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Is 8th House for Marriage or for Divorce in KP? by (courtesy of KPE-zine May 200 issue!

free "own#oa" at htt$%&&'$astro#o( ) 2,7,11 Houses for Marriage *. +n KP house 2 (fami#y embers)! , (#e(a# bon"a(e! s$ouse) an" ** ($ermanent tie of frien"shi$ an" $artnershi$ in #ife) are to be -u"(e" for marria(e! as e.$#aine" in $a(es *0 -**0 an" **, of KP Reader IV. /his ru#e is (enera##y fo##owe" by KP astro#o(ers inc#u"in( 0.1. 2hatt (Nakshatra Chintamani)! K.M. 3ubramaniam (Sublord Speaks- 1 to 3)! P.M. 3hanmu(am (Astrosecrets & KP Part I)! 4r. K.1. Kar (KP & Astrolo ! "ear #ooks). 1,6,10,8,12 Houses for Divorce 2$ As per KP Reader V $a(e *,5 (*58 in 6#" E"ition)! si(nificators of houses 2!,!** are to be consi"ere" for marria(e an" the houses 5!*2!*0!8 are for "i7orce. (/he 8th house may not (i7e the "esirab#e resu#t of marria(e. - KP 1ea"er +++! $$ 5*! 58! **8& * ,* E"ition $$ 8 ! 55. *08) 3. /he same is sai" in Astrosecrets & KP Part III $a(e ** that for marria(e si(nificators of houses 2!,!** are beneficia#9 for "i7orce! 5!*0!*2 an" 8 are beneficia#9 $a(e 22! houses *!5!*0 an" 8 are not fa7orab#e for marria(e. 8. 3e$aration from the $artner "ue to "isharmony or "ifference of o$inion is to be consi"ere" by *!5!*0 houses on#y an" 8 is a#so to be consi"ere"! if :uarre# is in7o#7e". ;ina##y to (et "i7orce after #on( :uarre# an" fi(htin( in court *!5!*0!8!*2 houses are to be consi"ere"! as foun" in "i7orce cases of %urther &i ht o' Nakshatra Chintamani by 0.1. 2hatt! an" in Sublord Speaks- 1 to 3( *!5!8!*0!*2 houses are "etrimenta# for marria(e an" matrimonia# #ife which may hea" towar"s "i7orce. 4i7orce with mutua# consent is $ossib#e without 8 an" *2 houses. (<man( /ane-a% Marria(e an" 1e#ationshi$s) 5. E7en 4r. =.3.>. Murthty! who ha" sai" that 8 (house of se.) an" *2 (be" comfort) are re:uire" for marria(e an" $#easure (KP& Astrolo ! )**1 $$ 8*-82)! ha" consi"ere" 2!5!, or ** house for marria(e an" *!*2!8!5!8 or *0 house for se$aration (KP & Astrolo ! )**1 $$ ,5-,,). 8th House in Support of Divorce 5. ?ence 8th house (:uarre#! "isa$$ointment) is foun" in su$$ort of "i7orce but not in su$$ort of marria(e a#thou(h it "oes not ne(ate marria(e an" not threaten se$aration from the $artner. ther !ie"s

