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My favourite game I like to play:!

By: Tobias!

Minecraft is a game in laptop or computer!

Minecraft has 2 modes which are creative: you can y and have many stuff! Survival: you need to survive and get resources!

Inside Minecraft:! There are forest, enemy's, animals, caves, sea, rivers and mountains.!

Things you can do in Minecraft! You can be creative ! Having fun ! Creating buildings! Making your own world!

What it looks like! It looks like cubes and its made of squares!

Fun things about minecraft is that you can play in multiplayer! And have fun exploring places !

The v me ideo o play f Min i n ecra g ft

The story of minecraft

At rst there were three dimensions and they were: The dimension of day, the dimension of night, and the dimension of day and night. in the dimension of night and day many large villages were everywhere and were good farmers, In the dimension of night people were also in large groups but not in villages but in bunkers all trying to create a cure for a sickness that was called endites and made you go crazy and blow up stuff. Also, they were on a oating giant island but was almost gone and the terrain looked like it does today, then when they made a cure it made them turn into ender men, back in the dimension of day and night the villagers started mining and making mine-!

shafts until a weird room lled with a green liquid was exposed to spiders and made giant cave spiders. The zombies killed all the villagers and broke their mine shafts and the cave spiders poison made people turn into zombies. The zombies broke into houses and broke them into bits and killed most of the villagers. However, one got into the green liquid and turned into skeletons. Right after that cave spiders got exposed to sunlight and lost there poison but not all cave spiders went to the surface but in the mean time villagers found a cure for the zombies but is actually turned them into !

creepers and after that suddenly a portal to the dimension of night was found and was then called the end and later tons of endermen invaded and started to attack but then the portal was broken. All the creepers and zombies and spiders and skeletons made a stronghold around it and in the end portal turned into a dragon and convinced to guard the end do they did but in the meantime at the dimension of day or the nether the ice ball kept the place cool and kept the place!

from getting lled up with nether rack broke partly so not the whole place got lled up but the heat from the sun got through the nether rack and also a portal was created and a pig was mixed with a zombie in the nether and made a zombie pigman and also in the dimension of day and night slime went into the green liquid and made slimes and some went to the nether and tuned into magma cubes and some magma cubes evolved into ghast. That was the story of minecraft.!

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