Collection of Holy Quran

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Holy Quran

How many Sura are in Holy Quran ? 114 How many Verses are in Holy Quran ? 6666. How many dots are in Holy Quran ? 1015030. How many over bar (zaber are in Holy Quran ? !3"43 How many under bar ( #aer are in Holy Quran ? 3!5$6 How many %a&ue are in Holy Quran ? 1000. How many sto' ( (a&) are in Holy Quran ? 50!$. How many *+as+deed are in Holy Quran ? 1!"53. How many letters are in Holy Quran ? 3"36,1 10 How many 'as+ are in Holy Quran ? 4$0$. How many -add are in Holy Quran ? 1,,1 1" How many words are in Holy Quran ? ,,,01. 13 How many 'arts o) Holy Quran ? 30. 14 How many time .esmilla+ /l0%a+maan /l0%a+eem is re'eated ? 114. 15 How many Sura start wit+ .esmilla+ /l0%a+maan /l0%a+eem ? 113. 16 How many time t+e word 1Quran1 is re'eated in Holy Quran ? ,0. 1, (+i2+ is t+e lon3est Sura o) Holy Quran ? /l0.a&ara+. 1$ (+i2+ is t+e best drin4 mentioned in Holy Quran ? -il4. 1! *+e best eatable t+in3 mentioned in Holy Quran is ? Honey. "0 (+i2+ is t+e s+ortest Sura o) Holy Quran ? Qausar. "1 *+e lon3est verse o) Holy Quran is in w+i2+ Sura? /l0.a&ara+ 5o."$" "3 (+i2+ letter is used )or t+e most time in Holy Quran.? /la'+ "4 (+i2+ letter is used )or t+e lest time in Holy Quran ? #aa. "5 (+i2+ is t+e best ni3+t mentioned in Holy Quran ? 5i3+t o) Qadar. "6 (+i2+ is t+e best mont+ mentioned in Holy Quran ? %amzan. ", (+i2+ is t+e bi33est animal mentioned in Holy Quran ? 6le'+ant. "$ (+i2+ is t+e smallest animal mentioned in Holy Quran ? -os&uito "! How many words are in t+e lon3est Sura o) Holy Quran ? "5500. 30 How many words are in t+e smallest Sura o) Holy Quran ? 4" 31 (+i2+ Sura o) Holy Quran is 2alled t+e mot+er o) Quran ? Sura Hamd 3" How many Sura start wit+ /l0Hamdullela+ ? 7ive8 Hamd9 :naam9 ;a+)9 Saba < 7atr. 34 How many Sura1s name is only one letter ? *+ree9 Qa)9 Sad < 5oon. 35 How many Sura start wit+ word = :nna = ? 7our sura 0 7at+a9 5u+9Qadr9 Qausar. 3, (+i2+ sura are 2alled -usabba+at ? 6sra9 Hadeed9 Hsar9 >uma9 *a3+abun < /ala. 3$ How many sura are -a44a+i and +ow many are -adni ? -a22i $69 -adni "$. 3! (+i2+ sura is on t+e name o) tribe o) Holy ?ro'+et ? Qures+ 40 (+i2+ sura is 2alled t+e +eart o) Holy Quran ? @aseen. 41 :n w+i2+ sura t+e name o) /lla+ is re'eated )ive time ? Sura al0HaA. 4" (+i2+ sura are named /zaiam ? SaAda+9 7usselat9 5aAum < /la&. 43 (+i2+ sura is on t+e name o) one Holy war ? Sura /+zaab. 44 (+i2+ sura is on t+e name o) one metal ? Sura Hadeed 45 (+i2+ sura does not starts wit+ .ismella+ ? Sura *auba. 46 (+i2+ sura is 2alled 1 /roos0ul0Quran ? Sura %e+man. 4, (+i2+ sura is 2onsidered as 1B3 o) +oly Quran ? Sura tau+eed. 4$ *+e name o) +ow many sura are wit+ out dot ? Hamd9 %aad9 *oor9 %oom9 -asad. 4! :n w+i2+ sura .esmilla+ 2ame twi2e ? Sura 5aml. 50 How many sura start wit+ t+e :nitials ( -u4ette1at "! Sura. 51 (+i2+ Sura was revealed twi2e ? Sura Hamd. 5" :n w+i2+ Sura t+e ba24 biter are 2ondemned ? Sura Humza+.


53 :n w+i2+ Sura t+e name o) /lla+ is re'eated in every verse ? Sura -uAadala. 54 :n w+i2+ Sura t+e letter 17a1 did not 2ome ? Hamd. 55 (+i2+ Sura are 2alled -uzetain ? 7al4 < 5as. 56 (+i2+ are t+ose Sura i) t+eir name are reversed remain t+e same ? Dael < *abbat. 5, (+i2+ is t+at Sura i) its )irst letter is remove be2omes t+e name o) one o) t+e 2ity o)Saudi /rab ? SaAda+ 5$ (+i2+ Sura start wit+ word 1 *abara ;allazi1 1 -ul4 < 7ur4an 5! -a22i Sura were revealed in +ow many years ? 13 years 60 -adani Sura were revealed in +ow many years ? 10 years. 61 (+i2+ sura start wit+ word ;ad ? -uAadala < -omenoon. 6" (+i2+ Sura is related to Hazrat /li ? Sura /diat. 63 How many Sura are in 30t+. E+a'ter ? 3,. 64 (+i2+ sura every verse ends wit+ letter 1Cal 1 ? *au+eed. 65 (+i2+ Sura is revealed in res'e2t o) /+llelbayet ? Sura Ca+r. 66 (+i2+ sura every verse ends wit+ letter 1 %a 1 Qauser. 6, :n w+i2+ sura t+e 2reation o) +uman bein3 is mentioned ? Sura HiAr V0"6. 6$ :n w+i2+ sura t+e re3ulations )or 'risoner o) war is mentioned ? Sura 5esa 6! (+i2+ sura is +avin3 t+e laws about marria3e ? Sura 5esa. ,0 (+i2+ sura i) its name is reversed be2omes t+e name o) one bird ? Sura %oom. ,1 :n w+i2+ sura t+e story o) t+e wors+i' o) 2ow o) .ani 6sra1iel is mentioned ? Sura *a+a. ," :n w+i2+ sura t+e law o) in+eritan2e is mentioned? Sura 5esa. ,3 :n w+i2+ sura t+e He3ira o) Holy ?ro'+et is mentioned ? Sura :n)all. ,4 :n w+i2+ Sura t+e ", /ttributes o) Fod are mentioned ? Sura Hadeed.



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