,. ?owe7er! some KP astro#o(ers are of the 7iew of that si(nification of houses 5 an" 8 by the ,th cus$ sub #or" can a#so (i7e marria(e since 5th is **th to the ,th an" 8th is 2n" to ,th. 0onsi"erin( 5th house for marria(e in the case of #o7e marria(e is un"erstan"ab#e. @mon( KP astro#o(ers ta'in( 5th house for marria(e! Kousa#ya 3attainathan has sai" in her KP+s Astrolo ! & Prime ,inisters! $a(e 5 that for marria(e houses *!,!5 an" ** are to be consi"ere". +f it is not a $rintin( error of *st house for house 2n" house! there is no way in KP to ta'e *st house (*2th to 2n") for marria(e. 0a$ab#e KP astro#o(ers ta'in( 8th house for marria(e without si(nification of 2!,!** are rare to fin" in the KP #iterature in En(#ish. 8. @ccor"in( to other theories! ;our 3te$ theory consi"ers 5th house (**th to ,th) an" 8th house (2n" to ,th) as su$$ortin( houses for marria(e! in a""ition to 2!,!** main houses9 0us$a# +nter#in's theory consi"ers 5!,!** houses for marria(e an" 2n" house is not ta'en as a house of "an(er an" "eath to the ,th house9 in 3ystem @$$roach (3@)! 8th house is consi"ere" as one of many marria(e si(nificators. Pro#ise of Marriage . /he ,th cus$ sub #or" in"icates whether marria(e is $romise" or not. +f marria(e is $romise"! the re:uire" si(nificators of 42@ #or"s $oint the time of marria(e when it a(rees with transit. (KP 1ea"er A $ 2*) *0. +n -u"(in( whether marria(e is $romise" or not! on#y 2!,!** houses are $referab#e to consi"er. 2asica##y marria(e can be "enie"! if ,th cus$ sub #or" si(nifies on#y *!5!*0! 8 ne(ati7e houses without si(nification of any of 2!,!** marria(e houses. @s #on( as ,th cus$ sub #or" si(nifies any of marria(e houses! marria(e cannot be "enie" e7en thou(h ne(ati7e house are si(nifie". @n" so marria(e "enia# may not be -u"(e" effecti7e#y! if more houses other than 2!,!** are consi"ere" for marria(e. $i#ing of Marriage **. +n timin( of marria(e (42@)! foo" for thou(ht is that more houses other than 2!,!** can be in7o#7e" in a## 'in"s of ca$acities "e$en"in( on s$ecific circumstances! for instance 5 for #o7e marria(e! #o7e affairs! fu#fi##ment of $#easure! 8 for en-oyment! "owry! fatherBs e.$en"iture for her we""in(! 3! (3r" from ,th) for ne(otiation or contract for marria(e! *2 for be" comfort! 3! or *2 houses for a bri"e #ea7in( her $arentsB resi"ence to -oin the bri"e(roomBs fami#y in a far $#ace or forei(n country in the case of marria(e to forei(ner. *2. 42@ is not a$$#icab#e for e7ents which are to ha$$en in a "ay or two i.e. "ai#y e7ents. @na#ysis of 42@ is essentia# for not on#y in timin( of marria(e but a#so in -u"(in( marria(e "enia#. 2ecause $romise of marria(e cannot be materia#ize"! if si(nifiors of 4asa #or"s are not fruitfu# for marria(e "urin( marria(eab#e a(e of nati7e. *3. /he most common#y use" Aimshottari "asa system of Maharishi Prashara is one of three $i##ars of KP for ca#cu#ation of subs an" forecastin( system. Cames 2raha has sai"

that $erha$s the (reatest feature of ?in"u astro#o(y is the "asa system of $re"iction (@ncient ?in"u @stro#o(y for Mo"ern Destern @stro#o(er $ 2*,). Issue for %esearch *3. 1e(ar"in( the 42@ of $re"iction! an issue for research is how some e7ents ha7e ta'en $#ace without si(nification of any re:uire" house by the 42@ #or"s! their stars an" subs as $er house #or"shi$ an" occu$ation. *8. Eenera# ru#es cannot not fit to each an" e7ery e7ent of a nata# chart. @ cent $ercent accuracy in the astro#o(ica# $re"iction wou#" be $ossib#e! if an" on#y if e7erythin( in oneBs #ife is $re"estine" at the moment of birth by $ast Karma. ?owe7er! as a com$romise! the resu#ts of oneBs #imite" free wi## in this #ifetime may not be "enie" within the fate" effects $resent at birth throu(h the $#anetary $ositions in his or nata# chart accor"in( to $ast Karma. (see KP 1ea"er ++ $ * ) Muhurat may be he#$fu# to (et the "esirab#e resu#ts of free wi##. Moreo7er! ?orary or 1u#in( P#anets a#so may not (uarantee to a## to be a#ways he#$fu#. &otto# 'ine *5. /he bottom #ine is that *00F correct $re"iction cannot be (i7en with the #iterature a7ai#ab#e an" with the 'now#e"(e that we may (ain by stu"yin( them a#one. (KP 1ea"er ++ $ 85)

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