CVgtz iv GT
Cz g. Gv
Pq CiA U vz.
Cwyvg R JAz C
gv JAzg.
CVgt Pjv Cg Er
Gz Pz P iv
U V.: sUP Pw E.
Dzg jgP PwU. PP
(vU) Aiig Aig C
vU C. PAi v B,
P sPPB JA iv
Pz vz.
Ug JAzg vAv t.
wAi DVgP
Ug. Ce gP. U JAzg
Ce g gP JAx. Ug
z Cz RArv zs.

UgP UggAv. Pgg
iv GT Ug
zg. U P. DU
AiAvt EzP jg. zs
AiU. v U Ai Azg
Aiig J iqP zs .
PU P E. U Ez.
Av GAliqz gz
. DzPgz g. v
JAzg wPvz. Cz Dv
dzP zz zs
64 / Tuluva/Vol. 3/ Issue 3

z . dAi , q. Z
Avg, JA.f.JA. Pf
A . Ai,
zAgz P. . APg
Aiif, v CrU
U, Avzg Gvjzg.
g : f sPg vj

zAiitP sgP
vg g lg wPgV
Aig gl
Ai Cg AiV Ugz
Ug zAi Pgv.
Ez Azsz E
Gz gAvg Ai
x uAig v EwZV
zAi U z z
Csz P vg
zAwUU P , iU
zU rzg. q. . J.
J. gAig r Ug
zg. Ug Af tg,
PAzz UgU U zyU
gV r Ug C
zg. ws Ug w Vje
g ljU U ZAq r
s gzg. Ez Azsz
PAzP xV sn rz
JA.f.JA. Pf Ag
U PAzz Dqv AqAi
zg Dz q. AiPg
PAi q. sgAz Pig
U . JA. J U
Avz Utg Gvjzg.
July, August, September 2013

d, DU, Ag 2013

v / Al 3/ AaP 3 / 65

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