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ini adalah tips utk kengkawan yang nk carik post2, tips2, soklan2 latihan etc. yang Puan Linda hantar dlm LMS ni... Ok... u all semua dah biasa tgk main page forum kan... yg mcm kat bwh ni...
Online Discussion - ROZLINDA BT YAACOB



Ad ance Search %ie& O'(ion$ )!ecent* )Most Popular* )Self* )"nanswered Post* To'ic+ s, Gene"!l #eneral $ommunicati on on schedules and other administrati e matters 2% &&'
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-ess!.e+ s,

L!s( -ess!.e Pos(e/

!e ) pekeliling baru O"M *y MO+, !OSM- *-( *A.A! Posted on Mon 2/th Sep 2001

Ok, kalau nk carik post2 Puan linda, 'st u all klik button 2Ad ance Search2... lepas u all klik kat situ, skrin u all akan paparkan mcm di bawah ni...

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*ila skrin dh keluar mcm ni, u taip 2 lin/!2 diruangan 2Se!"c# 2o" Au(#o"2 4sila lihat contoh yg saya taip dalam ruangan tuh5. Selepas tu, u all klik button 2Search2 yg di bawah sekali tu... +mmm selepas tuh, secara otomatiknya kesemua post2 Puan Linda akan dipaparkan mcm kat bwh ni...
Online Discussion A/0!nce Se!"c#
|< << >> >| -ess!.e :orum ) Gene"!l Posted ) Mon '1th Aug 2001 Sub;ect ) Re $ In("o::: hie catherine, P!.e 7899

Au(#o" To'ic $ In("o::: linda !O6L-(,A *7 8AA$O* !eplies );< 9iews ) <7=

good to c someone already in the forum )5 i m pn linda,your tutor for this sub;ect.m not sure if u ha e looked into my profile.m currently attached at <A(M Putra;aya.this is my %rd year being a tutor.ta3ing but worth e ery moment to c students doing well. tell me abt yrself,keh.. till then,rgds pn linda To'ic $ In("o::: linda !O6L-(,A *7 8AA$O* !eplies );< 9iews ) <7= :orum ) Gene"!l Posted ) =ed 20th Aug 2001 Sub;ect ) Re $ Re $ Re $ In("o::: hie guys, as u all dah aware start sem ni sub;ect ni will b in pun in eng.its okeh co> i akan a;ar dwi bahasa.and then since sub;ect ni acctng ? tak kisah tentang betul tak grammar.sub;ect nih byk calculations.lots and lots.... i scare u@ )5 so hope b& actually coming to 7',, sape2 yg rasa goyang2 tu ? pls do re isit yr form & and A utk polish up a bit on the foundation.sape yg takde calculator tu pls do buy one. mgkn u all dah tau cara i in class fr yr seniors.and hope to c u all through out all the fi es classes. this sub;ect mmg u tak boleh miss ' class pls ad;ust yr masa keh.. pn linda To'ic $ S(u/en(s>Pl? (! e no(e:: linda !O6L-(,A *7 8AA$O* !eplies )7@ 9iews ) 79A :orum ) Gene"!l Posted ) =ed 2Bth Aug 2001 Sub;ect ) S(u/en(s>Pl? (! e no(e:: dear all, pl> take note that b& 7' i will post some notesCDEsCe3ercises that need to b printed out. u r reF to bring them during 7'. and as 7' will b on '&th ? i do hope u all ha e done a bit re ision keh. bit b> this week for i ha e to attend in?house training. do keep the intro rolling though,,i will check from time to

time.. )5 rgds, pn linda To'ic $ 'l? '"in( linda !O6L-(,A *7 8AA$O* !eplies )<B 9iews ) <C7 :orum ) Gene"!l Posted ) :ri 2/th Aug 2001 Sub;ect ) 'l? '"in( dear all, pl> print n bring to 7' rgds pn linda To'ic $ In("o::: linda !O6L-(,A *7 8AA$O* !eplies );< 9iews ) <7= :orum ) Gene"!l Posted ) :ri 2/th Aug 2001 Sub;ect ) Re $ Re $ Re $ Re $ Re $ In("o::: dear moon, know something@ donEt underestimate yr strength as a woman keh,, we could do wonders. ;ust go through the attachmnt.hope u dapat bukak. belie e in yrself n all will b well. rgds, pn linda





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OkG yg HPage 'C11I tu bermaksud paparan sekarang ni adalah di muka surat ' daripada keseluruhan yang ada iaitu sebanyak 11 muka surat.. So, u all boleh gunakan button H JK or KK or LL or LJ H untuk ke muka surat seterusnyaG +mmmG byk kan Puan Linda postG sampai 11 muka surat tuhG

So, sekarang u all dah boleh carik nota2, soalan2, tips2 yg Puan Linda post dlm forumG SMLAMA7 MM($"*A

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